You didn’t provide a reference for this claim but perhaps this will save you some time:Sorry, I’m not sold. As this is the same USCCB that has told people that the orans posture is not only permissable, but REQUIRED, despite the contrary being declared by Rome.
At their November 2001 meeting, the bishops discussed “adaptations” to the new Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani (or GIRM) of the new Missal (reported in AB February 2002). The proposal to introduce the orans posture for the people was not included even as an option in the US’ “adaptations” to the GIRM.
Furthermore, the bishops did not forbid hand-holding, either, even though the BCL originally suggested this in 1995. The reason? A bishop said that hand-holding was a common practice in African-American groups and to forbid it would be considered insensitive.
Thus, in the end, all reference to any posture of the hands during the Our Father was omitted in the US-adapted GIRM. The orans posture is not only not required by the new GIRM, it is not even mentioned.
Yes, agreed! All Roman Catholics are bound by the teaching authority of the Pope. I have previously cited Papal Encyclicals which no one has shown have been violated by the USCCB’s advocacy.I am not answerable to the USCCB, I am answerable to God, and of the church that Christ founded, I am bound by the Magisterium and the Holy Father.
As far as :”Orans Posture” you give no reason to accept you premise. Secondly, since you say that you are “bound by the Magisterium and the Holy Father”. One would presume that you feel that our Pope would come to the same conclusion as you that the advocacy is not in keeping with Church Teaching and is therefore “wrong”. Please provide your reasoning and references.The USCCB can say what they want, that does not make it official church teaching, and they can violate the rubrics all they want, as individuals they will be held accountable at the time of their judgement, but individuals aside, the church will endure.
AGAIN, you’ve failed to support your arguments. In fact, most of what you’ve posted appears to be nothing more than your misunderstanding of the facts that you’ve presented thus far. Thought I’d give you the benefit of the doubt.…its America that I think is going to implode as we try to weaken our government more and more every day.