Infiltration... Top selling catholic book on amazon

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True. I’m sure there were a lot of reviews based upon their idea of what they thought the book was about and not necessarily based upon their having actually read it.
I’m not going to get into the polemics going on in this thread. Yes, there are just criticisms of some of Dr. Taylor’s work and posts. I’m going to lay that aside.
I’ve read from the 1993 printing of A Trojan Horse in The City of God: The Catholic Crisis Explained by Dietrich von Hildebrand authorized by his wife Alice von Hildebrand with
a forward by John Cardinal O’Connor. I’ve also read from Encyclicals going back to Leo xiii.
I’ve also listened extensively, and read extensive quotes of Bishop Fulton J. Sheen.
The saddest thing I find is they way Traditional extremists and those who are extremists the other way create ambiguity as to what has transpired in history. That is not how the man who stood up to Hitler through the 1920s saw it. And their really isn’t a conspiracy anymore. There were many that left many after effects; which I know from personal testimony from many personally among Parishioners in my area; and ubiquitous testimonies from the Church world wide.
And the most common answer given by the original depletion of the Pews was that many got the idea, subconsciously, even consciously, well I’m basically a good person and I can help others just like those outside of the Church, because post Vatican ii, the misuse thereof watered down the Gospel. What was called for was yes, a focus on the Beauty of God reflected in Creation and human families and relationships; but the compassionate assertiveness in teaching & conveying the Goodness and Truth of God as Good News of Grace for healing life’s pains by giving strength to let Jesus Christ Who is Always the Seeker of sincerity to strive for inner peace by objective virtue and healing of tendency to sin. Bishop Barron and others relate that there was a ‘dumbing’ down of the faith and way overly focusing on experience.
Were there infiltration into The Church? Certainly. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen would never sully the Name of Jesus Christ and His Church if it weren’t the case, and he reported on the Emmy Award winning show “Life is Worth Living.” Part of the heart-wrenching child abuse situation can be attributed to this. And culture in general has fallen for the secular humanist idea of autonomy in general supersedes self evident inalienable truths and rights of Creator/Laws of Nature/Nature’s God referencing The Declaration of Independence. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen and Mother Teresa both asserted that focusing on social justice, especially how history shows it is manipulated for agendas is not the primary focus of The Gospel. (cont…)
And yes, because they have not been taught like for example Deuteronomy 32, teaches, for example, how many decades of attrition cause a society to loose sight of the authentic compassionate non condoning, enabling, facilitating God Who does give creativity and compassionate assertiveness to Witness The Gospel for individuals as well as how to assert the Sovereignty of Jesus Christ (ref. QUAS PRIMAS. ENCYCLICAL OF POPE PIUS XI) in every facet/venue/aspect of society. The ‘naturalist’ (‘modernism’ as it’s known in The Church, I’ve heard testimony myself of those who adhere to this partly); secular humanist dictatorship of (or complacency toward) moral relativism culture of death with an almost ‘oligarchical’ group biased in so many educational, medical, media, arts&education, legislators and adjudicators is diametrically opposed to The Natural Laws in many way as they have flipped on issues over the decades to foster & encourage an emotionally charged response from the populace. With a predilection toward playing at heart strings of the youth. The vast silence of Leaders seems to be changing gradually. Hopefully, the urgency of now, hurting so many consciences who can change laws and practices; if they were only informed; will form a voice to form back the ideals The Judaeo Christian Ethic which even Thomas Jefferson, a Deist recognized as to where we obtained our true freedoms. He had is own personal Bible, but took out the Divine references to Miracles and such of Jesus Christ. Many things like the opioid crises, increased strife & voilence, depression and so on can be traced back to the gradually increase of the radical secular humanist agenda in society.
Only God can give the desire, and the growth of true inner peace in the circumstance of life; especially when God’s Strength is necessary to get through them. Was society perfect before? Certainly not! Did hypocrisies not addressed properly give ammunition to the radical secular humanists? Yes. But the Lamp of The Authentic Gospel; even with starting with self evident truths when necessary; by The Creativity of The Holy Spirit gives irrefutable witness; that is non polemic, non propaganda; whereby we are not responsible for reactions - but the beauty of the words and actions will attract many to seeds of The Word, and even The Gospel, itself.
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I’ve read from the 1993 printing of A Trojan Horse in The City of God: The Catholic Crisis Explained by Dietrich von Hildebrand authorized by his wife Alice von Hildebrand with
a forward by John Cardinal O’Connor.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider wrote the forward for Infiltration. But he may have gotten a free copy so…lol.
It’s fine. I don’t agree with everything Dr. Taylor Marshall says or does; but there is enough historical evidence that there was a gradual infiltration of secular humanist focusing on social justice that enemies and/or manipulators of The Gospel use to get power.
And there are elements of The Church who adhere to the truths of virtue and vice; but focus on social justice; and that is simply the historical truth.
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You understand that a definition ≠ a synonym… right?
I do not understand because that is incorrect. A synonym literally means a word that is = to the word defined.


