Oh! I’ve just had a thought! Nearly everyone is sold on the fact that Jesus spoke Aramaic. Yes, there is dissention but not much. So, if Jesus’ original words were Aramaic, surely then the only “true” account, or “bible” would be one written in the Aramaic text?
Surely, then, all the writers after Jesus have strayed from the truth because they wrote in Greek, or Hebrew? Oh nuts! I’ve just marginalized all of the Pauline Letters!
And, of course, all of us here are wrong anyway because we’re discussing all of this in English, a language which didn’t even exist in Jesus’ time…
In case you have not gotten the point, I’m playing Devil’s Advocate here - I’m postulating a position I don’t agree with. The simple fact is that most of the early Christians COULDN’T READ! Does this mean they’re all apostate because they couldn’t read the scripture for themselves and thus are unable to be saved by faith alone?
Of coure not - what rubbish.If your non-catholic person is going beyond just passing on the scripture and beginning to put their interpretation on it, simply ask: “Whose authority do you claim to interpret the Gospel? You claim the Catholic Church’s Apostolic commission is invalid. Where is yours?”
And then: “Show me in the bible where it says that the bible itself is the only authority?”
Surely, then, all the writers after Jesus have strayed from the truth because they wrote in Greek, or Hebrew? Oh nuts! I’ve just marginalized all of the Pauline Letters!
And, of course, all of us here are wrong anyway because we’re discussing all of this in English, a language which didn’t even exist in Jesus’ time…
In case you have not gotten the point, I’m playing Devil’s Advocate here - I’m postulating a position I don’t agree with. The simple fact is that most of the early Christians COULDN’T READ! Does this mean they’re all apostate because they couldn’t read the scripture for themselves and thus are unable to be saved by faith alone?
Of coure not - what rubbish.If your non-catholic person is going beyond just passing on the scripture and beginning to put their interpretation on it, simply ask: “Whose authority do you claim to interpret the Gospel? You claim the Catholic Church’s Apostolic commission is invalid. Where is yours?”
And then: “Show me in the bible where it says that the bible itself is the only authority?”