Hunting Animals - Your Opinion

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There are a LOT of people who would disagree with you on that. I know many people who raise, hunt, and butcher their own meat because the way commercial meat is harvested is anything BUT humane.
If hunting is necessary, it’s necessary. But all too often it isn’t, and I disagree with hunting for sport.
I don’t like killing an animal only for the thrill of having killed something.
I have no problem with food-gathering that is enjoyable or even thrilling.
The average man does not need to hunt for food we have farms, butchers and supermarkets to buy any kind of meat you want, that way the animals are killed humanely.
I think you have to compare the death a wild animal is going to die if they are killed by a hunter and the death they’ll live if they’re not. Dying in the wild is no piece of cake, no matter how you slice it. When the alternative is overpopulation, hunting could easily be the most humane way individual animals could have experienced their inevitable deaths.

Similarly, animal husbandry can also be either humane or cruel, environmentally responsible or environmentally irresponsible. It just depends.

I don’t see anything inherently better about eating an animal raised by humans or an animal that lived in the wild. There are too many variables that can make either one morally acceptable or morally unacceptable.

Sometimes an animal has to be put down even though it isn’t edible, that can be done with a gun by a person who knows what they’re doing, but it seems wrong to waste meat that could have been eaten. It isn’t using a gun to kill an animal that one has a legitimate reason to kill that is the problem. It is (a) killing an animal for no reason other than hedonism of some sort or (b) wasting food that someone (or even some animal, in some situations) could have eaten. Someone who is doing hunting that a game preserve would have had to pay someone to do for thinning purposes might be only doing it out of personal hedonism, but if the game managers are seeing to it that it is done for the overall benefit of the people and the ecosystem, the hedonism of the hunter doesn’t make the action immoral.
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What if the village is vegan ? 😀 what a supply -
for a few years - if good refrigeration is available.
There must be a fine line though - between poachers and hunters -
and sadly, I know many hunters have unfortunately died - being mistaken for - a deer - etc -
Dying of a gunshot wound by being in the wrong place at the wrong time when someone with a gun makes a mistake is a fact of life where there are loaded weapons. (Well, it can also be a fact of life when you’re in a place where you’re defenseless and the person with the loaded gun isn’t, too, don’t get me wrong…)
You are correct, the human population is expanding, and that is a good thing. Everyone of those people was specifically created by God, therefore God wants them to be…

…animals cannot be allowed to breed to such an extent that they overwhelm the ability of the land to support them ( called 'carry capacity)
So. What would be the carry capacity for people on the planet? When 100% of arable land is under cultivation and the naturally occurring species in those environments are extinct?
Explain your solution? Population Control perhaps? By what means?
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Besides yourself, Who here has mentioned NFP? I don’t believe that that the Earth is overpopulated. Furthermore, nobody has advocated NFP to reduce the Global Population.

People who bellyache about overpopulation usually prefer to champion measures condemned by the Church.
Besides yourself, Who here has mentioned NFP? I don’t believe that that the Earth is overpopulated. Furthermore, nobody has advocated NFP to reduce the Global Population.

People who bellyache about overpopulation usually prefer to champion measures condemned by the Church.
You implied that population control would be inherently wrong. Family planning is not wrong.

But yes, there are not a few countries in which the problem is not overpopulation but plummeting birth rates. Without sufficient immigration and sufficient education of immigrants to see to the needs of those who will soon enough be elderly, those countries will have serious a serious underpopulation of working-age people, even from a totally secular perspective.
You implied that population control would be inherently wrong.
As it’s currently being pursued and presented, Yes. China comes to mind 🤔
Family planning is not wrong
You’re talking about a decision between two people. Population Control is generally seen as a campaign either endorsed or enforced by the Government that leaves no choice in the matter. I have never seen NFP presented as Population Control. Nor have I heard proponents of Population Control advocate for NFP.
As a second hand vegetarian, I’d like to add my opinion that hunting for sustenance is acceptable, as is fishing. After all Christ sought out the company of fishermen.

Oh, and a second hand vegetarian, simple:
Cows eat grass
I eat cows - Cheeseburger anyone??
Population control is a simple reality of life on this planet and has been forever.

For all of human history until sometime around the American Revolution, equilibrium was achieved at a billion people worldwide or fewer.

Now with modern agricultural practices, modern medicine and petroleum to make it all go, equilibrium is much, much higher.

But as a result of equilibrium being a much larger number of people, we’re having enormous impacts on the physical environment (climate change) and the rest of the biome (Holocene Extinction).

Folks who forward that the human population of earth may be too large (as we’re just so consumptive) do so on purely secular terms. Opposition, to little surprise, is almost exclusively religious and almost exclusively Catholic.

Crazily, folks like me think that if the population has exploded because of artificial means then controlling it can also employ artificial means.
The horror, right? 😂
Hunting and fishing for “sport,” for the “joy” of killing the animals, is something completely different.
Nonsense where do you think your local supermarket gets their meat from? While God’s creatures should be respected, they aren’t Human, God made them for us not the other way round.
Hunting just to kill, on the other hand, seems… wasteful.
But yes, there are not a few countries in which the problem is not overpopulation but plummeting birth rates. Without sufficient immigration and sufficient education of immigrants to see to the needs of those who will soon enough be elderly, those countries will have serious a serious underpopulation of working-age people, even from a totally secular perspective.
Not really Japan is doing just fine with a smaller population, most migrants are illiterate barbarians that don’t contribute to the economy of a nation but rather strain it by soaking up a huge amount of welfare.
I’d limit your squirrel consumption to no more than twice a month. They’re very high in cholesterol. 😄
Similarly, animal husbandry can also be either humane or cruel, environmentally responsible or environmentally irresponsible. It just depends.
What is your opinion on Halal and Kosher meat and how the animal is killed?
I am all for hunting if the meat is eaten. I don’t like hunting just for sport but it probably isn’t immoral IF the meat goes to the local population to be eaten, and the animal isn’t endangered. I feel like it was wrong to kill the mom and baby baboons, though. I would personally never kill any baby animals but that’s just me!
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