Infiltration... Top selling catholic book on amazon

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yes, I find it sad, that the enemies of The Church and the authentic Grace filled Salvation Gospel get aided and abetted by inaccuracies in books like these. Also, the continued fight over Traditional Latin Mass v. Novus Ordo. This matter was settled, there is room for both Forms. And similar differences.
We need a growing coalition of unity addressing the solemn watering down of the deliverance by Grace Gospel, v. the type of appearance of enabling Gospel. And, to address the stark way this new type of ‘social justice’ Jesus Christ detracts so much from how we are supposed to assert the Sovereignty of Jesus by human laws reflecting The Laws of Nature (ref. Declaration of Independence). It’s gotten so bad that exhorting clear grave moral concerns has become so ambiguous people actually support and give power to those who champion massive amounts of crimes against humanity by the tens thousands worldwide of the helpless least among us.
Thank God we have the types like Dietrich von Hildebrand, not giving into the formed peer pressure to just ‘go with the flow,’ of confusing ambiguous witness and speech.
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Windswept House is a novel, Dr. Marshall’s book isn’t written to be story.
However, the basic ideas are the same between the books whether it is written as a novel or non-fiction.
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Dr. Marshall’s book isn’t written to be story.
It has been a couple weeks since I read Infiltration. It remains with me everyday. Sadly, it isn’t fiction. A couple things stand out. On page 240, Padre Pio receives Lefebvre’s blessing when really Lefebvre actually went to Padre Pio for a blessing. One must conclude the even Padre Pio was disturbed.

The other thing that sticks out is how Cannon Law was changed just prior to the landslide of sexual abuse accusations. It disturbs me that this was the measure taken to protect offenders when in fact the Church should have been feverishly working to engage the old law to clean up!

I know this is a tiny bit off topic but you all know now that Canada revised an old law? Petition calls for repeal of ‘totalitarian’ bill allowing children to be taken from Christian homes | News | LifeSite
I strongly feel that if the Church had cleaned up when they had the means to, threats like this wouldn’t be on our horizon.

The ‘why’ question that David Gray suggests…
Why did this happen? Corruption at high levels in the Church was the tipping point for the situation we have today. It goes back to what my Italian parents used to say…the fish always stinks from the head first.
Shedding light on the obvious is like salt water or sunshine healing a wound. Shedding light will facilitate healing.
By definition an infiltration would be secret and difficult to prove.
But since all things are possible to God, not impossible to see through the current ambiguity. I don’t know the original quote, but it pretty much means the same thing as ‘it’s easier to fool the people, than to convince them that they have been fooled,’ attributed to Mark Twain. This is especially true with a decades/generational long purposeful gradual as it happened infiltration of Western and other societies in the world. And since they know ‘political correctness’ extremely well, and don’t care what you believe or say as long as in doesn’t interfere with their agenda; they know how to make authentic fallible people look ‘judgmental,’ ‘not with the times,’ and even ‘hateful,’ or ‘lacking in charity,’ by their ‘straw man’ emotionally charged rhetorical arguments involving real human beings.

