Hugo Chavez, fiery Venezuelan leader, dies at 58

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I shed no tears for Chavez’ death. Whatever Jews remained in Venezuela lived in fear under his rule. Half of the Jewish population fled instead. He was an outright anti-Semite, and I don’t throw the term around loosely.

No surprise that he was also a close ally of Iran.

Goodbye and good riddance. I hope that the people of Venezuela choose better next time.
Not when the subject matter concerns the death of a fearless and implacable opponent of American imperialism, I don’t.

Hopefully his death will not see a deterioration in opposing American imperialism within Venezuela.
The US has some issues with Imperialism, I won’t deny that. But just imagine what we could do if we were nearly as evil as you are attempting to portray…just about anything of value could be in our possession.As another poster pointed out…we tend to give back the lands we conquer…
Good thing for Western Europe that we do or Paris might be State Capital, along with most of the other large cities. Cuba would be back to being a comfortable little resort island, and the Arabian Peninsula and Persian Gulf would have long ago been pacified.
There are times, I believe, that we are too nice for our own good.
For those who are hoping that the people of Venezuala do not choose a leader similar to Hugo Chavez, this may be more likely to happen if people making comments showed a little bit more compassion. Many major news sites are full of comments from peope in the US gloating and mocking the man before he is even buried. That is certainly not the Christian thing to do, and may I say is notthe decent thing either. That sort of behaviour will have quite the opposite effect on the opinion certainly of Venezualans and South Americans and in fact much of the rest of the world.

While I am sure that these mockers and gloaters in no way reflect the majority of the American public, they are doing their fellow Americans a terrible disservice by sending these messages. In the age of global communication, we should realise just how much responsibility we each have to represent our country and people fairly.

I am dreading the very likely Fox News blunder which will unfairly depict the people of the US as the sort of country that will kick a chap when he is down or spit on his grave.

Then it only remains for other news outlets like RT to give a more sympathetic view and BOOM, more pro Chavez style leaders achieve power. And not just in Venezula.
But Europe loved Colonialism.

Europe is to blame for most of today’s problems. We’re mopping up your mess.😉

America’s a busted flush at this point.
Militarily it’s either been run out of or run away from Vietnam, Somalia, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Financially, America is on it’s knees.

You’re living in a 1950’s bubble mate.
For those who are hoping that the people of Venezuala do not choose a leader similar to Hugo Chavez, this may be more likely to happen if people making comments showed a little bit more compassion. Many major news sites are full of comments from peope in the US gloating and mocking the man before he is even buried. That is certainly not the Christian thing to do, and may I say is notthe decent thing either. That sort of behaviour will have quite the opposite effect on the opinion certainly of Venezualans and South Americans and in fact much of the rest of the world.

While I am sure that these mockers and gloaters in no way reflect the majority of the American public, they are doing their fellow Americans a terrible disservice by sending these messages. In the age of global communication, we should realise just how much responsibility we each have to represent our country and people fairly.

I am dreading the very likely Fox News blunder which will unfairly depict the people of the US as the sort of country that will kick a chap when he is down or spit on his grave.

Then it only remains for other news outlets like RT to give a more sympathetic view and BOOM, more pro Chavez style leaders achieve power. And not just in Venezula.
I dunno about that, Northumbrian.

We’ve got several American gloaters on this site. They’ll claim they’re Christians too.
American hypocrisy if you will.
I dunno about that, Northumbrian.

We’ve got several American gloaters on this site. They’ll claim they’re Christians too.
American hypocrisy if you will.
And you claim to be what?

*Do not judge so that you will not be judged. “For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. “Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? *
For those who are hoping that the people of Venezuala do not choose a leader similar to Hugo Chavez, this may be more likely to happen if people making comments showed a little bit more compassion. Many major news sites are full of comments from peope in the US gloating and mocking the man before he is even buried. That is certainly not the Christian thing to do, and may I say is notthe decent thing either. That sort of behaviour will have quite the opposite effect on the opinion certainly of Venezualans and South Americans and in fact much of the rest of the world.

