It says in my RCIA book that a Catholic and a non-Catholic may marry, as long as the non-Catholic partner agrees to raise any children born to the couple as Catholics.
You are from a strong Catholic family. She is from a strong Protestant family. You say she is very enthusiastic about her Protestant faith, and not interested in converting to Catholicism.
As it is, I don’t think you and she are meant to marry one another. The two of you, plus your family and her family will be in constant conflict. You will be going against a basis tenet of the Catholic Church. Do you see that?
We can have lots of friends who we like or even love. It doesn’t mean we should marry them. Sometimes what we call love is an obsession or infatuation with the other person.
Marriage is a serious, lifelong commitment. It’s two people dealing with everyday life in a realistic adult manner.
Are you willing to give up your Catholic Faith? If not, I’d run from this relationship right now.
I’m assuming you are a committed Catholic.
Ask God what He thinks. Spend some time at a Eucharistic Holy Hour (by yourself) and pray pray pray. You will get an answer to your prayers. I’ll pray a Hail Mary for you.
Hail Mary full of Grace
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus
Holy Mary, Mother of God
Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.