Sorry, but that makes no sense whatsoever. Your understanding of philosophy needs improvement. . . .
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I think subjectivity and bias are different things.HarryStotle:![]()
(First of all, I am going to use the term “reporting” not to mean what journalists do, but what historians do, so don’t get misled).See the difference?
No. You didn’t answer the question at all, which was about objective reporting, not objective truth.
Isn’t all reporting by necessity subjective? Is there such a thing as an unbiased reporter? Even chroniclers listing simple events are biased as to what events to include on their list.
So can you have a more or less biased reporter? Yes. But not a more or less objective one, unless you are using the word loosely.
No. You were fine until then. Bias just means selectivity.bias implies prejudgement and distorting available information deliberately to make that information fit what you think it ought to mean.
Actually, I just explained that above.Degrees of objectivity,
Bias need not be erroneous, which I also discussed above.cognitive error (bias)
I’m going to disagree there. I would consider an error to be reporting something that was not true. Otherwise, all reporting would be erroneous, as no reporter will ever, or can, give the total picture. I would say that all reporting would be biased, but not necessarily erroneous.The mere fact of focusing on only one aspect of a situation rather than the total picture is a form of error.
Sorry about that, Of course, you are correct. But just change my post–I’m sure that Eagle Forum is quite capable of defending their founder! In her lifetime, she faced many enemies who attempted to discredit her or worse, and most of those enemies went down. And I think the credit for torpedoing the ERA can go mainly to Ms. Schlafly–God bless her and R.I.P.! I am grateful.She did not found Concern Women for America. That is a very powerful group. She founded Eagle Forum.
The Kennedy family is fabulously wealthy and has many safeguards to protect their privacy. They are often referred to as “American Royalty,” and I think this is an accurate description of how they are viewed by many Americans. I think because of this perception that many Americans have of the Kennedy family, this family has learned that publicity, bad or good, increases their support base as well as their power, political influence, and wealth.LOADS of film and tv has covered the lives of the Kennedys, some of it certainly salacious and probably far from historically accurate. I don’t recall living Kennedy family members getting hot under the collar about what is, after all, emphatically not intended as documentary history.
She was actually Catholic, I remember seeing her on EWTN, I thought maybe she was a convert from Evangelical Christianity, but she was a cradle Catholic.Ms. Schlafly (and most other Evangelical Protestant 'celebrities)
Do you know what prompted her conversion to Protestantism? Was it marriage? Thanks!She was actually Catholic, I remember seeing her on EWTN, I thought maybe she was a convert from Evangelical Christianity, but she was a cradle Catholic.
They are very different groups. I once thought of joining Concerned Women but thought it was more about Evangelical Christian women. Concerned Women was an answer or a group that women could join , kind of like Feminists for Life but much more powerful. It was a women’s group other than National Organization of Women(NOW) that spoke to women’s issues.The two organizations have a lot in common, and for anyone who is interested, Peeps has read through their “beliefs” and agrees with everything. I see nothing contradictory to Catholic teaching in their stands.
Where have you read she converted? She was a cradle catholic and stayed catholic.Do you know what prompted her conversion to Protestantism? Was it marriage? Thanks!
As F Marturana said, Schlafly was a cradle Catholic.F_Marturana:![]()
Do you know what prompted her conversion to Protestantism? Was it marriage? Thanks!She was actually Catholic, I remember seeing her on EWTN, I thought maybe she was a convert from Evangelical Christianity, but she was a cradle Catholic.
So, in other words, no, you don’t know of any shows depicting prominent liberals / Democrats being sexually violated by their spouses.27lw:![]()
Oliver Stone’s JFK shows a recent famous Democrat (President no less - LBJ) being complicit in his predecessor JFK’s murder.Really? There are shows showing recent famous Democrats being raped by their spouses? I’d be curious if you could name one.
Chappaquuddick shows a recent famous Democrat (Ted Kennedy) all but murdering a girl by knowingly leaving her to die in a car that he drove into a creek.
How many murders have living Democrats (the Clintons) been accused of by now, in addition to running a pedophile ring and Lord knows what else?
In relation to JFK and Jackie there are the loads of affairs, the alleged drug use, Jack or Bobby supposedly murdering Marilyn Monroe because she knew too much. lost count of the shenanigans they are supposed to have gotten up to.
Unless you think someone should be OK with having relatives accused of the above, but draw the line at rape? Sounds highly arbitrary if you do.
To be fair, her defense of marital rape, of limiting women’s access to college, etc. won’t make her look good no matter how even-handed the production would attempt to be.Hollywood is going to give an even-handed and fair treatment of a conservative political figure. Yup.
Many felt the Warren commission findings were not enough. When Stone though the tidbit about Johnson being involved should be in his movie, the media at that time were outraged and made it known.Oliver Stone’s JFK shows a recent famous Democrat (President no less - LBJ) being complicit in his predecessor JFK’s murder.
Another very controversial death. He is senator and he left a girl in his car in the pond without reporting it to police for 10 hours.Chappaquuddick shows a recent famous Democrat (Ted Kennedy) all but murdering a girl by knowingly leaving her to die in a car that he drove into a creek.
There is no movie or series.How many murders have living Democrats (the Clintons) been accused of by now, in addition to running a pedophile ring and Lord knows what else?
There is no movie or series.n relation to JFK and Jackie there are the loads of affairs, the alleged drug use, Jack or Bobby supposedly murdering Marilyn Monroe because she knew too much. lost count of the shenanigans they are supposed to have gotten up to.
Oh, it makes sense all right. Though it may not make sense to you, which are two different things.Sorry, but that makes no sense whatsoever. Your understanding of philosophy needs improvement. Study up.