Hundreds Flip Off Trump's Motorcade En Route From Golf Course to White House

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Before anyone calls this immature on the left’s part, I did see an article the other day about Trump supporters dancing and singing to Killing in the Name by Rage Against the Machine that includes the repeated line ‘**** you, I won’t do what you tell me.’
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You have Republicans, a class act, would never do this and then, the Democrats with their immoral platform. Now, it looks like the Biden lead may crumble.
You have Republicans, a class act, would never do this and then, the Democrats with their immoral platform. Now, it looks like the Biden lead may crumble.
From my post right above you:

Before anyone calls this immature on the left’s part, I did see an article the other day about Trump supporters dancing and singing to Killing in the Name by Rage Against the Machine that includes the repeated line ‘**** you, I won’t do what you tell me.’

Care to address it? Have you ever heard the song?
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I was called out for saying this last time, but there’s always a new post to prove my point. The consensus here seems to be “Republicans would never do that…” “Conservatives are always good people.” … the tribalism is so intense. Even if you believe that Trump is close to a living saint, you can’t ignore blatant examples of corruption and immorality like Steve Bannon… the man was instrumental in crafting Trump’s platform and getting him elected, and is now behind bars. There are sinners in both parties.
I was called out for saying this last time, but there’s always a new post to prove my point. The consensus here seems to be “Republicans would never do that…” “Conservatives are always good people.” … the tribalism is so intense. Even if you believe that Trump is close to a living saint, you can’t ignore blatant examples of corruption and immorality like Steve Bannon… the man was instrumental in crafting Trump’s platform and getting him elected, and is now behind bars. There are sinners in both parties.
Republicans are not for infanrticide. Some Democrats are.

Republicans do not fund abortions in 3rd world countries.

If one criticizes, please be objective. The above are horrors.

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Oh, a song? Wow.
Rapping and dancing to a song that includes the repeated line “**** you, I won’t do what you tell me.”

While wearing Blue Lives Matter hats. The song includes the lines

‘Those who died are justified
For wearing the badge
They’re the chosen whites

Um. What were they trying to get across with that mix of messages?
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Bannon’s crimes are less grave than infanticide, yes, but not trifles.
StudentMI . . .
Before anyone calls this immature on the left’s part, I did see an article the other day about Trump supporters dancing and singing to Killing in the Name by Rage Against the Machine that includes the repeated line ‘**** you, I won’t do what you tell me.’
The problem with that theory StudentMI, is twofold.
  1. It is a different issue.
  2. The Republicans are not the ones running around pretending they are calling for “healing” and “coming together as a nation” as an attempt to manipulate the public and public opinion (while simultaneously saying Trump supporters need to be “blacklisted”, Congress needs to be hijacked to go after Donald Trump after he leaves office, and implicitly suggesting news people who supported Trump should lose their jobs).

Hundreds flip off Trump’s motorcade en route from golf course to White House​

I’m not surprised by this one bit.

Brought to you by the same type of people who when President Trump’s brother died several months ago, not only were they Tweeting that the wrong Trump died, but they catapulted it to the number four trend on Twitter.

Leftists are very self-destructive people many times. This attack against their own president is just another example of that.

It is another example of Michelle Obama’s maxim . . . “When they go low we go high” spoof.
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twf . . .
I was called out for saying this last time, but there’s always a new post to prove my point. The consensus here seems to be “Republicans would never do that…”
No there isn’t. At least from me.

But what Republican’s don’t do (at least yet) is evangelize for partial birth abortion.

They are not into government protection for killing off innocent people. At least wholesale as the Democrats are.

And this love for abortion by Democrats matters. It results in a darkened intellect to an extreme degree. A self-imposed darkened intellect no less.

This carries over to other areas. And I think this “flipping off” of the President just is another sign of deeper issues.

(Yes Republicans have their own deep issues too, to be sure.)
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No they’re trying to tear it apart, instead.
I disagree.

Demanding an honest election is not “tearing apart” the country. (It is moving it to what it is supposed to be. A free Republic.)

Your link is not relevant to this thread except as a whataboutism. Or at least you did not explain how it is relevant.

As I said . . . .
The Republicans are not the ones running around pretending they are calling for “healing” and “coming together as a nation” as an attempt to manipulate the public and public opinion (while simultaneously saying Trump supporters need to be “blacklisted”, Congress needs to be hijacked to go after Donald Trump after he leaves office, and implicitly suggesting news people who supported Trump should lose their jobs).
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Bannon’s crimes are less grave than infanticide, yes, but not trifles.
What crime has he been convicted of? None. Wow. Falsely saying someone committed crimes may be as bad as anything one is saying Bannon did.

Gee whiz.
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Massive fraud is theft from a Catholic moral standpoint. You can call me out for labelling it a “crime”… but regardless, it’s gravely wrong. It really saddens me that devout Catholics on CAF so often fall into “why are you telling me to stop slapping my wife when Joe down the street beats his with a stick?!” Bannon should be called out.
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Even if you believe that Trump is close to a living saint, you can’t ignore blatant examples of corruption and immorality like Steve Bannon… the man was instrumental in crafting Trump’s platform and getting him elected, and is now behind bars.
Steve Bannon is behind bars? Wow. Where do you get your news? This is outright false.
Massive fraud is theft from a Catholic moral standpoint. You can call me out for labelling it a “crime”… but regardless, it’s gravely wrong. It really saddens me that devout Catholics on CAF so often fall into “why are you telling me to stop slapping my wife when Joe down the street beats his with a stick?!” Bannon should be called out.
The Conference of Bishops have told us that abortion is the preeminent issue. You like to mention Catholic teaching but you never mention this.

As far as “massive fraud”, there is no conviction.

Obama’s “Fast and Furious” is in the court system, people have died from guns from this program in Mexico, innocents, they have been murdered. I would not risk saying “Obama is a…” because the court case is in the court nor would I even say “Obama’s crimes”.

Same thing for the criticisms of Trump, trying to say “oh, his followers see this”, no, maybe they appreciate what he’s done for the country. Again, the most pro-life president there has been.

From a Catholic moral standpoint.

If people are going to claim folks are in jail because of crimes they committed, this needs to be looked at. That is false.
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Steve Bannon just got pulled from Twitter for fantasizing about beheading Dr. Fauci, a man trying to do his job. Stadiums of Republicans have gathered shouting “lock her up” and some wearing cute tee shirts like “F… your feelings”

I guess this is a class act? :roll_eyes:
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Steve Bannon just got pulled from Twitter for fantasizing about beheading Dr. Fauci, a man trying to do his job. Stadiums of Republicans have gathered shouting “lock her up” and some wearing cute tee shirts like “F… your feelings”

I guess this is a class act?
It’s still wrong to say he committed crimes and is behind bars over this. That’s totally false. To say he committed massive fraud also false.

Also I note, for all of your criticisms, it is not my position to judge anyone, if one has voted for Democrats in the last 20 years or so, they have enabled abortion per Catholic teaching. I think that is worse than anything Steve Bannon has done. And I do mean, in enabling, they are an integral part of it.

I think one’s criticisms should be seen in light of such. And criticisms would to me, be very unfair.

And there is this:

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