Hunting Animals - Your Opinion

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I don’t hunt because I don’t have to kill my own meat, and because I’m too lazy to go tramping thru the woods. I have no problems with people who hunt and then eat what they kill. I don’t approve of trophy hunting, but one needs to be aware that the carcasses of trophy kills are not just left to rot; the indigenous locals harvest everything.

Animals don’t have souls like human beings do, it’s not the same. If someone wants to kill a cat or dog for food, who am I to judge? I’ll rather the animal be sacrificed so the person can live. I think they’re should be some sort of decency when it comes to animals but in the end humans are more important. It makes me sick how many people buy a pet and they’ll spend so much money on it and treat it like their child. Meanwhile, there are children starving to death, seems selfish to me.
Not really Japan is doing just fine with a smaller population, most migrants are illiterate barbarians that don’t contribute to the economy of a nation but rather strain it by soaking up a huge amount of welfare.
Illiterate barbarians? Really?
Whatever happened to “when I was hungry…”?

There is no reason hunting cannot result in a humane kill for food and cost-effective population control of wildlife.
Dying in the wild is no piece of cake, no matter how you slice it. When the alternative is overpopulation, hunting could easily be the most humane way individual animals could have experienced their inevitable deaths.
I think this is a very important point. Both of my grandfathers hunt. Neither of them use the meat anymore, but they donate it. They do not use a lot of fancy equipment. They do enjoy it as a hobby - being outdoors, the skills involved, and doing a service for the rural communities they live in. Killing a deer instantly is a lot better than having it die in a car accident or by starving to death.
Not a fan of hunting for sport if the meat is not used to feed people. Animal population control is a valid reason for hunting and usually the meat is donated to those who need it.
Concerning the Second Article, Ms. Talley did nothing illegal and donated the Giraffe meat to the village.
IIRC, the giraffe she shot was to be killed by the wildlife management of the preserve because it had already killed 4 young bulls. She just allowed them to make $20K in the process.
I’m not a fan of sport hunting, mainly because it’s unnecessarily wasteful.
I do not understand why hunting for sport is wasteful. I no longer hunt, but used to hunt birds quite a bit. It was definitely for sport, but definitely not wasteful.
If hunting is necessary, it’s necessary. But all too often it isn’t, and I disagree with hunting for sport.
I do not understand the opposition to hunting for sport, as long as the meat is not wasted and the conservation laws are followed. Every bit of deer meat eated is that much less of some other meat eaten. So its the motivation for the killing that matters? Its okay to kill cows, pigs, chickens,etc for profit but not okay to kill a deer for sport? Even though killing an animal for sport not only provides food but often aids in the conservation of wildlife? Makes no sense to me at all.
I do not understand why hunting for sport is wasteful. I no longer hunt, but used to hunt birds quite a bit. It was definitely for sport, but definitely not wasteful.
There’s no point to the killing except the killing. That’s wasteful to me.

If you hunt for sport but still use the meat, then have at it. But just killing to kill things, not for food, population control, or anything else, just the joy of killing… I dunno, just seems wrong to me.
Shasta-Rose, it is generaly them darn ol’ city slickers that go to all that expense. My father and brothers went hunting with old 12 gauge shotguns and some were so old they had hammers to fire the shells off. They always got their game and deer. It put a lot of meat on the table. I also agree with poster who mentioned that you don’t know where your food comes from, how it was processed or how long it has been sitting in the store. Visit a slaughter house sometime; you won’t like it.
In Appalachia we HAVE to kill deer every season.

Human beings have locally extinguished their natural predators and if they are allowed to amass to what the environment can feed, you couldn’t drive your car at night. Or at least, insurance wouldn’t cover after-dusk driving.
just the joy of killing
I would submit that those who hunt for sport do not enjoy killing. They don’t relish or delight in an animal’s death. What they enjoy is: being outdoors in nature, honing their skills with shooting (there’s a lot to this) and also providing a service to their communities and/or feeding their families.

People who like killing for killing are outliers, and the hunters I know despise them.
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But no one does that. I know lots of hunters, almost all of them have a prime motivation of doing it for “sport”. I know exactly zero, who fall under your category. If it is hunting birds, or deer, they all use the meat. If they are hunting feral hogs, it is population control (in most places, these invasive animals need to be completely eliminated, although that seems impossible).

Why argue against a practice that literally does not exist? I would argue against poaching, and I understand that killing endangered species is a problem in many third world countries, but even then it is not done for sport. It is done to sell the rhino horns or elephant tusks, etc.
I’m sure you’re right, and as I’ve said before, I honestly have no issue with hunting. I just feel that if you don’t put your kill to use (food, population control, taking out a dangerous animal, etc.), then it’s wasteful. Not wrong, just wasteful.
They might be rare, but people who kill just to kill do exist, and they are the ones I have an issue with. Everyone else, i’m fine with. I have no issues with hunting as a practice, I just want to see the kill used.
Yep. I get all of that. And it’s legal, so go for it. I won’t fight all of hunting America.

Just, I don’t consider killing to be fun. That’s all. JMO.
the way commercial meat is harvested is anything BUT humane
It is probably as humane as it can get, although methods do change some from time to time. It might be noted, for instance, that Temple Grandin is a major designer of facilities because her experience of autism gives her unique insight into what kinds of enclosures and movements are calming.

Poultry, of course, are in a somnolent state in a poultry facility when they’re killed.
It’s different with different animals, but it’s illegal at least in my state to simply leave a killed game animal. You have to take it to a processor. With pest-type animals like feral hogs, it’s different.
I don’t know or have heard of any or many hunters that hunt/kill for sport. Father Mitch on EWTN is a hunter. I wonder what Jesus ate while rambling around with His Apostles-just bread and fish? Just wondering.
due to limited land area for African animals, parks often are forced to cull. They issue very expensive hunting permits to very rich people to have them do the culling. The parks then use this money to keep operating including paying people to prevent poaching.

hunting properly is a responsible way to steward our natural resources. My relatives hunt deer. The deer ends up in the freezer. Without hunting the deer population would explode, damaging the land and spreading disease and causing more traffic accidents including fatalities.

So to say that all hunting is bad, is a foolish statement and a foolish policy.
It’s different with different animals, but it’s illegal at least in my state to simply leave a killed game animal. You have to take it to a processor. With pest-type animals like feral hogs, it’s different.
Fair enough, and you have been consistent, so perhaps I responded to the wrong post to make my point. This whole “hunting for sport is wrong” thing really confuses me. The motivation of doing it for sport has no bearing on the issue at all, as far as I am concerned. In the developed world, hunting is very well regulated and very much done so with the complete cooperation of the hunters themselves. So the fact that it is even an issue means that most people who bring it up actually do consider the"“for sport” motivation the deciding factor in determining its morality.
I think I might be using the terminology wrong. I’m not a hunter, so that wouldn’t surprise me.
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