Yes, those on the path to hell like lots of company so they try to convince you it’s OK to sin. Don’t listen to them. It doesn’t matter if “everyone is doing it”… it’s still wrong.
yes this is true and that is probably why
Your family planning is NONE of their business. My parents do not give me orders about my family or whether or not I work, or my husband works, and certainly NOT on the number or spacing of my children.
you joined him by not “honoring your Mother and Father”
never knock against one teaching when you are just as guilty of another…
Now myself I am a sinner,
dont worry about where moeny comes from, I make mush less than 50 Gs a year and am raising 2 of my own kids and taking on a new wife and 4 of her children whom i consider my own,
Its the lack of free time that sucks…Money isnt the issue as I can actually do more now than before you learn how to handle it.
Now i have different beliefs so i wont express those here.
.1Ke sorry if that seemed bad or insulting was not either,but hard to call the kettle black when you break a commandment to do it.
matter of fact i think the not honoring thy Mother and Father is a worse sin? it was on the tablets, using BC wasnt…
But its in fun so give a lil laugh ok?
What I am going to say to you is noone on here can make up your mind for you.they can offer interpretations of bible verses and
offer up guidence. the decision is ultimatly up to you and your wife
not the church,not us…
god bless you in your endevor