If you can be a good person without God then why need Him?

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It could be a reference to about 32% of the world is estimated to be of one of the Christian religions.
This is what he said:

If the purpose in life is a relationship with god then at least 2/3 of humanity ARE in the dark.

Even non-Christians have a relationship with God, however shadowy it may be.

Even atheists have a relationship with God. They are fleeing from God. It’s a negative relationship, but it’s still a relationship.
You have lack of proof that there is a multiverse, but odds are you believe one exists anyway.

You can’t even prove to yourself that you exist, yet you believe you exist anyway.

Or do you not believe you exist because you can’t prove it? :confused:
You have lack of proof that there is a multiverse, but odds are you believe one exists anyway.
I don’t know why you would assume that.
You can’t even prove to yourself that you exist, yet you believe you exist anyway.
pinches self Done. Next?
Pinching yourself proves nothing. You could be delusional thinking you have a self to pinch. 😉
Well, that means there would have to be a “self” that believes it was pinched. Is your argument that he cannot prove that he exists or that he cannot prove that he exist in the form that he thinks that he does? From your comment above it appears to be the latter.
Well, that means there would have to be a “self” that believes it was pinched. Is your argument that he cannot prove that he exists or that he cannot prove that he exist in the form that he thinks that he does? From your comment above it appears to be the latter.
But if you were just a figure in someone else’s dream, you would not have a real self to pinch.

How do you prove you are not a figure in someone else’s dream? 😃
But if you were just a figure in someone else’s dream, you would not have a real self to pinch.
I see the dream problem as posing a problem opposite to the one that you see in that figments in a dream or in some way or another a reflection of ones self one’s mental state. What in a dream is not some reflection of one’s self and how one see the world? Though I don’t ever recall asking myself these questions when I’m dreaming. Have you There do exists people that end up questioning self existence in a waking state…
How do you prove you are not a figure in someone else’s dream? 😃
Prove as in imbue with a sense of confidence about a proposition? It seems that the proposition of the self is something for which most people are already convinced except in cases if severe threat or anxiety emotional stress; during such experiences on’s ability to feel their usual emotions may be inhibited. One’s sense of self seems to be directly tied to their emotions and the emotional numbness has been known to make one loose sense of self and identity. Put another way Descartes’s expression might be better reworded as “I feel, therefore I am.” During depersonalization/derealization a person may see their body as more of an automaton acting and responding on it’s own. Some one can come into this state in response to various drugs. Incidentally the pathway out of this state may at times also include the use of drugs.
Prove as in imbue with a sense of confidence about a proposition?
No, prove as in demonstrate logically.

We cannot demonstrate logically that we exist, though we can experience our own existence.

We cannot demonstrate to anyone who does not experience God directly that God exists, any more than we can logically demonstrate to ourselves that we exist even though we experience ourselves. Many people experience the existence of God without presuming to demonstrate that existence, as they experience their own existence without presuming to demonstrate it. It follows that those who deny they experience God cannot necessarily prove from that the non-existence of God.

The existence of God is not impossible.
That sounds a bit self contradicting.
You cannot demonstrate that you exist without first experiencing your own existence, in which case you cannot prove that you exist. Every demonstration is founded on the assumption that what you are demonstrating might not be true, as well as that it might be true. But you cannot assume that you might not exist since you immediately experience your existence. Demonstrating your existence therefore is impossible by the rules of logic, since experience is more fundamental than logic (and experience itself might even be delusional). 🤷
As to the title question for this thread, we need God because we need continuing nourishment for our goodness. Much as we need sunlight even though we can survive for some time without it.
God knows what’s in our hearts- that’s true. But God wants us to also know Him. In thirsting for God, we improve ourselves immensely. When we live by Jesus’ teachings, we learn to love and strive to better ourselves. I don’t believe all atheists and agnostics are doomed- we will be judged accordingly. Those who caused roadblocks and sent people in the wrong direction in their lives will be forced to answer for their sins. Knowing God is such a gift! My heart aches for those who don’t know him, they miss out on so much! You can’t know true happiness without Him. To boot- In knowing our Lord- you also know Satan- which gives you a chance to properly protect yourself from him and his agents. An atheist goes through his day to day life with only the prayers of those around him as protection. I shudder at the thought- in times as crazy as today- with evil clearly running as rampant as it is, that people out there aren’t armed to protect themselves.
Every demonstration is founded on the assumption that what you are demonstrating might not be true, as well as that it might be true.
Many are. I don’t know that they all are. I also get the impression that for many the existence of the self is treated as an axiom; it seems the question of one’s existence starts off with a premise being one’s existence.
Many are. I don’t know that they all are. I also get the impression that for many the existence of the self is treated as an axiom; it seems the question of one’s existence starts off with a premise being one’s existence.
Right. We intuit, rather than prove, our own existence.

By the same token, we intuit, rather than prove, the existence of God.

Also, those who refuse to intuit the existence of God cannot prove the non-existence of God.

Even for the atheist God is possible. God is not impossible.
I don’t believe all atheists and agnostics are doomed- we will be judged accordingly.
Those who sincerely repent are not doomed. Those who do not repent are doomed, right along with the Christians who do not repent. We ask the Lord to forgive us our trespasses, and atheism is a trespass. The CCC calls it a mortal sin. Mortal means deadly … the killing of our innocence.
Also, those who refuse to intuit the existence of God cannot prove the non-existence of God
I often forget that when you use the term “Atheist” that you are referring to “strong atheist.” While most of the one’s I know are “agnostic atheist.” The general argument I hear isn’t that the existence of god/God/gods are impossible, but only that one is not convinced of the existence of a god concept that has been presented.
I often forget that when you use the term “Atheist” that you are referring to** “strong atheist.” **While most of the one’s I know are “agnostic atheist.” The general argument I hear isn’t that the existence of god/God/gods are impossible, but only that one is not convinced of the existence of a god concept that has been presented.
I really don’t understand how there can be much difference between an atheist and an agnostic. In neither case is there repentance for sins and begging for God’s forgiveness.

In that sense all atheists/agnostics are strong atheists/agnostics.
I really don’t understand how there can be much difference between an atheist and an agnostic. In neither case is there repentance for sins and begging for God’s forgiveness.

In that sense all atheists/agnostics are strong atheists/agnostics.
In practice most agnostics are atheists because they don’t pray when they urgently need help. They take it for granted there will be no response.
It could be a reference to about 32% of the world is estimated to be of one of the Christian religions.
Catholicism does not profess that only Christians have relationships with God.

Anyone who entertains the concept of the Numinous can have a relationship with God. 👍
I really don’t understand how there can be much difference between an atheist and an agnostic.
As used the two attributes are mutually independent. A person can be one, the other, both, or neither. As far as the difference between a strong atheist and an agnostic/weak atheist neither is convinced that any god claims are true. A strong atheist makes the claim that no gods exists. A weak/agnostic one does not and would generally agree with your statement that no one can prove that no gods exists.
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