Impeachment of Donald J. Trump

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As I said previously, there are always two POV’s. To each their own.
I like what you said earlier, better.
There are always two POV’s. Why can’t those who oppose him allow the same privilege of opinion to his supporters and refrain from judgment, mockery, and contempt?
Why characterize the point of view of those who criticize Trump as “mean and base”?
Trump will claim vindicated, but they chose not to. Same result, just call witnesses.
Why characterize the point of view of those who criticize Trump as “mean and base”?
At the suggestion of the moderator, who encouraged me to involve more in the discussion, I ask our readers to consider whether it is appropriate to publicly label government leaders corrupt? This prompted my response after dvdjs chimed in to this quote in agreement.
The Democrats didn’t really blow it as much as the Republicans just showed themselves to be a corrupt party willing to overlook obvious crimes for political expediency.
For your consideration: Romans 13:1-7
“The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.”

1 Tim. 2:1-2
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
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For your consideration: Romans 13:1-7
“The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.”

1 Tim. 2:1-2
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority , that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
So Trump is rebelling against the lawful authority of the House of Representatives. Or are you saying Trump is a king? Which is it?
I certainly disagree that the comment was “mean and base”. The Republican Senators made a decision, unprecedented in Senate impeachment trials, not to call witnesses. The effect of this will be to paper-over and cover up Trump’s impeachable actions.
The House Dems also decided to go unprecedented… no one from the republicans voted to impeach. It was purely one sided. Political. This doesn’t show that truth was in the mix… all one sided and no rebuttal.
You didn’t answer the question.
That was posted under the quote from another poster, so I assumed it was for him.

But, since you asked, if a government leader is corrupt, he/she should be publicly labeled as such. To do otherwise would be to lie.
In whose opinion might said leader be corrupt? Does one’s personal opinion give them the right to jeopardize the reputation of an official just because “they think so?” Is this what God would want from us, the right to publicly detract or calumniate any authority because WE think they are corrupt?
In whose opinion might said leader be corrupt? Does one’s personal opinion give them the right to jeopardize the reputation of an official just because “they think so?” Is this what God would want from us, the right to publicly detract or calumniate any authority because WE think they are corrupt?
One can look at the facts and come to the conclusion if someone is corrupt or not.
I always wonder how those sections work in a representive government like ours.
The model in existence at the time was:
Power flows from God, to King.
Then within the Kings discretion, whatever the king conveys to the people.
In our government it goes from God to the people, the people then Ms a limited conveys back to the sovereign.
Politically, we are the object of the conveyance. Are these sections interpreted so that we are hand puppets, blind conduits, or do we now possess different duties and powers?
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Trump will claim vindicated, but they chose not to. Same result, just call witnesses.
Yes. The Senate Republicans robbed Trump of the opportunity for a genuine vindication.
He will claim it and others will counter claim.
The House Dems also decided to go unprecedented … no one from the republicans voted to impeach. It was purely one sided.
That voting of individual members can hardly be described as a decision by Democrats. Moreover, it is incorrect to say that the vote was purely \one-sided. An independent elected as a Republican also voted to impeach.
Does one’s personal opinion give them the right to jeopardize the reputation …
Does one’s persona opinion give them the right to detract form the reputation of other poster’s by accusing them of "mean and base posts or groveling? Have you abandoned the idea of
two POV’s. To each their own.
And? If one determines (rightly or wrongly) what they consider as facts, does that give them the right to publicly enter into judgment and calumny or detraction? I think not. It is so easy to miss the mark re facts, as was evidenced in this trial, that one may not have a well-formed conscience based on what one considers to be true.

Nevertheless, going back to the right to continue the public onslaught unabated just because one believes they are ‘right’ is not what the 8th commandment allows. Shall I quote the particulars? I trust you are familiar with the CCC on this.
Does one’s persona opinion give them the right to detract form the reputation of other poster’s by accusing them of "mean and base posts or groveling?
To forestall further public detraction, it is permissible to offer one’s opinion on a post. Had I said, YOU are mean and base, that is a different situation. I merely critiqued your POST. I still believe it was unwarranted to rubber-stamp the other’s words when it was said that “Republicans are corrupt.” Is anyone authorized to judge of their hearts? Remember Christ’s words, forgive them for “they know not what they do.” If they are rotten to the core, one may not judge their hearts and publicly expose them to ridicule.

I invited others to share their opinions, as suggested by the moderator. You two are trying to pin me down, but I have said enough. Let others participate, heretofore, or else drop it.
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What was correct about the Steele dossier?
It’s sad to see that so many STILL believe the farce of a discredited, propaganda manufactured and unverified dossier. Steele even admitted it himself! It was a farce which launched the Mueller investigation (now how could he have missed that?? [/sarcasm]) and continued into the farce that we know as impeachment.

It’s all a joke sustained by a bunch of pitbulls who just want a pound of flesh on their plate. There is no doubt that those who widely proclaimed they were going to get this president, even before he was elected, are still at it at this point in time. Rest assured, they’re not finished yet either. And luckily for us, their control over their lopsided narrative is slipping.

I know. The media they watch must protect them from
the real story so they don’t realize how they have been
lied to. Very sad. The democrats want to keep them
in the dark.
What was correct about the Steele dossier?
A lot of what was in it has been confirmed. What was found wrong in the Steele dossier?
So many things wrong with the FISA warrants.
So many things wrong with one of Trump’s campaign leaders bragging about help from Russia.
Carter Page has a good lawsuit now.
Good luck to him.
And Michael Avenatti? You are joking right?
That Trump had sex with Stormy Daniels. No, I’m not kidding.
This is why the democrats have been trying to get rid of President Trump before he exposed their dirty
secrets. So far they have failed.
What secrets? He hasn’t exposed jackdiddlysquat outside of encourging the vivid imaginations of his supporters.
If you aren’t afraid of the truth please do your research
on the FISA warrants, the Steele Dossier and Michael
Avenatti. Learn the real facts. @drcube
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