Here is a good article.
Columnists - The Arlington Catholic HeraldSmoke_of_Satan/
Here are some points to ponder.
It’s true that Dr. Taylor Marshall’s book alludes to things that have anecdotal evidence, only; and those specific things are not necessarily true. But there are references to things that well respected, walk the walk, reliable persons reported. And isn’t it odd that so many things prophesied have come true? And isn’t it odd that this ‘new’ humanitarianism is based on playing at heartstrings on real human needs but introduces a lot of class warfare? Just because more palatable terminology is used; basic human needs are used just like in all of history to play at heart strings of those in harsh situations & those of good will who care about them - in other words class warfare. Doesn’t this ring a bell with anyone? And they found a class of human beings who cannot speak for themselves to oppress, helpless tiny children in massive crimes against humanity by the ‘choice’ of those impartially known to God, many of whom could have had an informed conscience and protected the life of their child. We need to see through the clever playing at heartstrings rhetoric of those building a culture by violence against the helpless.
Bishop Fulton J. Sheen received Bella Dodd into the Church, and right on “Life is Worth Living” reported her testimony of upwards of 1000 men trained to pretend to be devout in the 1920s and 1930s enter into seminaries and become priests. By the 1950s some of these reached positions of authority in The Church.
Bishop Fulton J. Sheen would never sully the reputation of The Church by reporting something false. Bella Dodd wrote a book called, ‘School of Darkness,’ which gives simple language on how the Communists infected institutions of an open society; then with subterfuge, tenacity, and cleverness into protected institutions like The Catholic Church.
“and promote clergymen who are not necessarily dedicated Communists, but who were of a progressive and liberal mentality, and whose influence could be counted on to foster a new philosophy and theology within the ranks of the clergy.”
“Once the clergy were infected they would pass this infection to the laity. The whole idea was to destroy, not the institution of the Church, but rather the Faith of the people …through the promotion of a pseudo-religion: something that resembled Catholicism but was not the real thing.”
“there would be a guilt complex introduced into the Church . . . to label the “Church of the past” as being oppressive, authoritarian, full of prejudices, arrogant in claiming to be the sole possessor of truth, and responsible for the divisions of religious bodies throughout the centuries. This would be necessary in order to shame Church leaders into an “openness to the world” and to a more flexible attitude toward all other religions and philosophies. The Communists would then exploit this openness in order to undermine the Church.”
There, also was a man named Dr. Richard Day, who predicted in the 1960s that, "homosexuals would be given permission to act out.”

Interesting how all these things have come to pass.
Neither is the Colorado Baker effeminate. The one who is being persecuted yet again for his Christian faith!
All very plausible. Certainly explains the current state of affairs.
"homosexuals would be given permission to act out.”
In light of the many sex abuse cases, we know more precislely the ‘why’.

The problem is how to cleanse.

Practically speaking, the vast smoke will remain until that generation passes away.
It will continue to take down the equity in the Church and more importantly…souls. The Church coffers are plenty enough even if no one dropped another single dollar into a collection basket for the next 50 years and worldly momentum and acceptance of ‘new sexual lifestyles’ is a pleasing bonus. I don’t see anyone bowing out anytime soon.

At best…triage.
The minority remaining must sort through in hopes of preventing further losses.
The work will be difficult and there will be casualties.

Armed with the Rosary…📿
Triage is good, but part of that is exposing the historical causes, exposing the darkness without railing against it. This takes power from those who use subterfuge to undermine The Church. Either by the differing ideas of a social justice ‘Christ Consciousness’ complacent toward self-evident truths of The Laws of Nature given by Nature’s God, (Creator) with all of the disastrous results of a culture of moral relativistic death.
Without exhorting diligently, this and freedom of religious & moral conscience ‘observance’ along with exhorting ensuring as best as possible those who will turn back from schools legally seducing children from the Laws of Nature toward moral relativism —> society will keep the oppressive status quo or grow into a worse practical dictatorship of moral relativism.
The Adversary and his minions impartially known to God; who give into a ‘social justice’ false Jesus, who pander to those maintaining & promoting the dictatorship of ‘moral relativism’ based on their elitist intellect claiming that God and/or ‘Christ Consciousness’ changes over time for a growing ‘enlightened’ inclusive coexisting more harmonious society along side all the scientific advances have certain tools.
~ There main tools are a pseudo faith, cajoling & enabling sin with complacent passivity in order to gain human respect and not appear ‘judgmental’ rather than a creative compassionate assertive witness that Grace delivers from tenancies to sins of all kinds no matter the hardship to work toward virtue and ‘material’ based philosophical ideas that overly weight even radical applications as opposed to reasoned ones for reforms to help families & poor in hardship; rather than the weighted dire needs of every single helpless human being; and informing consciences to be aware of this.
Thus the culture of death in society continues to be enabled by complacency, by the continuation of laws & practices that were so shocking at first, but the continued status quo gives an ‘air of acceptability’ to the misinformed. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, John Paul ii directed the Church to form a sustained sign of life and charity; forming liaisons with other facets of society with all of the pastoral, educational, and charitable works of the Church. (ref. ADDRESS OF THE HOLY FATHER JOHN PAUL II AT THE COMMEMORATION OF THE FIFTH ANNIVERSARY
Monday, 14 February 2000) But the mindset to detract from this, aids and abets misinforming hurting consciences of good will.
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… upwards of 1000 men trained to pretend to be devout in the 1920s and 1930s enter into seminaries and become priests.
By the 1950s some of these reached positions of authority in The Church.
Specifically, who are these men trained to pretend to be devout and who have reached positions of authority in the Roman Catholic Church?
… upwards of 1000 men trained to pretend to be devout in the 1920s and 1930s enter into seminaries and become priests.
By the 1950s some of these reached positions of authority in The Church.
Specifically, who are these men trained to pretend to be devout and who have reached positions of authority in the Roman Catholic Church?
Unfortunately, if any names were mentioned, that would be a violation of forum policy and the person who mentioned them would likely get their account suspended.
Unfortunately, if any names were mentioned, that would be a violation of forum policy and the person who mentioned them would likely get their account suspended.
For 65 years, all kinds of excuses have been given so as not to divulge the names of those men trained to pretend to be devout and who have reached high positions in the Roman Catholic church. BTW are these clergymen in high positions in the roman Catholic Church also Russian Communists? Perhaps they have been pretending to be of another nationality, but secretly they are Russian communist spies who are now in positions of great authority in the Roman Catholic Church today?
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Unfortunately, if any names were mentioned, that would be a violation of forum policy and the person who mentioned them would likely get their account suspended.
That’s convenient.

