Hi JohnJ

Thank you for the post. I do not have the time or the inclination to reflect on everything in detail, so I selected this short, but very important paragraph. (It was not an easy read.

Let me give a quick recap of what I think.
- The “fall”, whatever it might have been exactly was not unavoidable. God could have created a world, where everyone freely and willingly would have been without sin: the “prototype” is the Virgin Mary. There is no logical reason that her disposition could not have been “propagated” into all human beings.
- Of course, this is the inferior solution. The optimal solution would have been to “bypass” this vale of tears, and create everyone directly into heaven. In this case everyone would share the eternal life, as God - allegedly - wishes.
- In either case there would be no need for a “redeemer”. The concept of “redeemer” is obviously a leftover from the pagan religions, where the cruel and vile gods had to be appeased by giving up (sacrifice) the “cream of the crop”. For a rational and benevolent God such sacrifice is not necessary. Just like a human father does not demand that his wayward child would break his favorite toy and offer the debris as a “sacrifice” for his “sin”, a benevolent God could simply forgive the trespasses, and also mete out a commensurate punishment - with the intention to teach a valuable lesson.
But of course in the solution #1, with using the Virgin Mary as the prototype there would be no sin at all. And in the solution #2 everyone would be sharing the eternal “love”, so there could be no trespasses either.
This is a very short synopsis of what I think about Genesis.
My simple approach is this: if someone has a goal in mind, which is very important for him, who has all the available tools to actualize that goal, an that goal is the best solution for all involved, then why not do it? Why chose an inferior approach which is NOT in the best interest of everyone. Simply: “why did God choose the current, highly inferior solution, when there were other options”? Of course this question is pertinent only for you, and not me.