I'm trying to answer an abortion question that my friend asked me

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No because the baby didn’t do anything wrong and apparently there are many places to go for supporting children.
Which is why “meme” and bumper sticker answers are not really going to help.
I didn’t use a meme or bumper sticker answer. It’s a good theological point. I think you are confusing me with someone else.
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now my friend is saying that it a woman is raped and can’t care for a baby, then an abortion must take place?
Saying that you’re pro-choice because you might get raped is like saying you’re for the death penalty because someone might kill you. Just gives the “rape” argument some perspective.
ok I think her main arguement/question is, what if a women (usually who is homeless or can’t defend them selves) is raped and the egg is fertilized, and the woman will not be able to provide for the child, is abortion ok?
One thing that I would do is embrace the burden that being pro-life entails.

Simply being told an unborn child (of rape or otherwise) is a human being and a blessing is one thing, but SEEING that it is a true thing is another. It’s relatively easier to speak the reasoned principles against abortion, and it’s another to live it out.

So, I would caution against trying to convince her (and yourself) purely with words, and try to live up to the reasons you present. the
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UPDATE: I asked her, “I’m sorry for arguing but do you support 98% of abortions that are done for convenience?”
Instead of answering she now is mad at me because she told me to stop? (she did not, she only said IM LEAVING).
She still did not answer my question. Apparently I am not good at reading signals? I am pretty sure that saying I’m leaving does not mean to stop talking.
Then she said this,
“Hey nate. I don’t wanna talk. Go find someone else to talk to. Because I don’t want to talk to you anymore.”

I think the worst part about this is that she is a good person. She continues to give food to the homeless and boosts anyone’s confidence. I have never seen her like this, acting in such a hateful way.
UPDATE: now my friend is saying that it a woman is raped and can’t care for a baby, then an abortion must take place? Is this wrong? Is it right? How do I respond to that?
Rape is the exception, not the rule (and Catholics on here should agree that even rape isn’t an exception for abortion). As others have mentioned rape is only about 1% of abortion cases. Bringing up rape is an emotional argument meant to elicit your sympathy for the hypothetical victim so that you will agree with her. It is still not right to abort the child in the case of rape because the child is still an innocent third party who had no say in the matter.
EDIT: ok I think her main arguement/question is, what if a women (usually who is homeless or can’t defend them selves) is raped and the egg is fertilized, and the woman will not be able to provide for the child, is abortion ok?
Say you’re pro-choice as well. In fact, there are four choices that are better (though not all would a Catholic consider good) than abortion: abstinence, contraception, adoption, and parenthood. Catholics endorse three of those.

Cheeky answers aside, does she think abortion is the only manner in which a pregnant, homeless woman can be helped? Is that the best solution in her mind? Why? Why is that better than letting the woman have a child, and a charitable community coming to her aid?
UPDATE: I asked her, “I’m sorry for arguing but do you support 98% of abortions that are done for convenience?”
Instead of answering she now is mad at me because she told me to stop? (she did not, she only said IM LEAVING).
She still did not answer my question. Apparently I am not good at reading signals? I am pretty sure that saying I’m leaving does not mean to stop talking.
Then she said this,
“Hey nate. I don’t wanna talk. Go find someone else to talk to. Because I don’t want to talk to you anymore.”

I think the worst part about this is that she is a good person. She continues to give food to the homeless and boosts anyone’s confidence. I have never seen her like this, acting in such a hateful way.
It happens. “IM LEAVING” probably means she doesn’t want to talk. Give her a little space. If you talk to her again I’d say something along the lines of “I apologize if what I said came across as insensitive. I didn’t intend to hurt your feelings. I hope we can still be friends.” I’d also offer not to discuss it with her if she doesn’t want to.

It’s not entirely your fault, though. That’s a valid question to ask, but I think it comes off as you accusing her of being pro-abortion rather than pro-choice. You’ll get better at this with age (trust me, I’ve angered quite a few friends with provocative questions when I was a kid). But when you ask questions, you don’t want it to seem like you’re leading her a certain way so that you can say “Gotcha!”. Your question implied she’d answer “Yes, I support 98% of women getting abortions out of convenience,” which obviously doesn’t make her look good. A lot of this depends on the context and tone of the conversation though.

