Generally speaking, yes, day 14 or so of a women’s cycle would be fertile. HOWEVER, not all women’s cycles are that neatly arranged!!! Also, ecological breastfeeding (as opposed to cultural breastfeeding, where bottles and pacifiers are used) can delay the return of cycles. When you learn NFP you learn how to “read” your wife’s cycles and determine when she’s fertile. There are at least 3 reliable methods
sympto thermal temps, mucus and cervix
billings ovulation mucus only
creighton mucus and cervix (I think)
They all provide teaching couples, teaching materials and help learning the method of your choice. This is the morally licit way to limit and space births!!! Many Catholics don’t use ABC, you would not be alone!!! I promise. And using NFP does not mean you’ll have a large family, though it might open your heart for more blessings!
Here are some books:
Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing Sheila Kippley
Fertility, Cycles and Nutrition Marilyn Shannon
The Bible and Birth Control Charles Provan
Good News about Sex and Marriage Christopher West
Open Embrace Sam and Bethany Torode
This site offers several cd sets for cheap! One is Christopher West’s Naked without Shame set, one is about the ovulation method and one is about NFP and contraception
There is not much excuse for not knowing the Church’s stance on birthcontrol!! Now you just need to try to accept it even if you don’t fully understand it…God bless you–I’ll be praying for you