Bradski brings up a good point here. We cannot understand God fully. But it is incorrect to state that we can’t understand Him at all. We understand, or at least seek to understand, what He has revealed to us of Himself. As a result, there are things about God that we do indeed know.Either we have no idea about God or we do. And almost every single post on every thread on this forum presupposes that we do know God. There are thousands of questions and everyone puts forwards thousands upon thousands of answers. God is this. God is that. God wants this. This is the heaven where God will welcome us. This is His son. This is why He sent Him here. These are His words. I mean, for heaven’s sake, you have built a religion BASED on the fact that you understand God.
No-one is suggesting that anyone can FULLY comprehend God. If that is the point you are making, then play the card and leave it at that. But…and this is a huge but…it only seems to get whipped out by Christians when someone points out what appears to be an error in Christian thinking. But if it’s acceptable for Christians to use it whenever it suits, then expect atheists to use the same card and the same argument back at you. “God is Good, God is the source of all morality’ – well, sorry, PR, as you yourself have said…
Some of these discussions come across as a political debate where one side will not admit, under any circumstances whatsoever, that their party can do anything wrong and will not admit that the opposing party can do anything right.
Whether we can adequately explain what we know is definitely another matter.