Hopefully you can mend your friendship.
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Be very careful. Chances are high that someone she loves has had an abortion, perhaps even herself, you do not want to wound her.
Probably not a debate a 14 year old needs to have with a peer. That’s better left to an adult to handle.
Sadly, that is not the case.

Many crisis pregnancy centers will give some baby clothes and that is it, they cannot house, feed, support a mother throughout her pregnancy. Pregnancy Homes are very rare.
Should, but sadly there are not enough resources to fund such outreach in most places.

Maybe God is calling you to start up a maternity outreach that provides real, material support!!!
Freedom is the aim, isn’t it…? Or so it is claimed…Best to put it all in light of freedom then…
“I think I should have the right to do what I want with my body?”
With rights come responsibilities.
“if I get raped, or get stuck with a child I know I can’t raise well, or get pregnant when I’m not ready to have a kid, or even if I just don’t want to have a child, or anything like that”
This is an interesting assumption - the almighty word, “can’t”. For all of the freedom touted by feminists nowadays, who seem to act as if nothing can stop them from accomplishing their goals, “can’t” in this case seems so contrary to their cause. Why “can’t” they - if they believe nothing is impossible for them? They seem to want to paint themselves as little “Kim Possibles”, but somehow “can’t” have a baby when inconvenient?
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“Get stuck with a child…” Oh, my…Already speaking of another human being as if it were a burden, & she’s not even old enough to tell this firsthand…Who’s feeding her this…? Please tell me she hasn’t learned this from her teachers in school - particularly if she’s attending a Catholic school…
“and the fact that men literally think they should have any say in what I can and can’t do to my OWN BODY is kinda like. Stupid”
God created her as He has all life on earth. Her life was redeemed by Him, so in the eternal scheme of things, her body is His. All of her…unless in an act of rebelling against Him, she has put sex above God…
“you’re telling me I should carry this child for 9 months, be sick the entire time, go through expensive medicines and check ups, pay a ton to create a nursery, then go through a painful and expensive process to deliver it, and then continue to raise it for 18 years? Literally? People think they can choose to push ALL OF THAT on a woman and it’s stupid”
How does this girl believe she came to life on earth by her mother…? Again, none of this would come about without 2 consenting people - barring rape.
"And what if it becomes dangerous? Like, life-threatening to the mother? You’re just deny her an abortion and force her to go through this incredibly invasive process and she’ll probably end up dying in the end anyway. So. That’s what I think. "
It’s compassionate to want to look out for other people - particularly in the hard cases as above, but the majority of such cases don’t come to be. In fact, Dr. Anthony Levatino, a former abortionist, stated that abortion is never medically necessary to save the life of a woman:

"In cases where a pregnancy places a woman in danger of death or grave physical injury, a doctor more often than not doesn’t have 36 hours, much less 72 hours, to resolve the problem. Let me illustrate with a real-life case that I managed while at the Albany Medical Center. A patient arrived one night at 28 weeks gestation with severe pre-eclampsia or toxemia. Her blood pressure on admission was 220/160. A normal blood pressure is approximately 120/80. This patient’s pregnancy was a threat to her life and the life of her unborn child. She could very well be minutes or hours away from a major stroke.

This case was managed successfully by rapidly stabilizing the patient’s blood pressure and “terminating” her pregnancy by Cesarean section. She and her baby did well.

This is a typical case in the world of high-risk obstetrics. In most such cases, any attempt to perform an abortion “to save the mother’s life” would entail undue and dangerous delay in providing appropriate, truly life-saving care. During my time at Albany Medical Center I managed hundreds of such cases by “terminating” pregnancies to save mother’s lives. In all those cases, the number of unborn children that I had to deliberately kill was zero." (from the Live Action Website)
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“and I’m not saying every woman has to get an abortion, I’m saying she should be able to choose. Because. It’s her body, so men and other women can’t tell her what to do with it, you know? Just, let the woman choose?”
Women are able to choose, & they do it daily. If education is the aim, plan to save money, work, or get educational funds (grants, scholarships, or loans) to pay for the education. Choose. If education leading to a bright & fulfilling future is the aim, apply yourself to your studies so as to get the best grades & be given preference in future scholastic pursuits.
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