If there were a Pro-Life Democratic candidate

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My heath care plan was supposed to GO DOWN by $2500.00 due to Obamacare but instead they went up, so what happened?
At least you have health care.
The GOP plan was just to do away with the Affordable Care Act. They had no replacement plan. The Republicans were just going to let everyone take on the insurance folks by themselves.
We need for someone to stand up to the health insurance companies and against Big Pharma.
Right, because it is not the responsibility of the government to provide healthcare, especially not to every citizen.
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At least you have health care.
The GOP plan was just to do away with the Affordable Care Act.
Totally misnamed as everyone saw.
They had no replacement plan. The Republicans were just going to let everyone take on the insurance folks by themselves.
We need for someone to stand up to the health insurance companies and against Big Pharma.
My insurance plan was affordable. The “Affordable Care Act” was unaffordable. So it failed.

Pro-Life and Democrat are contradictions in terms
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Part of the affordable care act was a set of regulations that all insurance carriers needed to adhere to. Things like coverage for preexisting conditions, removal of insurance caps.

The other part was offering of state sponsored plans for those who didn’t have insurance that they could purchase.

The goal was that everyone would be covered by facilitating coverage.

Anyone can face a medical emergency.
You realize that the 10 richest businesses are insurance companies.
It is not likely that an individual would ever when a fight against an insurance company by themself.
Health insurance should be there to provide affordable health care for all, not to make money for the insurance companies.
The whole issue of abortion has to do with (a.) those who believe a woman should make the choice as to weather to keep a fetus or to abort that pregnancy, and (b.) those who believe that they should be able to make that choice for the woman.
I’ve known a few pro life democrats. I have no idea who they voted for in any given election though. I myself am a pro life Libertarian but will vote across party lines for whomever best represents what I believe.

If there did happen to be a pro life Democratic Party candidate for president I still wouldn’t vote for him/her b/c I honestly don’t agree with the Democratic Party’s platform in other areas as well. The exception would be if the other candidate (of whatever party) was pro choice.
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Health insurance should be there to provide affordable health care for all, not to make money for the insurance companies.
Actually, insurance, by definition, exists to compensate the insured in the event of loss.
The whole issue of abortion has to do with (a.) those who believe a woman should make the choice as to weather to keep a fetus or to abort that pregnancy, and (b.) those who believe that they should be able to make that choice for the woman.
Actually it has to do with c) when does life begin?
Not really. Most pro-choice people are more concerned about a woman’s right to the autonimy of her own body. The question of when does life begin is secondary to that.
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Not really. Most pro-choice people are more concerned about a woman’s right to the autonimy of her own body. The question of when does life begin is secondary to that.
I understand that’s how they approach it. It’s not the fundamental issue though. If you define where life begins the rest takes care of itself. The Catholic Church teaches that life begins at conception. If you are Catholic you are required to believe this. If you’re not Catholic it’s an open question you need to answer.
Health insurance should be there to provide affordable health care for all, not to make money for the insurance companies.
Businesses operate to make money. That’s pretty basic economics. Even NPO’s make money.
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I myself am a pro life Libertarian but will vote across party lines for whomever best represents what I believe.
I’m also a pro-life libertarian, but I won’t support either of the two parties, as both parties have contempt for the Constitution.
I hope the Libertarian party gains more ground in the coming years…I’m so sick of this 2 party war going on over here…ridiculous!
I would like to think it possible but too few people on either side stand for personal responsibility and freedom. It’s all about what the government does. It already does too much. I’m more interested in what it doesn’t do.
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