I am baffled, please explain

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So if we can’t know whether or not we’re on the path to hell,
Oh, we can certainly know whether we’re on the"path to hell". Who has claimed we can’t?
and we can’t know if anyone else is on the path to hell,
Well, that may be a bit more difficult. From all appearances, someone may look like they are going in that direction, but it’s bit hard to read the heart of another, don’t you think?
Well, I think the fact that he is accused of sexual molestation, and living ostentatiously is kind of a downer, as far as his being God Incarnate and all.

And yet you continue to follow the Catholic Church. Youve demonstrated another double standard.

And what about all those pre-programmed arguments that people give to exonerate God for allowance of slavery, rape, genocide, etc; “Whatever God does is holy” or the most popular, “Its a mystery.” Why are you unwilling to apply those same arguments to exonerate Sathiya Sai Baba?

Ad hominems aside, you still have not commented on any of the evidence which is greater than Jesus’.
Jesus also had eyewitnesses and followers who witnessed all he did and which they wrote down for us in the gospels as well as by spreading it by word of mouth. The apostles witnessed Jesus’ miracles: making the lame walk, the blind see, the deaf hear, curing all manner of diseases, casting out demons, walking on water, raising the dead, calming the winds, and finally they were a witness to his resurrection from the dead and ascension into heaven.
Jesus didnt have any eyewitnesses. The Bible says so, but that is a different story entirely, one which requires faith.

Sathiya’s eyewitnesses, which are in the millions, are still alive today and can be interviewed for their direct testimony. Westerners who visited Sathiya were transformed and can attest to their spiritual experiences.
And yet you continue to follow the Catholic Church.
No, Son. I don’t follow the Catholic Church. I follow Christ.

Just like early Christians didn’t leave Peter because of Judas, I don’t leave the Catholic Church because of pedophiles.

As Frank Sheed said: “I was not baptized into the Pope. I do not receive the curia sacramentally. To leave because of them—even if they were worse than their worst enemy thinks them—would be to give them an importance that is not theirs, and to have missed the meaning of m membership of the Church and Christ’s headship of it and of me.”

Not to mention, you are not comparing similar analogs.

It is Christ : this Baba guy

Not Catholic Church : Baba guy

And, of course, Christ was not an alleged sexual molestor nor adorer of the life of privilege.

Please make the comparisons apt.
From what I have read about him, the evidence for anything other than hysterics is rather slim.
In other words, just because we see signs and wonders and even have the proof, that doesnt automatically make someone God. If you logically follow that one out, the same explanation can be applied to Jesus. 👍
No, Son. I don’t follow the Catholic Church. I follow Christ.
So you dont go to Mass, tithe, follow the Pope, etc.? Does Catholicism now allow for personal relationships with Christ without having to obey the Catholic Church?
Not to mention, you are not comparing similar analogs.
It is Christ : this Baba guy
Not Catholic Church : Baba guy
And, of course, Christ was not an alleged sexual molestor nor adorer of the life of privilege.
Please make the comparisons apt.
Not to mention, you conveniently disregarded the second point of my post. For all the apologists who try endlessly to exonerate God from ordered killings, infanticide, allowance of rape and slavery with their pre-programmed arguments of “Its a mystery”, "Whatever God does is holy, “Our tiny human minds cannot understand how God thinks” etc., why are you so unwilling to apply these same arguments to exonerate Sathiya Sai Baba?

It seems youre caught up in double standards left and right as much as the people who you claim make double standards. :eek:

You still have yet to comment on Baba guy’s stronger evidence than Christ’s and explain why you dismiss the stronger evidence and opt for the weaker.
Great thread! Thanks for the Op Pallas Athene. 👍
I’m loving it.
…The second question is:
Why did he put them to the test in the first place if he knew that they will fail?
If the story ends with Adam and Eve in paradise, does that mean they didn’t actually “fail”?

BTW - it’s satan putting them to the test, not God. (Same as in the book of Job)
Ah. So nice to see you are indeed responding to my posts.
Your demand for scientific proof was so wrong, that I wanted to correct you. Don’t read too much into it.
So it’s rather curious that you would embrace Philosophy as a discipline to prove the existence of “possible worlds”, (of which there is NOT A SINGLE SHRED OF EVIDENCE)
No, philosophy did not “prove” the ontological existence of possible worlds. The possible worlds DO NOT exist as ontological objects, they only exist as mental constructs or concepts. If you wish to use the word “existence”, it would be beneficial, if you specified whether you talk about “ontological existence” or “conceptual existence”.
So you dont go to Mass, tithe, follow the Pope, etc.? Does Catholicism now allow for personal relationships with Christ without having to obey the Catholic Church?
Yes, of course I go to Mass, tithe, follow the Pope.

But please review the quote from Frank Sheed.

And, again, please note: Christ was never accused of sexual molestation. Baba was.

That seems to really be a downer upon any inkling that this Baba guy was divine, don’t you agree?

