JMJ Theresa:
Yeah…lots of doctors on that show end up pregnant for some reason…it’s like they missed the reproduction chapter during med school…not to mention that hospital seems to be the most dangerous place to work in america (helicopters falling from the sky, etc)I’ve been watching it from the get go. I did take a brief break when they were deep into Cari discovering her gay identity. I remember one episode that year when it opened with five couples in bed (talking). None were married and two of them were women.
Now another unmarried cast member is pregnant–I counted seven unmarried pregnancies among the main cast.
Last night, Abby and a 15 year old rape victim were both trying to decided about an abortion. Lots of “choice” words were thrown about. The Catholic doctor (yes, the promiscuous one who doesn’t practice his faith) eventually talks the devoutly Christian rape victim into have the miscarriage. Surprisingly, her devout parents were protrayed as trully kind people (though,obviously very misguided). He also performed the abortion immediately without counsellling and without informing the parents.![]()
NBC has turned into abortion and gay rights propaganda central. I am boycotting it, for sure.!!!