While I am sure that these mockers and gloaters in no way reflect the majority of the American public, they are doing their fellow Americans a terrible disservice by sending these messages. In the age of global communication, we should realise just how much responsibility we each have to represent our country and people fairly.

I am dreading the very likely Fox News blunder which will unfairly depict the people of the US as the sort of country that will kick a chap when he is down or spit on his grave.

Then it only remains for other news outlets like RT to give a more sympathetic view and BOOM, more pro Chavez style leaders achieve power. And not just in Venezula.
Funny for you to already lay blame on FOX.

Remember “We came, we saw, he died”?:rolleyes:

America’s a busted flush at this point.
Militarily it’s either been run out of or run away from Vietnam, Somalia, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Financially, America is on it’s knees.

You’re living in a 1950’s bubble mate.
Funny how Europeans were in most of those countries before the US went in to mop up.😃
And you claim to be what?

*Do not judge so that you will not be judged. “For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. “Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? *
As stated in my profile, Roman Catholic.

Et vous?
As stated in my profile, Roman Catholic.

Et vous?
And since Chavez was a virulent anti-Semite- even causing half of the Venezuelan Jewish community to flee, and you know that the Church opposes anti-Semitism, surely you must agree that he was anything but a saint.

The US has some issues with Imperialism, I won’t deny that. But just imagine what we could do if we were nearly as evil as you are attempting to portray…just about anything of value could be in our possession.As another poster pointed out…we tend to give back the lands we conquer…
Good thing for Western Europe that we do or Paris might be State Capital, along with most of the other large cities. Cuba would be back to being a comfortable little resort island, and the Arabian Peninsula and Persian Gulf would have long ago been pacified.
There are times, I believe, that we are too nice for our own good.
Some issues with imperialism? Anything of value could be in our possession? How about the fact that we use 26% of the world’s oil and private companies backed by our country interfered in Venezuela with the purpose of taking economic control of Venezuelan oil?
Re: Cuba as a ‘comfortable little resort island’? Cuba’s leader, Battista, was utterly corrupt before the revolution happened and the pendulum swung too far the other way. Revolutions don’t happen in a vacuum. They’re usually preceded by massive human rights abuses including economic abuses. Sad to say these abuses are often perpetrated by people calling themselves Christian.

Quit rejoicing over Chavez’ death, pray for his soul and pray for our country to mind its own business and clean up our own act. Whatever his terrible deficiencies the guy was elected, he kept abortion illegal there and seemed to help the poor somewhat. There is some gray area and we need to think with a Catholic brain as opposed to a knee-jerk Fox News brain. Our loyalties should lay with the Catholic church first, political party second, but it seems Catholics in our country operate differently (at least from what I see on Facebook and here).
Funny for you to already lay blame on FOX.

Remember “We came, we saw, he died”?:rolleyes:
Blame Fox for future acts that are only speculated.

Just wondering, what’s John Kerry said about any of this? Or is he still waiting by the phone for the Russians to call him back?
Some issues with imperialism? Anything of value could be in our possession? How about the fact that we use 26% of the world’s oil and private companies backed by our country interfered in Venezuela with the purpose of taking economic control of Venezuelan oil?
Re: Cuba as a ‘comfortable little resort island’? Cuba’s leader, Battista, was utterly corrupt before the revolution happened and the pendulum swung too far the other way. Revolutions don’t happen in a vacuum. They’re usually preceded by massive human rights abuses including economic abuses. Sad to say these abuses are often perpetrated by people calling themselves Christian.
Let me help you out a little:

