Hundreds Flip Off Trump's Motorcade En Route From Golf Course to White House

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  1. You beat me to it.
  2. I doubt anyone is much concerned about what RATM thinks They get angsty if their oatmeal is too sweet.
But, of course, all that is tempest in a teacup. Biden will be the new president, and THEN!!! and THEN!! the REAL lawsuits will start, and Trump will be the “hero” of this new reality show. And then the verdict will be “guilty”! and he will have to pay some serious fines.
I have no idea what you are talking about here Zake but you’re free to think whatever you want to think.
This is what he is talking about. It is not what he thinks. It is what about what awaits Trump when he leaves office.

This is what he is talking about. It is not what he thinks. It is what about what awaits Trump when he leaves office.
Of course. That is why Trump fights so hard to remain in office - to get past the statute of limitations. But the lawsuits WILL come.
RidgeSprinter giving an opinion on why President Trump wants to remain President (he thinks it has to do with bill-paying from a man who electively took no paycheck for his Presidential service).

Whatever you want to think. (I have no doubt the leftists will do everything they can to hurt President Trump if and when they get the chance. That spirit of vindictivness has been clearly shown to us by the left for years now.)

Four years ago the leftists in the media were reasurring people that “Trump” did not really want to be president, he will quit shortly after he’s sworn in, it was all a publicity stunt etc.

And some people believed that from the media too.

Meanwhile the thread remains . . . .

Hundreds flip off Trump’s motorcade en route from golf course to White House​

(Another living example of the left’s spirit.)
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tad . . .
This is what I don’t understand about Trump supporters. They’ll tell you they’re pro-life and with the next breath deride somebody by the way they look or act.
Yeah. Those crazed Trump supporters just don’t realize, brash behavior and murder of helpless innocent people are on the same plane.

Don’t forget those mean old Trump Tweets too when he pushes back.

Outlandish. Mean Tweets are right up there with murder of innocent people! And those doggone blind Trumpsters just can’t see it.
Yeah. Those crazed Trump supporters just don’t realize, brash behavior and murder of helpless innocent people are on the same plane.

Don’t forget those mean old Trump Tweets too when he pushes back.

Outlandish. Mean Tweets are right up there with murder of innocent people! And those doggone blind Trumpsters just can’t see it.
Because abortion has to be in every CAF thread.
StudentMI . . .
Because abortion has to be in every CAF thread.
Aside from the fact that this is objectively false,
abortion is the issue that is tearing apart the country.

And murdering innocent people will CONTINUE to be problematic (an understatement) until Government no longer protects such heinous crimes against innocent people.

REDEFINING persons in a society
as LESS THAN persons
ALWAYS has a bad outcome. Always.
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Because abortion has to be in every CAF thread.
I know many people say, oh please, there are other issues than just abortions. I agree, why not added to the list. It is not like, well you either take abortion or death penalty. I say, why not both?

However, do realize that about 2,500 babies are aborted every single day, in the USA alone. This is daily.

That is per day. That is about 104 abortions an hour. About 7 abortions a minute. Just in the USA.

This numbers are conservative, meaning on the low end. For there are many more ways to procure abortions that are done with pills and other methods.

I think that by that standard. Abortion is a pretty big deal. Equal to genocide.

By the time you read this, there have been 7 babies terminated by abortion, just in the USA.
I am not talking about Trump - an evil leader can arise and be pro life but that doesn’t justify putting him in power and it can be seen as a way to get votes - its not always as it seems you can’t trust some politicians they will say anything to hold their seat or gain power.
an evil leader can arise and be pro life
I am sure anything is possible. But an evil person that is pro-life? I am not sure that can be. Now, can an evil person lie that he is pro-life? Absolutely.
abortion is the issue that is tearing apart the country.
I doubt it. Only a handful of people (in the percentage of the population) care about abortions. It is Trump’s demagoguery that causes the damage.

The issues that REALLY matter are the
  1. corona virus - which he downplayed and denied every turn
  2. the health care system - that he actively tried and tries to ruin
  3. the economy which goes downhill due to the impotent approach to the virus
  4. the number of uninsured and unemployed
abortion is the issue that is tearing apart the country.
I doubt it. Only a handful of people (in the percentage of the population) care about abortions. It is Trump’s demagoguery that causes the damage.
Disagree. Just go to the comments on NPR’s fb page. It’s all about women’s health and right to control their bodies. That’s why they went Bork on Clarence, Brett, and Amy.
Disagree. Just go to the comments on NPR’s fb page. It’s all about women’s health and right to control their bodies. That’s why they went Bork on Clarence, Brett, and Amy.
Because they don’t want to lose the dominion over their body. If they would not be threatened, they would not talk about it.
Yes and as you said there are those on both sides.

Let’s not pretend that all Republicans are saints or class acts.
I am contemplating to open a thread about the weather, but it is likely that it will go like this:

OP: “What a beautiful weather in November. We have our windows open whole day long.”
Answer: “But what about the abortions?”
I actually thought of much the same thing.
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