1. a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language

This is my first discussion on this forum but I sincerely hope that condescending one liners are not the norm here.
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This is my first discussion on this forum but I sincerely hope that condescending one liners are not the norm here.
It isn’t. But there are a lot of personalities here, and some clash. If you read other threads you’ll at some point see that it does happen at times, other times people will disagree and yet one side will continue to push their side of the dialogue, other times people are respectful and agree to disagree. Reflects real everyday life.

So I hope you’ll stick around!
Yes, translation is an art and the translation of ancient text today varies from translations from different eras. In the US, the revision of the Roman Missal was met with cheers and gnashing of teeth. The US Bishops did a good job making detailed explanations of these changes available so parishioners could learn the “why” of the changes.

Italy will go through the same, some will love the changes, others will have green squealing kittens over them.
You understand that a definition ≠ a synonym… right?
I do not understand because that is incorrect. A synonym literally means a word that is = to the word defined.


1. a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language

This is my first discussion on this forum but I sincerely hope that condescending one liners are not the norm here.
This is incorrect.
English, with its long history of absorbing terminology from a wealth of other tongues, is a language particularly rich in synonyms —words so close in meaning that in many contexts they are interchangeable, like the nouns tongue and language in the first part of this sentence. Just about every popular dictionary defines synonym as a term having “the same or nearly the same” meaning as another, but there is an important difference between “the same” and “nearly the same.”
Noun synonyms sometimes mean exactly the same thing. A Dalmatian is a coach dog —same dog. A bureau is a chest of drawers. And if you ask for a soda on the east coast of the U.S., you’ll get the same drink that asking for a pop will get you farther west. The object referred to remains constant. But forest and wood, though often interchangeable, have different shades of meaning: a forest tends to be larger and denser than a wood. And when we move from nouns to other parts of speech, we almost always find subtle but important differences among synonyms: although the meanings overlap, they differ in emphasis and connotation. A sunset might be described equally well as beautiful or resplendent, but a beautiful baby would not usually be described as resplendent, which implies an especially dazzling appearance. The verbs make and construct mean roughly the same thing, but one is more likely to make a cake but construct a building, which is a more complex undertaking.
Lists of synonyms are useful when we are struggling to write and looking for just the right word, but each word must be considered in light of its specific definition. Notes at the bottom of a dictionary entry—especially usage notes and synonym studies—are often where we’ll find the detailed information that allows us to improve (or refine or polish ) our writing.
The saddest thing historically has been not recognizing the dangers.
The growing almost ‘oligarchical’ group element has been expanding it’s ‘naturalist’ secular humanist dictatorship of (or complacency toward) moral relativism culture of death but imposing it in education and other institutions with clever playing at heartstrings rhetoric.
Yes, it is true that invincible lack of knowledge or informed conscience impartially know to God;
helps us ‘judge not lest ye be judged,’ but complacency in keeping the status quo in all venues of society is a grave moral evil, which maintains an air of ‘acceptability’ of the grave situation.
Right of conscience, orphanages closing, and other oppression are already a reality.
If we do not direct the nations where The Church is; and inform consciences in The Church to return to the ideals of striving to live by the Creeds; such as The Declaration of Independence;
we will suffer even consequences. Why should bakers, The Little Sisters of the Poor, and other courageous few spend their livelihood and great efforts while we stand by and let the status quo be maintained or a worsening of the status quo grow?
Being contrary to self-evident truths given by Creator/The Laws of Nature/Nature’s God always has dire consequences. People can argue and argue over the causes of The Civil War, for example; but fundamentally, it was due to the nation not striving for the ideals of living by it’s Creeds. Gradualism, with high brow theology, philosophy, and other discussions is complacency, lukewarmness, and the like. God help us, if we do not repent; and only God, through Jesus Christ knows the consequences of lukewarmness of compassionately asserting these things to hurting consciences and the massive death toll to the helpless aided and abetted by such an attitude. It’s a form of hiding behind blue, brown, hazel ‘irises’ like stained glassed windows, rather than hold to promoting justice for all like a river by the urgency of now.
Attributed to Mark Twain from a quote pretty much meaning the same thing, “It’s easier to fool
people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” " “ The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” ― George Orwell "“Bad people need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good people should look on and do nothing.” - John Stuart Mill
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It’s a normal practice these days to take someone’s actual failings, his perceived failings and change the narrative to that rather than the substance of what he or she conveyed. And other shifts in narrative; rather than the actual merits of the topic at hand. There is nothing new under the sun.
Like I mentioned in another comment, I do not agree with everything Dr. Taylor Marshall says or does; but his book does have historical merit. To deny that is to deny history.
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He basically bought a thousand positive Amazon reviews by giving away free copies to his most ardent sycophants.
In all fairness he only asked 200 people to read an advanced PDF version. He didn’t mail out 1000 copies to 1000 people.
This is true! I do wonder, though, how 1000 people managed to get a copy that quickly. Amazon didn’t order nearly enough copies and ran out very early on. Up until at least a couple of days ago, Marshall’s co-host Timothy Gordon hadn’t even received one yet.
it’s called getting the kindle version, like me and many others did
And if each of those 200 people shared it with a couple of friends, the number grows exponentially.
…not much real discussion of this book happening here. It doesn’t seem real.
…not much discussion happening anywhere as far as I can see.
“# RESTORING THE SACRED IN A SECULAR AGE: #2 Secularism in the Church Today”
“Email us: for class notes and updates.
Back for his seventh consecutive year, Charles Craigmile presents a provocative series of lectures on restoring the sacred in a secular world. He explores the philosophical underpinnings of present, Western culture and offers hope and reason for a world averse to beauty and truth.”
thank you for your time, The following is a well thought out review which gives a critique of the scholarship of the term ‘Freemasonry’ in Dr. Taylor Marshall’s book. Many realize what has transpired in the Church; but the approaches in solving it are extremely varied; and some are because of what has transpired.
My comment there is as follows:

