'If gays don't like it, they can choose another pasta': Barilla pasta faces global boycott after chairman says brand would never feature a homosexual

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They tried to boycott Chick-fil-a, and it didn’t work. There are a lot of people who have never heard of Barilla pasta but will now buy it.
I now go to Chick Fil A more now because of their stance to uphold the true definition of marriage. Whenever I go there, there is always a long line in the drive thru, and a good number of people inside. I now will buy more barilla pasta. I just hope they do not give in by some people boycotting. There should be a worldwide barilla pasta appreciation day, like there was with Chick Fil A last year. Thank you Barilla Pasta for standing up for the true definition of marriage, you have my support and I’m sure a lot of support from the people on this forum!!
Coincidentally, I just finished sending an email off to several people over at Disney Channel for their decision to add a same sex couple to their show “Good Luck Charlie”. Sadly this is one of my Daughters favorite shows, followed by “Dog with a Blog”. We have enjoyed Disney shows and their products, and I had always felt it a “family brand” I could trust. A station I don’t have to constantly monitor or worry about what agenda might be pushed onto my kid.

I know we can’t stop this “progress”, but we don’t have to participate or be subjected to it either.

Also, coincidentally, I am going grocery shopping tonight. Thank you for making which pasta brand I buy an easy decision.
Let’s all go out and buy some to help them out! 👍:yup::clapping::):bounce:😃
Hey, I’ve always bought Barilla pasta more than any other brand! Guess there’s no reason to try other brands anymore 👍
“There are some adverts … which, when I see them, I think, 'but would this advert be broadcast in other countries? In the United Kingdom would this advert be broadcast?” said Boldrini. “And the answer is certainly not. An advert in which the children and father are all sitting down and the mother is serving at the table cannot be accepted as normal.”


From what I gather this interview was in part prompted by this woman and her efforts to change advertising. I don’t understand what her problem is? Why have a contempt for women serving their families? Why do these women not also have a contempt for the stereotype that men should work for their families?

It’s strange. If a man doesn’t do his duties to his family, he’s a deadbeat. If a woman doesn’t do hers, she’s “liberated”.
Coincidentally, I just finished sending an email off to several people over at Disney Channel for their decision to add a same sex couple to their show “Good Luck Charlie”. Sadly this is one of my Daughters favorite shows, followed by “Dog with a Blog”. We have enjoyed Disney shows and their products, and I had always felt it a “family brand” I could trust. A station I don’t have to constantly monitor or worry about what agenda might be pushed onto my kid.

I know we can’t stop this “progress”, but we don’t have to participate or be subjected to it either.

Also, coincidentally, I am going grocery shopping tonight. Thank you for making which pasta brand I buy an easy decision.
Sad to say Disney is not a family brand any longer. You want some good shows for your kids there are some on EWTN, one called Faith Factory, The Nashville Dominicans have some good shows where they teach kids the Faith at their age level. There is also a fun show called The Donut Man. There are also no doubt others.Check them out. On EWTN.COM.🙂
From now on I am only buying Barilla when it comes to pasta and sauces 😃
"From what I gather this interview was in part prompted by this woman and her efforts to change advertising. I don’t understand what her problem is? Why have a contempt for women serving their families? Why do these women not also have a contempt for the stereotype that men should work for their families?

It’s strange. If a man doesn’t do his duties to his family, he’s a deadbeat. If a woman doesn’t do hers, she’s “liberated”.
This is a mindset that I quite frankly don’t understand, either. Although I am not married, and I make a good living for myself, I have no issue with women who are in what would be considered a more traditional role. It seems that those on the progressive/liberal side of things only support women having “choices” when the chosen path is one with which they agree!

As for Barilla pasta, I don’t eat a lot of carbs, but I might pick up a few boxes anyway (I’m sure someone can put them to good use). I don’t know if this is a good business decision on Barilla’s part, but I think they have a right to market their brand in the way that see fit and fits with their sense of morality…
Coincidentally, I just finished sending an email off to several people over at Disney Channel for their decision to add a same sex couple to their show “Good Luck Charlie”. Sadly this is one of my Daughters favorite shows, followed by “Dog with a Blog”. We have enjoyed Disney shows and their products, and I had always felt it a “family brand” I could trust. A station I don’t have to constantly monitor or worry about what agenda might be pushed onto my kid.

I know we can’t stop this “progress”, but we don’t have to participate or be subjected to it either.

Also, coincidentally, I am going grocery shopping tonight. Thank you for making which pasta brand I buy an easy decision.
a same sex couple in good Luck charlie??? :eek: that is one of my daughter’s favorite shows (dog with a blog too) and my thoughts were the same as yours, I had no idea about this and I am in shock. I am going to send an e-mail too to Disney Channel. One question did you use the e-mails from Disney Channel’s website? Or to the producers of the show? I think it would be great if I can send them to the same person you did so they can see there is several people unhappy about this. I think it is very important for US to stand up and start taking this measures (complaining and sending emails) so our voice can be heard. Amy other parent reading this thread please send letters of emails to the Disney channel too.
From now on I am only buying Barilla when it comes to pasta and sauces 😃
Gays could stage a “girl-cott” for all I care. If I need pasta Barilla will be the brand of choice:thumbsup: (wouldn’t a “boy-cott” be too sexist for them?) Maybe it would have to be a “Gay-cott” a “lesbian-cott”, or even a “transgender-cott”🤷
This is a mindset that I quite frankly don’t understand, either. Although I am not married, and I make a good living for myself, I have no issue with women who are in what would be considered a more traditional role. It seems that those on the progressive/liberal side of things only support women having “choices” when the chosen path is one with which they agree!

As for Barilla pasta, I don’t eat a lot of carbs, but I might pick up a few boxes anyway (I’m sure someone can put them to good use). I don’t know if this is a good business decision on Barilla’s part, but I think they have a right to market their brand in the way that see fit and fits with their sense of morality…
You might donate them to a food pantry if there is one your church has or supports:thumbsup:
Wouldn’t it be great if the people of faith would come together and protect companies, and organizations, from these boycotts, make their boycotts, useless?
Good for them! Glad to see they aren’t afraid to stand up for what is right and not be pushed around by “the agenda”. I like Barilla products, and like many of you we will be buying more of it. 👍

I followed the advice of the Starbucks CEO …since I didn’t agree with SSM, I followed his wishes and purchase coffee elsewhere. Not going to impact their sales really, but at least I’m not supporting it.

I find it ironic that these people in favor of SSM support the Starbucks thing but not Barilla or CFA stance …its the same thing. Standing up for what you believe it.

Bottom line, its not about “tolerance” and “acceptance” of persons, its more about pushing you to agree with their choice of sinful lifestyle. That’s the one thing they can not do and it makes them mad. It can be put in my face, but I will NOT agree with it …ever! 🙂
Have eaten Barilla pasta for many years and will continue to do so. Thank you Barilla!!!
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