I am Catholic and my girlfriend is Protestant

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Thank you, I appreciate the prayers! Just a lot of different info coming at once. As far as the exact denomination I’m not sure but from what I have seen and heard it is not good things about Catholics she compared us to Baptist’s. At this point I am interesting in hanging on a little longer just so I don’t throw it all away, but if I see some things I’m pretty sure I am going to I will leave.
Life often hurts.

Sigh. . . but if you do part ways, years from now you will look back upon this portion of your life that messed with your heart and breathe a sigh of relief.

Been there, done that. As I look back over the decades and see how people have changed, I thank God for the ones who got away, because even though they’re good men, I know that I ultimately wouldn’t have been happy if I’d been yoked to them.

Best wishes!
Exceptions is the reason the social sciences and the hard sciences are in different buildings on campus.

Fact remains, differing faiths in a marriage contribute to the probability (though not certainty) of failure.
I grew up Protestant and know first-hand how irrational they are regarding Catholicism.
I was a born and brought up Methodist (now Catholic) and I did not know any Methodists who were irrational about Catholics or even said anything negative about them.
Fair enough, but what if the exception to the rule is all the doom and gloom battle ground posts here vs the rest of us just sailing along, not even thinking about it.
Fact remains, differing faiths in a marriage contribute to the probability (though not certainty) of failure.
Well, fact remaining is every marriage on the planet has factors in it that will contribute to the probability of failure. Can differing faiths factor in, sure…if you let it and have no respect for the others faith background… 🤷‍♂️
Those of us that know are just trying to save both these young people a good deal of existential heartache.

As far as “sailing along”, you haven’t always.
Either your faith isn’t all that important to you, your wife’s faith isn’t all that important to her or you’re lying.

You may have arrived at a tenable peace now, but that’s been after several “goes” on the matter.
Respectfully, sir, we simply know better.
I would say to walk away. I’m in a mixed marriage. It’s so hard. It’s a self-inflicted cross of enormous weight which causes me immense mental stress. I love my husband enormously. But his opposition to the church and my faith, which he did not have when we married, is very difficult. He used to be ambivalent, agnostic was OK about being married in a church, having our kids raised catholic. Now he’s a hardened athiest. People change. If God and your faith is a priority, I would seriously reconsider.
Those of us that know are just trying to save both these young people a good deal of existential heartache.
What kind of experience do I need on my resume to “be in the know”. I also want to save the OP un-needes stress as “mixed” marriages often can and do work. I’m always glad my wife didn’t come here for relationship advice when we were in college.
you haven’t always.
Ya we have.
Either your faith isn’t all that important to you, your wife’s faith isn’t all that important to her or you’re lying.
One of the more offensive things I’ve had said to me on here, and I don’t use that often. How about “none of the above”. Can we be adults who both respect each other’s faith and embrace what we have in common…?? 🤷‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️
You may have arrived at a tenable peace now , but that’s been after several “goes” on the matter.
Again…what more do I need on the resume? Been together 20 years, married 16, have 3 kids and two of which are of the age they’ve made their first communion. Seems to me I have a fair amount of expertise on the matter.
Respectfully, sir, we simply know better.
LOL, there is no respect. Don’t pretend that you implied any.

Once again, what more experience do I need, and honestly don’t ever tell me “with respect” that you know vetter.

TBH, the only time we don’t “sail along” is when we run into people in my wife’s parish (including those in leadership positions) who vocally hold the same opinion as yours. But the nice thing is, she stays in the boat with me. 🤷‍♂️
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Greetings in Christ.I would talk to your family openly and respectfully about the matter. My cousin dates a Protestant. I think her father is fine with it as long as she goes to Catholic Mass on Sunday and remains a practicing Catholic. I think that a dispensation might be able to be given to you by the diocesan bishop if you don’t wish to marry in a Catholic Church. It is recommended that you marry in a Church, however. Also, if you guys had kids,you would be required to try to raise them Catholic. Please be aware that there are theological differences between Catholics and Protestants in addition to differences in how we worship.

God bless and best of luck.

That reads much different to anything and everything I’ve ever seen on “mixed” marriage.

Someone who knows more than I may need to comment, but that sounds to be in opposition to either the catechism or V2. IDK, that is absolutely nothing the church ever said when we were going through marriage classes.
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Interesting as I’ve see quite the opposite when it comes to “mixed” marriages and entering them. 🤷‍♂️
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watching my mother attend Mass without her husband
Not the mixed marriage I’ve ever advised.
I wish I had come to CAF for relationship advice sooner
Eh, had my wife done so we may have missed out on 20+ years together (16 married) and 3 great kids…I guess YMMV…but I would have hated that some internet strangers had talked her out of our relationship because…non-Catholic. 🤷‍♂️
This gives me hope…I’m a never married 44.5 Male catholic. No prospects. I like a protestant girl. But she hasn’t responded much.
Non-Catholic Christians are not heretics. I was a Methodist and was not a heretic.
It applies to Catholics rejecting infallible teachings of the Church.
When I was a Methodist I was not a heretic.
No I was not.

What “post-baptismal denial of some truth which must be believed with divine and catholic faith” did I deny?
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It says in my RCIA book that a Catholic and a non-Catholic may marry, as long as the non-Catholic partner agrees to raise any children born to the couple as Catholics.

You are from a strong Catholic family. She is from a strong Protestant family. You say she is very enthusiastic about her Protestant faith, and not interested in converting to Catholicism.

As it is, I don’t think you and she are meant to marry one another. The two of you, plus your family and her family will be in constant conflict. You will be going against a basis tenet of the Catholic Church. Do you see that?

We can have lots of friends who we like or even love. It doesn’t mean we should marry them. Sometimes what we call love is an obsession or infatuation with the other person.

Marriage is a serious, lifelong commitment. It’s two people dealing with everyday life in a realistic adult manner.

Are you willing to give up your Catholic Faith? If not, I’d run from this relationship right now.

I’m assuming you are a committed Catholic.

Ask God what He thinks. Spend some time at a Eucharistic Holy Hour (by yourself) and pray pray pray. You will get an answer to your prayers. I’ll pray a Hail Mary for you.

Hail Mary full of Grace
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus
Holy Mary, Mother of God
Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.
As a Methodist I did not deny anything you stated because I did not know anything about it so how could I deny it.
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