Hypothetically, let’s say I can create human beings and I have unlimited wealth (LOL). So I buy a fairly large private island and decide to create some people to keep me company (God did not need company, though I, as a mortal human, do). If I create these people. Naturally, I want these people to love me so we’ll all get along and life will be paradise. So I create people I know will love and adore me. It’s okay at first, but then, I get sad because I know these people love me because I MADE them love me. What emotionally healthy person wants love that isn’t freely given? None. (Please note that I said “emotionally healthy.” I know there are some people who are not emotionally healthy who don’t care why people love them just as long as they do.) I become sad about my creation and I don’t know if the people I love would sincerely love me or not. What started out as a paradise would turn into a hell because no one could be sure that anyone’s love was sincere or just the programmed response.
I am always willing to explore hypothetical problems. Actually, I think that they are great tools to find out a lot about ourselves. So, let’s explore your stipulated scenario.
You created all those “beings” for the sole purpose that they would love you - freely and without being programmed to do it. No problems here. But your thought experiment is not “fleshed” out. There is this island, and there are those “beings”. All of a sudden a disaster strikes, for example a hurricane. What are you going to do? Will you come to their aid, and help them? Or will you stay behind the walls of your hypothetical dwelling, and observe their trials and tribulations without showing
your love for them?
Why would you expect them to love you, if you are not willing to show your love to them? Love is not a give-and-take, a tit-for-tat, but if you just sit in your ivory castle, and do not offer the signs of YOUR love for them, then why would you expect them to love you?
Maybe you say: “I already showed my love, by creating you, and that is enough”. But it is not. Life, existence - in and of itself - is neither good nor bad. A good, pleasant, fun-filled life would be good, but a painful, misery-filled life is not good.
God wants people to come to him freely and sincerely. If they choose to risk hell (Catholic theology says we do not KNOW if anyone is in hell or not) then God allows that. And that’s the real answer: God only wants love that is freely and sincerely given. If he programmed us to love him, it would not be sincere. We could not love one another sincerely.
If he wants to be loved, then he should show his love for us, unmistakably and clearly. Since he does not, he does not deserve to be loved (Jesus and his unnecessary “self-sacrifice” notwithstanding).