If It's Good For One, Then Why Not The Other?

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Elaine's Cross:
The question is “how should we help the Iraqis?”

The answer is really simple. They want us to stay and help them police their nation until they can do it themselves. The Vatican endorces that effort as well.
Elizabeth B.:
The implication that those Catholics who have prayerfully studied the application of the Just War Doctrine and reached a different conclusion than you must deal with it in the confessional.
Taking into account what both JPII and Benedict XVI have said about our pre-emptive war, would you say the same thing about abortion or contracetion?
Nice flame bait…typical lib BS.
Elaine's Cross:
No comparison to the individuals or what’s in their hearts, but yes, a comparison regarding the eventual acts of aggression.

Besides, Mr. Bush is not as competent as Hitler and that is probably good for this country, IMO.
I’m well aware of all this. However, recognizing that the prudential judgement resides with the state in no way implies that the prudential judgement of the state is correct or moral or follows the teaching of the Church.

In matters that relate to just war as defined by the Church, I will trust the Church and Christ’s Vicars’s judgement over a politician’s. If you want to throw your hat in with the politicians, be my guest.
I’ll toss my hat in with whomever has the most reliable information reganding the extenuating circumstances .
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