Yes, I have a lifetime of stories that match to that, as I worked in the mormon business community for decades. Though, I would say the lying, cheating and cover ups are done to protect other Mormons and most especially the Mormon church itself. While, they won’t go to those lengths for a non-Mormon.It’s good that you’ve learned to protect yourself.
I’ve had Mormon friends for years, and have Mormon friends locally. But I admit my respect went down when a Stake President knowingly allowed his brother to lie and escape responsibility for a business transaction that went bad through the brother’s negligence. That showed me that it was OK with them to lie and cheat as long as it wasn’t done to another Mormon.
I should add, that I also worked with highly ethical mormons, and when they didn’t go along with the “game”, they were out. I have enormous respect for these individuals, as they lost jobs and Mormon prestige for their stellar morals and ethics. And when these sort of people were the ones in charge, I enjoyed working for them and supported them 100%.