Attributes of God is not God. His attributes are just that, his atributes.Or…
…if there were no Heaven and hell there would be no justice. But God is justice.
Any attribute of God is his essence.
Attributes of God is not God. His attributes are just that, his atributes.Or…
…if there were no Heaven and hell there would be no justice. But God is justice.
Any attribute of God is his essence.
I find it in a way sad that a Christian does not believe in heaven or hell.Wel, at the risk of taking a beating
1.) Will admit to not being a good Catholic, but a fair Christian. I attend a Disciples of Christ church (who does believe in Heaven and Hell).
2.) I do not believe in Heaven or Hell. I believe that is what we live here on earth, controled by how we live our lives, poorly, or obedient to the Lord.
3.) Yes, I STILL Love my God with all my Heart and Soul, knowing he hath provided for me wonders upon wonders.
So, mine is not hypothetical. You may disagree, but for me the question is very real, AND easily answered
There’s no way for us to know for sure either way. But I would tend to believe that heaven, or eternal life, proceeds from the nature of God-that He would not create beings with reason and free will who grasp that existence is good and can’t but desire to continue to possess it and then just wipe them out. I think that would militate against the love and mercy of the Christian God.That reasoning is flawed as it makes God contingent upon heaven. God is the Alpha and the Omega. Whether heaven is a place or a state of being it proceeds and depends upon God’s existence not the other way around.
God would still be God even if there is no heaven unless you go with the line of thinking that heaven is God.
If God is not His attributes, then what is God? Can you really separate God from His attributes?Attributes of God is not God. His attributes are just that, his atributes.
yeah i guess you could be right but heaven is His throneThis is also flawed reasoning because it makes God’s existence contingent on belief. God was before anything ever was. God has no beginning everything else was created by Him. Even if He should decree that we were not to share eternal life with Him, He would still be God.
But anyway, the point of the question is not so much whether heaven exists or not but whether we would still believe in God even if we were not rewarded with heaven, even if there is no eternal life. If all we will know of life and of God is what we know now, would we still love Him?
While being in Heaven will be an indescribable amazing thing in and off itself - that is NOT the greatest reality of God’s love in Heaven.so take away heaven then we don’t know God cause heaven is a place where we are going to spend eternity with Him, what greater love?
Heaven is “where He is”? I’m not so sure I agree.After all these posts I myself can only say it must come down to this; Our love of God should be based on His love for us and all He has done for and given us not on what we may get out of it. But How could there be no heaven if heaven is where we join with God, regardless of the “location”? There is a God certainly and heaven is where He is.
I respectfully disagree with you. You don’t understand the context of what I meant.**No! God is NOT in hell. Satan exists without God. God doesn’t always remain to be with all He created. Satan was created as Angel and good. He decided to fight versus God and was thrown out of heaven into another place far from heaven with a deep gap between heaven and hell. Only Jesus once went to hell to get these people out who could not get to heaven before Christs salvation.
By inspiration of the Holy Spirit and from Jesus who often mentioned hell and the angels we know, that ages before the creation of earth and Adam, God had created heaven with the Angels and a terrible lot happened, unmatchable to anything that ever happened on earth, which led to the fall of the legions of Lucifer and “creation” of hell, separated from all other existing, by a insuperable gap - see Luc 16,26:
“And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us”.
Well, that’s a private philosophy, hardly shared by many, for there are too many wrong conclusions included.God is present with the Devil who is in Hell. For Hell to exist, God must also be present
No, it goes on existing in the person who thought it and will be remembered later. Otherwise we’d loose all thoughts.A thought in your mind exists as long as you think it
According to Exodus 20,4 and Deuteronomic 5,8 we are not allowed to form any conception of Heaven nor God! none of us, not even the pope himself knows more, than what Jesus told us, when He said as St. Paul recited in 1 Cor 2:9: “what no eye ever has seen, no ear ever has heard, no mind ever has conceived, God has prepared for those who love Him”**I can’t form any conception of Heaven… believe in Heaven because I believe in God… no problem envisioning the second coming.
What I said earlier IS NOT PRIVATE THEOLOGY.**
Well, that’s a private philosophy, hardly shared by many, for there are too many wrong conclusions included.
Though God can end the existence of Satan and Hell any time, God doesn’t have to be there for it to exist.
Murderers and child abusers, God-haters live, though God is not with them. When a human decides to live without God, he will live – until he is judged and send to eternal death (Joh 3,15-16; 6,47-51; 11,25-26).
No, it goes on existing in the person who thought it and will be remembered later. Otherwise we’d loose all thoughts.
According to Exodus 20,4 and Deuteronomic 5,8 we are not allowed to form any conception of Heaven nor God! none of us, not even the pope himself knows more, than what Jesus told us, when He said as St. Paul recited in 1 Cor 2:9: “what no eye ever has seen, no ear ever has heard, no mind ever has conceived, God has prepared for those who love Him”**
Though God can end the existence of Satan and Hell any time, God doesn’t have to be
You acknowledge that everything God created (brought into being/existence) continues in existence because God wills it’s existence.
God has to be present for anything to exist.
God has to be present for the Devil or Hell to exist.
Otherwise, it would not exist.
Oh Dear - I highly recomment Frank Sheed “Theology for Beginners”God loves even the child abuser
I did not say as you wrongly quoted:You acknowledge that everything God created (brought into being/existence) continues in existence because God wills it’s existence.