I agree, BUT I am not allocating a thing! I am simply advocating, there’s a difference. So are you saying that the USCCB is wrong in its advocacy and wrong on the basis of Church teachings?
Yes, I feel that the USCCB is wrong in its advocacy.
While these are things that Catholics should have strong feelings for, we, as Americans, should not be forcing (or attempting to force) charity using other people’s money.
This isn’t about rights, this is about justice. We’re giving away tax money in the form of grants (not loans) for illegal immigrants or the children of illegal immigrants to go to college, we are pouring our welfare as though it is from an endless supply, now it is the fault of the schools that the children are failing (because they are being taught in English instead of Spanish), and you are telling me this amounts to a moral obligation for me to keep on going, no, do even more?
The church also teaches justice, and when we tell a child who was born in America to American born parents that they cannot receive a grant for school, only a loan, because the child in the same economic situation as he sitting beside him had parents who entered the country illegally, that is not justice.
When an immigrant can receive Social Security benefits for time he was in the country illegally, time in which he was not paying into the system, mind you, that is not fair to the people who were working, paying their taxes and paying into Social Security and OBEYING THE LAW.
Then when you tell me that people can come into this country, a country which they know has an official language, and now they can sue our schools because we are not reprinting all course materials in Spanish and providing bi-lingual teachers?
And with all of these injustices, you think that you are going to convince me because of a USCCB Advocacy initiative?
Sorry, I’m not sold. As this is the same USCCB that has told people that the orans posture is not only permissable, but REQUIRED, despite the contrary being declared by Rome.
I am not answerable to the USCCB, I am answerable to God, and of the church that Christ founded, I am bound by the Magisterium and the Holy Father.
The USCCB can say what they want, that does not make it official church teaching, and they can violate the rubrics all they want, as individuals they will be held accountable at the time of their judgement, but individuals aside, the church will endure.
…its America that I think is going to implode as we try to weaken our government more and more every day.