Good review. I’m glad you recommend the book with the critical provision of the misconceptions of Freemasonry contained in Dr. Taylor Marshall’s perspective of the infiltration. He has qualified in some videos to use ‘secular humanism,’ and similar terms if someone has a problem with the term Freemasonry.
And you are correct, “why” is more important than “who.” However, there seems to be a pervasive watered down ‘Gospel,’ throughout the venues of The Catholic Church which is extremely dangerous to youth and impressionable minds. There must be some kind of structure to inter communication of this watered down ‘Gospel,’ because of the persistence across The Church, although with EWTN & other instruments of authentic Catholicism the outward appearances of traditional piety Latin and Novus Ordo returned in many places.
From all the sources I learn from, like you, EWTN, Renewal Ministries, Ascension Presents, and Word on Fire, Missionaries of The Poor, and Sisters of Life it seems to me that there is a need to form a distinct coalition which aligns with authentic Catholic Teaching, accepted forms of Spiritual Works of Mercy, Corporal Works of Mercy, and clear direction on being instruments of returning to laws and practices which made detracting from The Natural Law unthinkable. If we were to apply say Deuteronomy 32 to the current historical situation; vicariously live within The Church at various times since the mid 1800s; use up to date language & situations which relate to modern culture which shows the stark contrast with scholarly creativity it could really foster and encourage a wake up call for consciences. We’ve been born into days of ambiguity, and those who are aware of what has historically transpired need to form more unity. There are so many broken hearts with so many perspectives which gives rise to misunderstandings and disunity; while those who think being overly congenial (for whatever reason) with the secular humanist dictatorship of (or complacency toward) moral relativism culture of death society with gradualism to win them over, seem more united & have a huge following across The Church.
EWTN, (I didn’t keep bibliographical sources of the show), once compared our ‘day’ with the ‘Pax Romana’ Roman Empire claimed ‘peace,’ because there were no major wars, during the time Jesus Christ came as Suffering Servant.
With this there are very strong parallels with The Temple & synagogue system which many to maintain their status in society chose to overly cooperate with the Roman Empire & societal realities than form peaceful resistance and what has transpired today between Church & the various elements of the ‘secular humanist society’. I hope and pray for someone to write a detailed well sourced work to show this. Peace.
Thanks for leading us to David L. Gray. I will read and follow him.

Your comment is good.
With this there are very strong parallels with The Temple & synagogue system which many to maintain their status in society chose to overly cooperate with the Roman Empire & societal realities than form peaceful resistance and what has transpired today between Church & the various elements of the ‘secular humanist society’. I hope and pray for someone to write a detailed well sourced work to show this.
This ‘cooperation’ translates from the top right down to the ever increasing number of paid workers in the Church. Even at the lowest levels…which happen to be very important…the status quo of paid workers boxes out the flow of the Holy Spirit. Where were we before so many were on the payroll?

I would like to add a comment as a follow up to what David Gray said…about those workers in the Church that fail upwards. Every single man and woman that has failed upward or fails yet maintains position should be pulled and reviewed. The problem with implementing this is that there are too few taking notice. A sickening malaise has set in among the Catholic population. The Catholic population is living a bad fever dream and can’t seem to wake up.

We need further discussion on the ‘why’.

And I give thanks again for Dr. Marshall’s bold step to bring all that he has to the table. Maybe someone else can bring what he has shared to a new level of understanding and depth.
I don’t know if anybody else has said this, but there is a book like this that comes out every 5 to 10 years. People can make money from it. It is Martin Malachi’s Windswept House with a different cover and title.

At least Malachi had some foresight and creativity…
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