Catholicism and Satanism are not the extremes of anything. One is Truth, the other is not.
** Try to keep it real, rational and above-board. Please./**
Golly, I thought I was keeping it real, rational and above-board. Truth is what it is. If you put truth on a continuum to the right side, there would be nothing to its right. Truth does not have varying degrees of validity. It is either true or not. Lies, on the other hand, fill out the continuum with varying degrees of untruth. There are white lies, garden variety lies, lies that cause great harm–a virtual garden of lies of every shape and form. The ultimate lie is of course Satan.
So, Catholicism, being true is on the extreme right and Satanism, the ultimate lie is on the extreme left. Please notice that I did not use an adjective with true. It can have no modifier. If you think about it rationally, truth is always on the extreme, never in the middle.
I would like to thank you for continuing to twist my original statement that concerned Aristotle.
So you know: Catholicism and Satanism ARE NOT extremes of the same pole. They are two different poles. I had nor have no intention of comparing them.
I agree with your assessment of what Truth is, in the context in which you have described it. Keeping things “above-board” means to try to discuss things in the same context as the original intention. Not bring in a different view.
You have put a slant on my words that I did not intend.
And one question that I had: you are saying that there are no varying degrees of truth, correct? Judaism contains NO truth? (To make myself perfectly clear, I certainly do not say that Judaism IS truth, only asking if, in your opinion, since you state there is no varying degrees in truth, if Judaism contains some of the truth.) Just a question.