I asked the father this morning if he would let my Priest talk to him. He said sure, he is taking a few days off work to find a place to care for the baby and I gave him a list of places from the Moms club at our Parish to look at.
I guess they talked today, so I am hoping my Priest can be his listening ear and his help now in regard to his stuggle. He is really good at this kind of thing. My atheist sister in law even likes him.
I am glad I did not baptize the baby (even gladder I did not know how to!)
But I did sing to the baby a version of Twinkle Twinkle., “Baby Jesus we love you and we love your mommy too”
So much for my religious ed for infants.
He got her clothes and bottles this morning and I found some stuff for him I thought he might need (books he can use on care of the infant) and I guess he may need diapers and stuff too. I am going shopping later so if I get out of the house today I’ll see if he needs anything before I go, if I can get my rear in gear today.
Today was kinda a cleaning day. Its not getting far though.