I know what he said, if he was asked,” Can I have money for cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs or a prostitute, he would decline. If he would, give money under those circumstances, I would lose respect for him. If asked,”Do you have any money, I’m hungry-or cold?” We all would give the money!
For instance, this is funny and sad. I worked ER sometimes. I recognized the person in the grocery line. He was drunk. He was trying to buy a frozen dinner and was short of money. I paid for food. I was leaving and cashier approached me. The guy was trying to return food for money to buy booze.
I laughed. She wouldn’t do it. Help ppl heal and grow. I’ll take ppl to eat, a few times. I’ll buy food for person. When I offer to buy food, sometimes, they decline. I can’t knowingly help them kill themselves. I won’t buy the heroin for them… That’s how I deal w it, when I have time. Take them to lunch or buy food. Giving food, they can resell for money but maybe they will eat something and sell something.
Our Pope is not speaking ExCathedra. Let God speak to your heart for guidance.
In Christ’s love