Actions are volitional. Beliefs are not. As I said before, try to “choose” to believe that leprechauns actually exist, and they hid a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. I don’t know why do we have to repeat this.Yes, I do say that, PA. In the same way that I say, “Well, today I will choose to be a good wife.”
The axioms of math and geometry are arbitrary. The Pythagoras theorem is PROVEN in the Euclidean geometry, so there is no belief involved. It is also false in hyperbolic geometry and in spherical geometry. There are no beliefs involved. Beliefs are only needed when there is insufficient information to establish knowledge.Well, they are only “unshakable” in the same way that I’d accuse you of being “unshakable” in your belief that “The rules of math are not really arbitrary.”
Are you unshakable in this belief?
Again, this is NOT a belief. It is a mathematical theorem, which is PROVEN. Is it really true that you do not understand the difference?Are you unshakable in your assertion that “For magic squares with the size of an odd number (3 x 3, 5 x 5, etc.) there is a very simple, universal method of creating them”?
I already asked you, and you did not answer: “What do you think, what is the reason that the children of Christian parents are overwhelmingly Christian, while the children of Muslim parents are overwhelmingly Muslim, etc…”? That children usually “inherit” their religions from their parents? The obvious answer is that the parents “impose” their religion unto their children, when the children have to critical skills. If you don’t like the word “brainwashing”, use indoctrination or education.
An example of volitional choice is your annoying habit of inserting infantile GIF files into your posts, which have absolutely no informational value. They only increase the bandwidth, so - as a bare minimum - they impolitely impose themselves on other people’s “purse”. Bandwidth does not come cheap.