I may be wrong on this but I felt Concerned Women was an Evangelical response to National Organization of Women which was really big in the feminist movement at the time. NOW was not as radical early on or at least that is how it was perceived. We hear very little from NOW today.I’m wondering if Concerned Women for America started up as an “Evangelical Response” to Eagle Forum ? Back in those days, there was not the acceptance of Catholics/Catholicism as “Christian” by Evangelical Protestants as there is today (in most Evangelical circles, that is). I was lucky to be raised in an Evangelical Protestant church that accepted Catholics as Christians (although there were plenty of efforts to convince them to join our church!). But other Evangelical Protestant churches taught more along the lines of “Jack T. Chick’s” comic book tracts.
NOW (1966) had great and I mean great political power.
Eagle Forum really was a small group essentially run by Phyllis Schlafly after ERA. I believe there was not much to it. However, I suppose it is possible that this one woman band wagon that took down the ERA which was a major event during that time period(1972) helped bring about an Evangelical group called Concerned Woman(1979). They saw what she could do as one human being and thought what if we unite our female population and form a group, think of all we can do. Phyllis Schlafly could have inspired them.
Never thought of this aspect of it but you may be right on this, could be that they saw Phyllis Schlafly and Eagle forum as a major catholic group and thought if a catholic woman/women’s group can do this, we need a protestant response that is bigger and better.
Never knew much about Chuck Colson’s thinking. Will look into it. Thanks for the info.
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