Ok so God commands a thing because it is good? You just said “but rather, God commands it because it is good.” Just want to make sure. Would you also say that “goodness” is therefore separate from and prior to God’s will? This may get us off topic, just wanted to ask.I never said it is good because God commands it, you are misinterpreting me. God IS good, God IS love, he is the pure embodiment of good, and it is from Him that our concept of good is derived. It is not good because God commands it, but rather God commands it because it is good. God cannot command us to do something evil because that would be contrary to his nature.
Yes friend I agree, we are not responsible for our children’s choices. I mean, we share some responsibility since we’re the ones who raise them and teach them how to live and be a human being. I wouldn’t say parents are totally “off the hook” for their children’s behavior, would you? But yes, our children make their own decisions and are responsible for the outcome.You have no guilt for the choices of your children. Again, I’ve said this more times than I can count, and you have yet to refute that point. If you can illustrate that I am responsible for my child’s choices then you may have a point. And please, please don’t say we’re responsible because we chose to have them. That stances has also been refuted several times in this topic and despite your efforts you have not circumvented or refuted our rebuttals.
Here is what I don’t understand, and please forgive me but I have not seen a single response to this. We may not be responsible for our children’s choice to go to hell, but we nonetheless share some of the guilt because our children wouldn’t exist in the first place without us having made them. You don’t seem to want to hear this and are frustrated. I don’t know how to be more clear, and no one has offered a solution or explained why we’re not guilty. All one would have to do is explain to me why we don’t share in the guilt. Here is why I think we do share in the guilt:
- We know that anyone and everyone could “choose hell.”
- We know that our own potential children could be among the people who “choose hell.”
- We choose to create the children.
Now, I submit that hell is an unending evil. You may disagree. Indeed you have called it “good.” However, I would suggest that any person with an ounce of compassion would consider unending torment to be a heinous evil. In fact, I would go so far as to say it is an infinite evil.
Consider this: I think I have established that we share in at least some proportion of guilt for our children’s eternal fate (since we’re the ones who made them in the first place). Let’s say that proportion is only 1%. We’re 1% responsible for our children being in hell. If hell is an infinite, unmitigated evil, and we’re 1% guilty of it, how much guilt have we incurred? An infinite amount. 1% of infinity is infinite.
Please explain why we do not share in the blame (or praise) for our children’s ultimate fate. I fully agree that parents are not to blame (or praise) for their children’s choices, but they are solely to blame (or praise) for thier children’s existence. I do not understand why not.
If God will say to the parents whose children are in heaven “well done, good and faithful servant” why will he not say to those parents who children are in hell “it would have been better if your children had never been born?”
I disagree. I think we are compelled to believe that which we think is true. I think that no one is able to believe that which they know is false. If anyone would make a solid argument to me about why hell is justified, I will believe it. I just need some good evidence or rational argument. In fact, if someone wants to PM me, I will give you my phone number and you can give me a call and we can have a discussion.On a more individualistic level, people who don’t want to believe something won’t. It doesn’t matter how solid your evidence for it is, it doesn’t matter how many arguments you make. It doesn’t matter if you literally take them to the thing they don’t believe, they’ll still refuse to believe. There are still people, educated people, who think the world is flat, or that the Earth is the center of the universe. Ignorance can be just as much a matter of choice as it can a matter of circumstance.
Don’t need to yell friend, I’m listening. Yes, I agree that having children in and of itself is not evil. However, the belief in eternal hell is what makes having children “reckless endangerment” of the highest degree.As I have said, ad nauseum, and now for the last time (well, for the last series), IT IS NOT IMMORAL FOR A PARENT TO BEAR CHILDREN, IT IS A DIRECT COMMAND FROM GOD, WHO IS ALL GOOD. IT IS HIS ACTIVE WILL THAT WE PARTICIPATE WITH HIM IN THE CREATION OF NEW SOULS, AND IT IS HIS ACTIVE WILL THAT ALL SOULS BE JOINED WITH HIM IN HEAVEN FOR ETERNITY. THAT SOME FAIL TO DO THIS HAS NO AFFECT ON THE MORALITY OF THE COMMAND.