[im-peer-ee-uh-liz-uhm] Show IPA

the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies.
Just wondering, what’s John Kerry said about any of this? Or is he still waiting by the phone for the Russians to call him back?
He may be still trying to figure out how the phone works and setting up his email accounts.
Some issues with imperialism? Anything of value could be in our possession? How about the fact that we use 26% of the world’s oil and private companies backed by our country interfered in Venezuela with the purpose of taking economic control of Venezuelan oil?
You do know those private companies paid billions to Venezuela for those oil rights, billions more to build the infrastructure and created tens of thousands of jobs filled by Venezuelans. Right? You know that?🤷
Some issues with imperialism? Anything of value could be in our possession? How about the fact that we use 26% of the world’s oil and private companies backed by our country interfered in Venezuela with the purpose of taking economic control of Venezuelan oil?
Re: Cuba as a ‘comfortable little resort island’? Cuba’s leader, Battista, was utterly corrupt before the revolution happened and the pendulum swung too far the other way. Revolutions don’t happen in a vacuum. They’re usually preceded by massive human rights abuses including economic abuses. Sad to say these abuses are often perpetrated by people calling themselves Christian.

Quit rejoicing over Chavez’ death, pray for his soul and pray for our country to mind its own business and clean up our own act. Whatever his terrible deficiencies the guy was elected, he kept abortion illegal there and seemed to help the poor somewhat. There is some gray area and we need to think with a Catholic brain as opposed to a knee-jerk Fox News brain. Our loyalties should lay with the Catholic church first, political party second, but it seems Catholics in our country operate differently (at least from what I see on Facebook and here).
Where did I rejoice over Chavez’s death? If you would really take the time to read you would see that I was responding to a post that portrays the US as some sort of satanic force. I simply pointed out that there have been many instances when we did NOT act in a negative fashion. Western Europe for example…much of the Pacific Basin for another.

So far as the news coverage…I really don’t watch much. There is a tendency for all of them to find the biggest moron available and ask their opinion.
You do know those private companies paid billions to Venezuela for those oil rights, billions more to build the infrastructure and created tens of thousands of jobs filled by Venezuelans. Right? You know that?🤷
Then Chavez seized the property.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has sent troops to take over companies that provide services for the oil industry.
“This is a revolutionary offensive,” he told workers near Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela’s main oil-producing area.
Military vehicles were used as the state oil company seized supply boats and two US-owned gas facilities.
Mr Chavez nationalised Venezuela’s main oil assets two years ago. The fresh drive comes as falling oil prices put state finances under pressure.
Let me help you out a little:

[im-peer-ee-uh-liz-uhm] Show IPA

the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies.
IOW what Europeans did to the world for hundreds of years.😉
For those who are hoping that the people of Venezuala do not choose a leader similar to Hugo Chavez, this may be more likely to happen if people making comments showed a little bit more compassion. Many major news sites are full of comments from peope in the US gloating and mocking the man before he is even buried. That is certainly not the Christian thing to do, and may I say is notthe decent thing either. That sort of behaviour will have quite the opposite effect on the opinion certainly of Venezualans and South Americans and in fact much of the rest of the world.

While I am sure that these mockers and gloaters in no way reflect the majority of the American public, they are doing their fellow Americans a terrible disservice by sending these messages. In the age of global communication, we should realise just how much responsibility we each have to represent our country and people fairly.

I am dreading the very likely Fox News blunder which will unfairly depict the people of the US as the sort of country that will kick a chap when he is down or spit on his grave.

Then it only remains for other news outlets like RT to give a more sympathetic view and BOOM, more pro Chavez style leaders achieve power. And not just in Venezula.
I think that Fox news is a little smarter than that, but I do appreciate your call for compassion.

One poster on this thread even chose to label Chavez as “evil”, which is probably the most judgmental thing any person can say about anyone. Such judgment is not our Christian calling, and reflects a lack of forgiveness.

Mark 11:25

New International Version (NIV)

25 And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.”

I encourage all readers of this thread to take the time and prayer to forgive Hugo Chavez if you hold something against him. If you find it easier to forgive him now that he is dead, so be it, but please take the time to forgive all political leaders you hold something against, alive or dead. This is our calling.
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