I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.Yup. The only question is when this “appropriating” happens. You and Ozzie say it happens instantly and completely when you come to faith in Christ, which seems inconsistent with 1J1:9
How long does it take to believe the truth about Jesus Phil?
Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God-- 13children born not of natural descent,3] nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.
How long does it take to be born physically?
How long does it take to be born spiritually?
It is instantaneous! Yippy!!
Let me try to demonstrate that despite what you say, this is in fact what you are doing.PART of my original intent was to get you both to realize that the criticism of RC’s continuing to confess sins for forgiveness in no way indicates that we feel Christ’s sacrifice was incomplete, nor are we “recrucifying Christ”
You say that a “mortal” sin can put you in hell correct? OK then this sin was not paid for at the cross 2000 yrs ago. This is like saying that the land that your great great grandfather purchased long ago was paid in full, and this that you have the deed for, is now null and void. Why? Do you need to pay additional payments? Was there a mistake in the calculations? Was the mortgage holder crooked? I don’t think there is any mistake on Gods part, it must be your mistake. How did you acquire this land? I’ll tell you, you were born into it, you are part of the family. By the will of your Father.
Phil, that sin you say can put you in hell, what will atone for it, If Christ already atoned for it with his blood?
How many of Abrahams sins were atoned for at the the cross? Or Adams, Rahabs, Moses?
Did Christ have to individually die for all your past sins?
Was atonement for those contingent upon whether you could remember each one and acknowledge, or confess them?
What was the conditional atonement for sins in the OT? It was one animal sacrifice for one sin. Were future sins atoned for by representing the sacrifice? No! only by sacrificing anew?
Not complete the atonement , appropriate it. In the OT the Jew would place his hands on the head of the lamb symbolizing the sin being transferred to it. The priest would then slit the throat of the lamb, blood poured into a basin where a hyssop branch was dunked to sprinkle the offender and he was cleansed. Have you laid your hands on the substitute yet Phil?however, although Christ’s work is finished, something still needs to be done on our part to truly complete this process.
The Spirit bears witness to us.I cannot tell you, you must experience this.Namely, we must believe in Him. Just exactly what it means to “believe” and how one judges themself as a “true believer” is not so clear.
Phil Yes! thank you my friend.Is this better posting from me?