And how He talks to psychopaths only He Himself knows.
Just as God created the saints God created the psychopaths too.
In this side of eternity just as God needs the saints He needs the psychopaths as well.
“But we cannot say without denying the Divine omnipotence, that another equally perfect universe could not be created in which evil would have no place.”
310 But why did God not create a world so perfect that
no evil could exist in it?
infinite wisdom and
goodness God freely willed to create a world in a state of journeying towards its
ultimate perfection, 314 through
the dramas of evil and sin.
For God, for
the dramas of evil and sin just as need the psychopaths as He needs the saints.
At the end God will restore the health and recreates the psychopaths and with the privileged
He makes them all Well Informed Battle Hardened and Refined Glorified Saints.
311 For almighty God, . . . because he is supremely good, would
never allow any evil whatsoever to exist in his works if he were not so all-powerful and good as to
cause good to emerge
from evil itself. 177
324 Faith gives us the certainty that God would
not permit an evil if he did not cause a
good to come from that very evil, by ways that we shall fully know only in eternal life.
301 God does not abandon his creatures to themselves.
He not only gives them being and existence, but also, and
at every moment, upholds and sustains them in being,
utter dependence enables them to act and
brings them to their final end .
Recognizing this with respect to the Creator
is a source of wisdom and freedom, of joy and confidence.
God bless