And, of course, no one is claiming that priests are divine, so the fact that there are pedophile priests is an otiose sidebar.
…Any world is possible, except the ones with logical contradictions (like “married bachelors”). And from God’s alleged “omnipotence” it follows that he could actualize any one of them.
  1. That among infinitely many possible worlds there are infinitely many with free will and without pain and suffering? (I even gave a non-trivial constructive example in the other thread).
Perhaps the answer is that there are wolds which are logically possible (nobody sins of their own free choice) but are not feasible for God to actualize. For your propostion to be true, you’d have to convince me that God could actually create a world where people with free will never actually sin. Yes, God could force them but then they would not be free.
Your demand for scientific proof was so wrong, that I wanted to correct you.

We can continue to dialogue since I know how much you are interested in me. 🙂
No, philosophy did not “prove” the ontological existence of possible worlds. The possible worlds DO NOT exist as ontological objects, they only exist as mental constructs or concepts.
Well, if that’s all you mean, then speaking in hypotheticals is absolutely inutile, unless they actually exist.

It would be like having a discussion on what type of tree Boy George would be.
In other words, just because we see signs and wonders and even have the proof, that doesnt automatically make someone God. If you logically follow that one out, the same explanation can be applied to Jesus. 👍
Has Babs come back from the dead?
Has Babs stopped any Saul from a journey to his particular Damascus filling him with the knowledge and wisdom of the Holy Spirit?
This and so much more; no, it is so clearly not the same thing.
Great thread! Thanks for the Op Pallas Athene. 👍
I’m loving it.
Thanks 🙂
If the story ends with Adam and Eve in paradise, does that mean they didn’t actually “fail”?
What about the rest of us? I know that the church does not say that “any specific person” is in hell, but it does say that any specific person who dies in the state of unrepented mortal sin IS in hell. So every one of those humans, who have heard that gratuitous sexual activity is a mortal sin, but do not accept it, will be in hell… Moreover, in the catechism it is clearly stated that “stubborn” disbelief in God IS also a mortal sin. That disposes of all the atheists, who have heard about God, also heard the arguments for God, but discard these arguments as invalid, “stubbornly” disbelieve in God, so they are legitimate fodder for the flames of hell.
Just stick with the Genesis story. Adam and Eve.
Did they really fail (according to the Op) if they are in Heaven?
What about the rest of us? I know that the church does not say that “any specific person” is in hell, but it does say that any specific person who dies in the state of unrepented mortal sin IS in hell. So every one of those humans, who have heard that gratuitous sexual activity is a mortal sin, but do not accept it, will be in hell… Moreover, in the catechism it is clearly stated that “stubborn” disbelief in God IS also a mortal sin. That disposes of all the atheists, who have heard about God, also heard the arguments for God, but discard these arguments as invalid, “stubbornly” disbelieve in God, so they are legitimate fodder for the flames of hell.
Yep. Pretty much.

To the degree that one’s heart is disposed to hate, is the degree to which he is condemned.

If today you hear His voice, harden not your heart.
Just stick with the Genesis story. Adam and Eve.
Did they really fail if they are in Heaven?
Everyone who is in heaven failed at some point in their lives, Lion. It’s what they did after that that determined the rest.

(NB: Universe of discourse for “everyone” is: every human person who made any informed choices; that is, babies, those with mental deficits are excluded from the universe of discourse).
Everyone who is in heaven failed at some point in their lives, Lion. It’s what they did after that that determined the rest.

(NB: Universe of discourse for “everyone” is: every human person who made any informed choices; that is, babies, those with mental deficits are excluded from the universe of discourse).
Do you agree with Jesus Christ when He says of certain people, it would have been better if they had never been born?

Can you please explain that verse to our friend Pallas Athene? TIA
Do you agree with Jesus Christ when He says of certain people, it would have been better if they had never been born?

Can you please explain that verse to our friend Pallas Athene? TIA
Some view this as a statement that Judas is in hell, as Christ makes this statement in reference to him.

I don’t believe that to be so.

I believe that Judas repented.

However, I believe that it may have been better if Hitler had never been born…but I understand that to mean that it would have eliminated the horrific suffering of millions. Not that he is in hell.

What do you think?
Yes, of course I go to Mass, tithe, follow the Pope.

But please review the quote from Frank Sheed.

**And, again, please note: Christ was never accused of sexual molestation. Baba was.
That seems to really be a downer upon any inkling that this Baba guy was divine, don’t you agree?

And, of course, no one is claiming that priests are divine, so the fact that there are pedophile priests is an otiose sidebar.
God/Christ has done some pretty harsh things like killing infants, ordering killings of neighboring tribes and non-believers, allowed rape, slavery, incest, etc. Why are you trying to avoid these instances when comparing with Baba?
Has Babs come back from the dead?
Yes, with video proof too. Cant get any more solid, can you? Where is Jesus’ video proof?
Has Babs stopped any Saul from a journey to his particular Damascus filling him with the knowledge and wisdom of the Holy Spirit?
Yes, there are many “Sauls” that Sathiya Sai Baba has converted.
This and so much more; no, it is so clearly not the same thing.
Exactly, Sathiya has much better evidence.
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