But the question is not about loving the abyss. The question is whether we would still love God even if the end is oblivion? The question is really whether you love God for Himself alone.
Hmm, perhaps then the question is answered by its opposite.
If God could love us for ourselves alone, then why create us?
If, as they say, " it is the thought that counts " wouldn’t it be sufficient that, knowing he could and would love us regardless of any ends, since there are no ends, not create us, and go on his merry way , sufficient in the knowledge that his sentiment is already accomplished?
Christians love to use the analogy of parent and child, and well they should.
Do we create our children to be their murderers?
An atheist parent would deny it, with some drivel about how the thought, feeling, and moment are sufficient unto themselves.
But it is not so.
Absent postscript, absent epilogue, absent , " and then …" The atheist mother gives birth to death.
With all the evils of the old world, with all the comforts and advantages of the new world, what then all the nostalgia for the old world?
Doubtless there are many causes, but I would identify one as this development of the perception that heaven is a fairy tale, like Santa Claus’s house at the North Pole.
No matter how miserable peoples lives were, when they really believed that there was going to BE A TOMMOROW, it was bareable.
Now, no matter how good things are in the present, we are miserable, it is unbareable. Yes it is !
Even the rich man and the pretty girl must have heaven.
The Thought policeman in “1984” as much as tells Winston Smith, ALL you need is to love Big Brother.
And I seem to recall that in the end of the story, Winston Smith only loved Big Brother, and that was all.
This makes me angry, whenever people suggest thought or feeling is sufficient unto itself.
You starve then !
I asked an atheist the other day, " fine theory you have there. So what do you say to the fat, ugly, incontinent , girl in a wheelchair who has no money? You cannot promise her any reasonable expectation that she will ever have love, health, property, employment, in this life. So what do you offer her? "
His answer ; A thought. An abstraction.
God save us from these abstractions that the bourgeoisie have dreamed up in their drawing rooms !