If we are bound to vote for the lesser evil. Shouldn't we all vote for the American Solidarity Party?

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Well, I’ve got a few days to think about it. Not sure if I’m going to vote at all or not.
Well, I’ve got a few days to think about it. Not sure if I’m going to vote at all or not.
Pray on it. I suggest you submit a ballot regardless. Even if some of the elected positions are blank.

God Bless
and currently there is no penalty for vagrants sleeping on and dirtying public property (such as the sidewalk outside my place). I would very much be in favor of putting more of these people in prison.
I completely fail to see how this, in any way, follows Catholic Social Teaching.

Why throw people in prison when that won’t help them at all? That goes for drug addicts too. Do you really feel like prison should be a segregation for all of society’s undesirables instead of a place to rehabilitate criminals?
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Okay if they really are refugees, and not just a backdoor method to sneak in more Democrat voters, what is the plan to repatriate them?
Okay if they really are refugees,
Which they are…
what is the plan to repatriate them?
One typically waits until their country of origin isn’t being torn apart and destroyed to think about repatriation, especially because some refugees may seek permanent residence in the US and we can’t make a plan without knowing all the details.

Besides, repatriation is typically an individual’s choice, not the government’s.
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Well as an example, I live in California, and currently there is no penalty for vagrants sleeping on and dirtying public property (such as the sidewalk outside my place). I would very much be in favor of putting more of these people in prison.
So the solution to vagrancy in your opinion is to house them in prison? Are you aware of how much an average prisoner costs taxpayers? In addition if you’re in favor of housing them why not house them outside of prison?

Your position is in no way compatible with Catholic social teaching in addition to being a horrible idea from a practical point of view.
So there is no official plan to repatriate them, therefore it is a backdoor method of sneaking in more Democrat voters.
What? Why would anyone want to increase imprisonment?
Because there are a lot of people who are found guilty in a court of law of committing crimes that warrant a prison term.

To me, prison reform is not about letting people opt out of prison, but rather, making sure that prison is a place that leads to a re-formation of character by preparing the inmate to live crime-free in the outside world, which includes making sure that the inmate receives a good education and earns the appropriate diplomas/degrees, and also by making sure that the inmate has job training and a path to actually getting a job that pays a living wage and offers opportunities for advancement. This would probably require that companies and businesses work with the prison and are ready and willing to hire released convicts that have received the education and training.

Along with the practical training in crime-free life skills, inmates should also receive training and education in living a moral, loving, giving life. Those who have spent their lives involved in crime of some sort need to re-learn how to live life WITHOUT resorting to crime and without associating with criminals. If need be, the inmates should be moved to a totally different part of the country where they will not be easily able to make contacts with criminals.

Inmates should receive aggressive treatment for any addictions, and after they are released, they should continue to receive support for remaining free of their addiction. Also, of course, inmates should receive good health care, treatment for any ongoing conditions (e.g., Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease, etc.), and should be involved in a healthy living training course that teaches them how to eat right, exercise, and practice a health lifestyle (which includes adequate sleep).

I don’t know if this kind of reform is already being done in prisons, but it should be. Prisons should not just be a place where someone is locked up for months or years, and then gets out and has little choice but to return to a tragic life of crime.
So really is just a happy coincidence that Democrat policies increase the percentage of foreign borne voters from demographics that tend to vote Democrat?
I think it’s more a Republican policy to decrease refugee acceptance to prevent possible Democrat voter growth, not the other way around.

Either way, it doesn’t prove that it’s some plot to destroy America with refugees.
I think it’s more a Republican policy to decrease refugee acceptance to prevent possible Democrat voter growth, not the other way around.
To do otherwise would be electoral suicide via demographics.
Either way, it doesn’t prove that it’s some plot to destroy America with refugees.
What makes you think they will not bring the problems that cause them to desert their nations?
What makes you think they will not bring the problems that cause them to desert their nations?
I mean, evidence suggests the complete opposite. Refugees, particularly undocumented immigrants, tend to be very hardworking and contribute a very large amount of resources to the maintaining of American systems. They aren’t moochers.
I mean, evidence suggests the complete opposite. Refugees, particularly undocumented immigrants, tend to be very hardworking and contribute a very large amount of resources to the maintaining of American systems. They aren’t moochers.
If that was true, their homelands would be nice places that they would not feel the need to leave. There is no magic dirt.
If that was true, their homelands would be nice places that they would not feel the need to leave.
Yeah, that’s just wrong. You have no idea what you’re talking about. Otherwise, you’re saying all Lebanese, Syrian, and Latin American peoples are incapable of positively contributing to society, which is flat-out racism.
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If that was true, their homelands would be nice places that they would not feel the need to leave.
Hard work is not what makes a country rich or productive, let alone nice for the people living in it.
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