I am addressing the points I highlighted above because I think this proves that the question is not stupid at all.Definitely not so! This way we couldn’t earn heaven, for we’d do something to get paid for. Never and no way!
I love people NOT because I earn heaven for it, but for a very simple other reason.
It’s simply wonderful to be loved by others. And you only can be loved by others, if you love them first!
This you can do only then, when you love God. For when you love God, you automatically live in a inner joy. This inner joy you pass on to others, by being friendly in a true and loving way.
I just had a mail by an American friend about that theme and he wrote:
"We have been seriously repressed by certain of our citizenry. Protestantism has a major player in that regard, always frowning on everything enjoyable. So, as time has passed, we have turned to caution, rather than be our true, happy selves."
**When I was in the USA I noticed a strange rebuff. At first “how nice to meet you” but then turning away. The whole week in a hotel, people hardly spoke to me or each other, as they find every stranger suspicious. Caution instead of love, and disinterest in others. Missing the before mentioned “being friendly in a true and loving way”. **
See my signature below.
If you love others because God loved you first and that when you love God you have this inner joy, then obviously you are speaking from experience.
You have felt God’s love and you have loved Him back because once you have been loved by God and become truly aware of that love there just is no way for you not to return that love.
So therefore, feeling as you do now about God, would you no longer love Him should it be that after you have experienced all that joy, all that love on this earth He should decide in His wisdom that that is all the joy that you will know.
Would you stop loving Him if you are not destined to live with Him in eternity? Isn’t His love for you right now enough for you to love Him back?
If you were to find out tomorrow that oblivion is what awaits you at death, would you then start being selfish and look out only after yourself?