My heath care plan was supposed to GO DOWN by $2500.00 due to Obamacare but instead they went up, so what happened?
Pot, meet kettle.Overdosing on the koolaid,huh?
Totally misnamed as everyone saw.At least you have health care.
The GOP plan was just to do away with the Affordable Care Act.
My insurance plan was affordable. The “Affordable Care Act” was unaffordable. So it failed.They had no replacement plan. The Republicans were just going to let everyone take on the insurance folks by themselves.
We need for someone to stand up to the health insurance companies and against Big Pharma.
Actually, insurance, by definition, exists to compensate the insured in the event of loss.Health insurance should be there to provide affordable health care for all, not to make money for the insurance companies.
Actually it has to do with c) when does life begin?The whole issue of abortion has to do with (a.) those who believe a woman should make the choice as to weather to keep a fetus or to abort that pregnancy, and (b.) those who believe that they should be able to make that choice for the woman.
Good point. Trump campaigned in the states where he could conceivably get 50% +1 of the votes, and where the electoral votes would help him to win. Hillary didn’t.If not for the electoral college, Clinton would be president right now.
He was good at math, and she wasn’t.
I understand that’s how they approach it. It’s not the fundamental issue though. If you define where life begins the rest takes care of itself. The Catholic Church teaches that life begins at conception. If you are Catholic you are required to believe this. If you’re not Catholic it’s an open question you need to answer.Not really. Most pro-choice people are more concerned about a woman’s right to the autonimy of her own body. The question of when does life begin is secondary to that.
Businesses operate to make money. That’s pretty basic economics. Even NPO’s make money.Health insurance should be there to provide affordable health care for all, not to make money for the insurance companies.
I’m also a pro-life libertarian, but I won’t support either of the two parties, as both parties have contempt for the Constitution.I myself am a pro life Libertarian but will vote across party lines for whomever best represents what I believe.
Truer words were never spoken!It already does too much. I’m more interested in what it doesn’t do.
Science clearly answers that.If you’re not Catholic it’s an open question you need to answer.