@Tis_Bearself makes a good point. Though to be fair; my ex and I were both Protestants at the time. Though I was praying the Rosary and she would throw faith alone at me and I’d respond with faith without works is dead.
After the divorce, I was received into the Church.
Flash forward: My ex died last December and I inherited my sons.
We live with my parents, my sister and my niece. All liberal ELCA and I’m a conservative Catholic. Fun times had by all.
Basically, at home I can’t open my mouth and defend the Faith against their liberal views they say in front of my sons all the time without a war starting up.
Even though my Dad tries to defuse us and I try to be ecumenical, I’ll admit though that I’m not very nice about it most of the time; but my Mom and my sister’s feelings get real hurt real easy because they feel that I say everything they believe is wrong.
Last night: My sister told my boys, right in front of me at the dinner table; that being gay was okay. My Mom tried to get me to be silent and speak with my boys in private later; but I came straight out and told her that she’s not telling my sons that it’s okay to be gay when it’s not. It violates God’s Law and you can’t be Christian and be gay.
Later, my niece comes out, telling me to burn in hell; informing me that she’s bisexual and saying I’m bashing on her because she’s
1: Pro Abortion
2: Lutheran
3: Bisexual
I’m not bashing; I’m simply saying that abortion is murder, Luther was wrong and being gay is a sin.
I have two things I’d redo if I could:
1: Be nicer about my Faith vs theirs
2: Tell my niece that her being gay isn’t wrong of a sin. It’s engaging in those acts and loving the lifestyle is the sin.
That’s what I face every day when I come home; while one son is discerning the Faith and the other remains Lutheran and tells me that my fiancé and I should be Lutheran and some antiCatholicism on his part.
Both my sons are nine.
And that’s the family I was born into. This isn’t even a marriage. That would be worse. I tell you: I’ll never date outside the Faith; if this is what I could expect dating a devout Protestant.
The only solace I have in my life is my Faith, the Church, my kids and my fiancé. The reason why I find so much solace and support with her is that she herself is Catholic. She understands my Faith.