Does this make you think of Jimmy Soul’s song with only two words changed?
“If you want to be happy for the rest of your life,
Never make a (Protestant) woman your wife,
So from my personal point of view,
Get a (Catholic) girl to marry you!”
TC3033: it’s unfortunate about that comment about respect. But, we can’t omit all generalizations when teaching children. For instance, I believe anybody who smokes cigarettes is an idiot. If I had kids, I would state that many times because I believe kids respond best to generalizations. Kids need to identify with the correct side.
We were all taught that smoking is bad by my father’s tales about how weak-willed his employees were. He’d give them financial incentives to quit, but they’d always keep smoking. Well, none of us children smoked out of fear of being considered a weak-kneed ninny. The minute you start pussy-footing about and explain the myriad ways to think of smoking, you open up negative possibilities for your kids.
I hope you are teaching your kids to marry Catholic. It worked for you, right?