If there were a Pro-Life Democratic candidate

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Thank God for his divine nspiration re our founding fathers and the innate wisdom of the electoral college:pray:đź‘Ť
A great president?
He has alienated most of our allies. He has trashed women, Blacks, Hispanics, veterans, seniors, government employees, union members, FBI agents, etc.
He gave the ultra-rich a tax cut. Tried to destroy what health care we have in this country. Demonized John McCain. Spoke ill of Pope Francis. Drives up consumer prices with his tariffs. Embraces people like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jung-un.
I guess your definition of the word great does not coincide with the definition I am familiar with.
Historically speaking, Trump will go down as the worst president in the history of this country.
None of the independent candidates would have won. .And I am grateful I changed my mind at the last minute at the polls and voted for a man who is willing to work for protecting the life of a child. He is refreshing in his lack of political hypocrisy and his NY “construction worker talk” I just wish he wouldn’t care what the social media says about him, as most of the networks have an agenda that is filled with division and undermines the dignity of family life and the freedom of religion.
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I believe she is referring to abortions due to rape. The father is a rapist/sinner.
It is weird how he seems to like these dictators.

Kim Jong Un has done horrendous things, including forced abortion and infanticide of babies by forcing their own mothers to kill them. If the talks had anything to do with ending these human rights abuses I’d understand. But he doesn’t mention them.

Otto Warmbier, Jamal Koshoggi are dead. He flatters their killers.
The Constitution is a farce for those who have made it so. Decades of university professors who have said the Constitution is a "living document that can change with the times…abortion, so called legal marriage of same gender, etc. Some teachers in our school system have taught their views regarding the Constitution instead of what our Founding Fathers gave us as a national. We have brained washed our society (our youth) very well for decades. Now we reap what we many lobbied for and also for all our indifference towards liberty and justice for all. Our culture of death grows daily and if we do not repent as a people under God, Sodom and Gomorrah will look like a house fire compared to what the future holds for us as one Nation under God.
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The constitution is a farce, it has proven useless at constraining government overreach and protecting people’s rights.
The constitution is a document. The document itself doesn’t restrain government, no more than a Bible bound with a leather cover gets you into heaven. Its whether man chooses to follow the text that matters
Before the ACA, they were constantly going up each year.
I have paid for my own healthcare for over 20 years. until 2013, increases totaled 300/month. Since 2013 (first year if ObamaCare) premiums have gone up 600.
After ACA, my sister’s health insurance costs nearly tripled, and the huge increase in deductibles makes it nearly worthless most of the time.
If a child has a rapist as a father why in heavens name would you punish the child with the death sentence?

For those who are all about feelings, have you though how painful it is to be aborted?
If there were a pro-life Democratic candidate, I would still never support them. Democrats don’t have a clue about the Constitution or have the ability to uphold it.
The point is that some pro-life politicians have exceptions such as abortion in cases of rape, or incest etc. If they have exceptions, they aren’t prolife.

So let’s see what happens now with a new Supreme Court.
These are two pro-life Democrats, almost the only two. I have little idea where they stand on other issues but would wager they are closer to Conservative Republicans on these issues as well: in other words, they may be DINOS (even dinosaurs) or maybe Red Dog Democrats. If that is the case, is there a substantial difference between them and the Republicans?
The party apparatus has chosen to be radically pro choice, almost pro abortion.
Almost pro abortion? Are we talking about the Dems??? Man they’re so pro abortion that PP gives them Margaret Sanger Awards faster than they can have them made!!!
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You don’t believe the Constitution has to be interpreted at all to apply to the modern era? Even the Bible is open to some interpretation, so why not the Constitution?

OTOH, I see little hope in ANY of the current crop of Democratic presidential candidates, not even considering the abortion issue, despite being a lifelong Democrat. For me, none of them is worth rallying behind.
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Correct. But the question is if there were a pro-life Democrat.
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