As you probably know, having been Protestant, that to an Evangelical or Fundamentalist it makes no difference how one lives their life.
This, of course, is a bold face lie. You slander as some Romans slandered the Apostle Paul when He proclaimed salvation by grace through faith alone (Rom. 3:8). To accept Paul’s message that all the divine requirements needed to procure eternal salvation, and the freedom for God to impart eternal life to all who believe, was accomplished perfectly and completely through Christ’s once-for-all, substitutionary, expiatory, sacrificial work on the cross, does not then imply your scandalous accusation. God will judge the intentions of your heart. I’m sure even Cubby would admit such a thing was never taught to him when he was a non-catholic.
Would I be fair to the church of Rome if I were to say that they teach their devotees that they can live their lives in any sinful vice they choose as long as they exercises the sacrament of penance?
All that is necessary is to “accept Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior” and – if one was sincere when they did this – they think they have absolute assurance of their salvation that “nothing can separate them from the love of God” – not even sin.
What you state above is absolutely true when understood in the context of all that happens when one
truly believes. It’s true, nothing can separate the true believer, forever redeemed through faith by the blood of Christ, from the love of God. Paul writes to the believers at Rome, *“If God is for us who is against us” *(read in context of Rom. 8:28-39). The N.T., especially the soteriology of the Pauline Epistles, clearly reveals that “sin” is not the barrier between man and God, particularly this side of the cross. If in your soteriology YOU make sin (any sin) the encumbrance, then you totally negate the cross of Christ. He came into this world to be the sin-bearer, and bear sin He did, for the divine intention that it be made possible for all men to be forever reconciled to God and forever justified in His sight by grace through faith alone,
“He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Cor. 5:21). You’ll notice that Paul never mentions sins in his list of things that some might think can separate us from the love of God. Reason being, the sin issue was taken care of by Christ on the cross. It’s a faith issue. Always was!
It’s all about Him, dear brother. It is not sin that will prohibit a man from eternally dwelling in the presence of a holy God, it will be his refusal to believe the gospel message of what Christ has done completely and perfectly on his behalf. To the unbeliever the cross is foolishness (to the religious man, as well).