Ok. thank you for translating my post to a better english (haha^_^) But whatever you say, whatever kind of explanation you give about what you say about ka erdy… That he died because now he knows the truth? anyone read this will understand the meaning of that. That he died because the INC is not the true church and whatever? hmmp.
And yes. the catholics always say that the CC give the FREEDOM, freedom to all you want to do! even bad doings.
and the INC doesn’t have the freedom to do bad things? i for one know plenty of INC members who have sex outside of marriage and some even got pregnant. or maybe pre-marital sex isn’t a sin in the INC so they’re doing just fine.
If the catholic church is the true church, they will have concern to the members! and even force the members to attend the mass, so? But it is for the goodness of the members, it is for the members will do the will of god, the commandments of god! dont you get it? whats wrong if you were forced to do GOOD things? (even the fact that the INC dont force the members to attend worship services, but to remind that worship services are important and some others…because it is one of the commandments of god!)
John 6
66 After this many of his disciples drew back and no longer went about with him.
67 Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you also wish to go away?”
Even Jesus doesn’t force his disciples and apostles to follow him. why should the Chruch force people to attend mass?
if you only do good becasue you are forced to do good, then what good is that?
if you only go to mass because you are forced to go to mass, then what good is that?
you do good because it comes from your heart that you do good. not because someone else forces you. if God believes in forcing people then evil would not exist. God’s Will is above all and if He forces us to do good then we will do good. but what does that make us? just puppets of God. not humans with intellect in the image and likeness of God. God wants us to earn our salvation and our right to be in His presence, therefore we are given free Will and it is up to our own choice to submit ourselves to the Will of God.
if you just force your spouse to love you, is that true love? God does not force us to love Him because that will not be true love. we should love God with ALL OUR HEARTS. not with ALL HIS FORCE.
and thats how catholics have wrongness in understanding the freedom! Like they will say that INC bloc as vote because the church administration does not want to give freedom to the members, is it true?? The INC does not force anyone to join the INC, so, in the doctrinal lessons before baptizing, all of the doctrines taught by the minister must accept wholeheartedly by the one who is joining the INC. And one of the doctrine is about the UNITY inside the church, so, is the members forced to vote as what the administration endorses or selected? …NO!
and about the 10% tithing? hello! i think the one who had that doctrine is the LDA not the INC. because in the bible it says about one must give wholeheartedly not to force to give.
don’t force to give but force to attend mass and force to vote for who the leaders choose. what a funny and highly inconsistent doctrine. so where’s this unity you speak of if you don’t give a cent to the church?
Nonmembers are just amazed because the fact that INC members are composed of poor members, the INC construct beautiful and big houses of worship. Thats why they accuse INC about the 10% tithing… And about separating male to female? it is just one of the discipline and orderliness in the church. Not in the catholic church, the fact that because males and females are joined together, when mass comes, it is very noisy inside. and i have watched an investigatory show called IMBESTIGADOR about what teens and even couples does INSIDE THE COMPOUND of the CC. some have doing some “miracles” like kissing and etc. they did not respect the holiness of the church! what the…
a lot of bad things happen in and around the Catholic Churches because the Churches are open to all, all the time. unlike the INC temples that have high gates that are locked all the time and the temple doors closed all the time. you can’t even see whats inside from the outside. the Catholic Church welcomes one and all, both sinners and saints. its sad that some people would elect to desecrate the ground of the Chruch, but the Church will not close their grounds and deny people hoping to be closer to God the access to be in His Chruch.