Why do we suppose that forum rule exists?
YES!! It is to prevent this forum from being used to commit calumny or detraction.

Besides, the charges don’t pass the sniff test or Occam’s Razor. That means the burden of proof is very high.

What do I mean by that? Well, for instance, if a clergyman is found to have been ordained because he concealed deep-seated same-sex attraction from his bishop, the most likely reason would be that this is what men with deep-seated same-sex attraction typically did back then. It is what a lot of faithful Catholics do even now, for what I think are really obvious reasons.

I would be extremely hesitant to read this book. When the saints had a need to confront the heirarchy, after all, (a) they were extremely hesitant to do it and (b) when the time came to do it, they did it directly, not using hit pieces full of innuendos.
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We really don’t need to know their names. But we should be well aware of this truly happening. One of the saddest things, are the stewards at every level in The Church of good will, who do not know of the softening of Biblical teaching; including asserting The Sovereignty of Jesus Christ in every venue. (ref. QUAS PRIMAS ENCYCLICAL OF POPE PIUS XI, ON THE FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING, for example asserts just that.)
And how the deliberate softening of compassionately exhorting The Divine Revelation moral values of inner peace; in all circumstances in life, for strength to meet the hardships in life; even broken families; actually severely hurt our families.
The main problem with Dr. Taylor Marshall’s book is not the reality of the infiltration. Some of the aspects like using the term ‘Freemasonry’ indiscriminately; and that particular point having some anecdotal unverifiable evidence. Some similar problems with the book.
Here is a link to a testimony regarding Bella Dodd welcomed into The Church by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen. She trained many who either accepted aspects the ‘new’ morality of so-called ‘freedom’ and other aspects of socialism & communism for their brand of peace. They didn’t care if someone accepted the whole agenda, just as long as they helped with their agenda.

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Unfortunately, if any names were mentioned, that would be a violation of forum policy and the person who mentioned them would likely get their account suspended.
Not a problem, since apparently nobody knows any of these names. Which is highly suspicious.
I’ve been reading it and I think it is good, so far. Nothing new. Moreover, I think the author’s position regarding how to deal with the so called crisis (I prefer to call it difficult times) is the best one. He proposes us to recognize and resist. Recognize when teachings of the pope, of bishops and priests is in accordance with thousands of years of tradition, and resist when these teachings try to change, destroy or create new ways.
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