If I believe in God (and that Jesus dies on the cross) will I have all the forgiveness I always need

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I believe it says it somewhere in the Bible.
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Believing in God means doing His will… rather than just acknowledging that he existed and letting it have no effect upon us.
Believing is not enough. We must also obey the commands of Christ, most importantly be baptized and then repent and turn and ask God for forgiveness when we fail.
John 3:15-17

Were those the verses you were looking for? Though you do have to repent your sins to be forgiven but you will be forgiven everytime you do. Matthew 28:21
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Faith is not enough. Those who say that it is enough are advocates of the false ‘once saved, always saved’ doctrine. The Bible says that even demons have faith, yet they do not do the will of the Father.
Those who say that it is enough are advocates of the false ‘once saved, always saved’ doctrine.
Could you please Dan_Defender show us, which part of Catholic Soteriology teaches, the doctrine of ‘once saved, always saved’ is false.

Thank you for your answer in advance.


“Protestants who say … Catholics believe we must do good works in order to become justified — a position which was explicitly condemned at Trent, which taught “nothing that precedes justification, whether faith or works, merits the grace of justification” (Decree on Justification 8).

Catholic theology teaches we do not do good works in order to be justified, but that we are justified in order to do good works, as Paul says: “[W]e are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10 ).

Justification is the cause, not the consequence, of good works.

However, these Protestants are still confused about the fact that Catholics do not teach we are made only partially righteous in justification.

The Church teaches that we are made totally righteouswe receive 100% pure righteousness — in justification.
Thus Trent declares:
n those who are born again God hates nothing, because there is no condemnation to those who are truly buried together with Christ by baptism unto death . . . but, putting off the old man and putting on the new one who is created according to God, are made innocent, immaculate, pure, guiltless and beloved of God, heirs indeed of God, joint heirs with Christ; so that there is nothing whatever to hinder their entrance into heaven” (Decree on Original Sin 5).

You don’t have to do a diddly-do-da thing after being justified by God in baptism in order to go to heaven.

There is no magic level of works one needs to achieve in order to go to heaven.

One is saved the moment one is initially justified.”

If someone doesn’t know.
James Akin is the director of apologetics and evangelization for Catholic Answers.
Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on “Catholic Answers Live.”
God bless
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As others have said, believing is not enough. That notion is a Protestant corruption of the gospel. Consider this verse,
"But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." Matt 6:15

Another way to say this, properly understood, is that, if you do not love as God does you don’t and won’t know His love. Faith leads us to this love because faith leads us and connects us to God, the Source of this love. So, if we want to have true understanding of what God expects from us, we must listen to this simple yet profound teaching of the Church, quoting St John of the Cross:
"At the evening of life we shall be judged on our love."
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What if someone believes in God, and goes and murders orphans and widows just because they believe that no matter what they do they’re saved? Do you really believe that those people are going to go to heaven?
Good questions, Catholic Soteriology answer your above questions.

"But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. " Matt 6:15
Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma by Ludwig Ott;

Fallen man cannot redeem himself, (De fide). – It is God’s responsibility to save ALL OF US.
Without the special help of God the justified cannot persevere to the end in justification, (De fide). – It is God’s responsibility TO KEEP US SAVED by His grace of Final Perseverance.

CCC 2016 The children of our holy mother the Church rightly hope for the grace of final perseverance.
The salvation of every saved and predestined to Heaven is eternally protected by God’s gift of Final Perseverance, this is an INFALLIBLE PROTECTION of the salvation of every receiver. – This is an infallible teachings of the Trent and formal teachings of the Catholic Church.
Without God’s gift of Final Perseverance everyone would die in mortal sin, (THERE IS NO SALVATION WITHOUT IT) while the receivers of His gift of Final Perseverance NO ONE can die in mortal sin because this is an INFALLIBLE PROTECTION of the salvation of every receiver.

Those who are saved by God and predestined them to Heaven their salvations are infallibly protected by His gift of Final Perseverance, this means God causes them to act in line with His will.

So, there no such thing is that
someone believes in God, saved, predestined to heaven and goes and murders orphans and widows or not forgive others their sins, because God causes their wills to be in line with His Will as follows.
CCC 308 The truth that God is at work in all the actions of his creatures is inseparable from faith in God the Creator.
God is the first cause who operates in and through secondary causes:
"For God is at work in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
Far from diminishing the creature’s dignity, this truth enhances it.
CCC 307 God thus enables men to be intelligent and free, causes in order to complete the work of creation, … Though often unconscious collaborators with God’s will, they can also enter deliberately into the divine plan by their actions…
As God Himself operates in our free wills, we don’t even have to know we are FREELY cooperating with His will.
There is a supernatural intervention of God in the faculties of the soul, which precedes the free act of the will, (De fide).
Aquinas said, "God changes the will without forcing it . But he can change the will from the fact that he himself operates in the will as he does in nature,” De Veritatis 22:9. 31. ST I-II:112:3. 32. Gaudium et Spes 22; "being …

CCC 2022; The divine initiative in the work of grace precedes, prepares, and elicits the free response of man.

St. Thomas teaches that all movements of will and choice must be traced to the divine will: and not to any other cause, because Gad alone is the cause of our willing and choosing. CG, 3.91.
God bless
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There are lots of people who claim this but their lives reflect it in no way.
Even satan believes in Christ and that Christ is Gods Son. Faith alone is not enough. No such thing as once saved always saved. Those that believe that are in for a big surprise come judgement day.
God loves all of us. If we believe that he will save us, forgive us of our sins, etc. we will be saved. God does not send us to hell we send ourselves there. This is done by not having the love for God. If we love him, feel sorrow for our sins, and most of all belive in him. We will be saved, for he loves us and wants us to go to his kingdom.
False. It take more than just faith. If nit than theres no need to go to mass or confession. We could go out and be serial killers as long as we were remorseful wed still go to heaven.

Once saved always saved is a protestant heresy.
If we believe that he will save us, forgive us of our sins, etc. we will be saved. God does not send us to hell we send ourselves there. This is done by not having the love for God. If we love him, feel sorrow for our sins, and most of all belive in him. We will be saved, for he loves us and wants us to go to his kingdom.
That is not quite true, nor is it Catholic belief. We are saved by the grace of God and that grace gives us the ability to believe, have faith and obey God’s Word.

Scripture tells us that we are to believe and be baptized, we must persevere to the end and in Matthew 25 Jesus says we must be loving our neighbor.

Even thinking that you are saved by just believing is believing you can save yourself.
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Those are His promises. But, He attached several IFs to them. The primary rule is love and does not concern itself with receiving - only giving. Those IFs have been distilled down to the 5 precepts of the Church which He founded.
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