Infiltration... Top selling catholic book on amazon

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Yes, it is convenient that it is extremely dangerous to mention any name.
However, it is highly suspicious that the overall witness of The Church & what
would happen in open societies,
mimics exactly what School of Darkness and other sources said was happening
by subterfuge.
Jesus Christ taught to take His Yoke upon us; for rest for our souls; which certainly
means that the more we cooperate with Grace, the more His Own Yoke, leads each of our yokes in the narrow & difficult way to life, personally, in families & neighborhoods, societies, all the way up to nationhood & authentic cooperation with other religions and nations.
The Adversary did form a powerful force in the educational, medical, media, large factions in governments that take the excellent ideas of coexistence, peace, harmony,
tolerance, inclusiveness with immense ‘honey speech’ toward accepting ‘ideas,’
ideologies, philosophies, agendas - even if they are anti-Gospel. They are excellent an painting asserting The Gospel, as oppressive, exclusive, and culturally biased against persons for their propaganda. And Jesus Christ clearly taught their would be wolves in sheep’s clothing. He taught of pious persons who worship, fast, pray, give offerings to His Father’s House, give alms (show concern for the poor) … but do so out of vanity; this mean their own intelligence does it for the reward of prestige. Jeremiah spoke of sinners who cannot be ashamed, nor can they even blush. Paul the Apostle spoke of consciences being seared and those who would accept ‘a form of godliness,’ a different Gospel and Jesus. Add that up with the secular humanist agenda to form social justice for their own prestige age of reason ‘Enlightenment’ human reason ‘naturally’ progressing toward a better world. Then add in the gradualism non compassionate assertive approach toward someone’s personal continued conversion, with a false ‘social justice’ Jesus.
Then look at the world around you; and how Jesus Christ never pandered to the clergy, rulers, landowners, workers, nor alms receivers. Then look at the ‘secular’ leadership in the middle ages, both clergy & nobility & others in the middle ages; and the class warfare used to discredit authentic Church teaching.
“But the one who did not know and did what deserved a beating will receive a light beating. From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required; and from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded.” - Luke 12:48
Peace. (cont… there are things happening as solutions…)
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The main problem today, is that there are many of good will striving to be Godly
merciful, reflecting being a Eucharistic people of Jesus Christ, always with us;
with true assertive compassion who do not realize that much happened that rather
than reflect the true Godly dignity & value of a person, devout, grave moral sinner (i.e. sexual relationship outside of Church marriage, same sex unions), marginalized (children in womb has the vast higher number than any group, the poor):
a peer pressure ‘politically correct’ witness has settled in, but being opposed by courageous leaders, for example, EWTN, Ascension Presents, Renewal Ministries, Courage Ministries helping those with same sex attraction, Chastity Project & other ministries that help with adhering to Biblical/Church Divine Revelation teachings on true love in dating and marriage,
Priests For Life, and Protest Child Killing of Fr . Stephen Imbarrato.
These type of ministries witnesses overall are compassionate toward sinners, which we all are; but stress The Grace of God through Jesus Christ is something to run toward diligently, to grow in virtue and be delivered from tendencies or addictions to behaviors contrary to God’s perfect harmonious Ways. The ‘politically correct’ faction loves to take mistakes for ‘straw man’ arguments; but I’ve heard for myself contrite repentant response for mistakes we all make in charity.
“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your vision is clear, your whole body will be full of light. But if your vision is poor, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!
No one can serve two masters: Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air: They do not sow or reap or gather into barns—and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
And why do you worry about clothes? Consider how the lilies of the field grow: They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his glory was adorned like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans strive after all these things, and your Heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough trouble of its own.” - Matthew 22-34
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We really don’t need to know their names.
Who is the we you are speaking about? It is necessary to know the names to establish credibility of the charges that communists, illuminatis, cabalist jews, and freemasons are now ccupying positions in the Church. I don’t see how an observent Jew would be able to hide his faith and be an authority in the Catholic church at the same time. these accusations are incredible and no one is going to take them seriously unless you give us all the names of those communists and cabalist jews who have infiltrated the Catholic Church. Were these communists members of the KGB, or was it some European party of socialism? Unless we have the names, then it makes no sense to believe these accusations.
OTOH, it is true that since Vatican II, there have been serious changes in the Catholic Church. However, it is difficult to believe that these changes were due to the KGB and the Soviet Communist Party. Rather it seems more likely that these changes came about because of Roman Catholics inside the Church .
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Here is a link to a testimony regarding Bella Dodd
The linked article says:
Illuminati = Cabalist Judaism = Freemasonry = Communism = Satanism
And quotes from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
To equate cabal Judaism with Satanism is anti-semitism. And to quote from an anti-Semitic source is also wrong. Is it not true that anti-Semitism is a mortal sin which has been condemned by the Catholic Church? Why should we listen to anyone who links to articles promoting the sin of anti-Semitism?
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The link was only intended to show, some quotes and summations contained within School of Darkness by Bella Dodd. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, received her into The Church after she repented. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen and others lived through a gradual progression of society whereby forces & powers, most notably The Soviet Union were using subterfuge, playing at heartstrings propaganda in the institutions of open industrialized societies in a philosophical/ideological/agenda war of attrition. So, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen and her being able to testify before Congress gives her good credibility.
So, please see past the various terminologies & claims. The basic war of ideas is the claim that God & morality are human reasoned changeable societal constructs verses The Divine Revelation through Christ Jesus. Quite naturally, one making the former claim, knowing that The Catholic Church along side successful open societies and nations; the ones being so intellectual sure of themselves that religion causes societal problems would use obscure concepts to water down the entrenched ‘Christendom.’ whereby ‘Christendom’ guided these societies by her precepts in governorship.
There are Church works by reliable sources that note that an infiltration happened. A noteworthy one would be, “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing,” on EWTN. The insidious nature of the infiltration; whereby the infiltrators use watered down teachings for their agenda, not necessarily out of line with more compassionately assertive Church Teachings precludes ‘naming names.’ Beside the truth that just like in society, the beginning premises are true & attractive. For example, ‘coexistence,’ ‘inclusiveness,’ and ‘peace.’ But when used to paint Biblical values & morality as judgmental & oppressive in society; then purposely water down creative compassionate assertive ways to exhort receiving the Grace of God to grow in virtue, work on or in some cases be immediately delivered from tendencies or addictions to sinful behavior with a firm purpose of amendment avoiding sin & near occasions of sin; then we have a clear problem. And this did happen, almost imperceptibly as in happened. Dietrich von Hildebrand, who withstood even clerics in the 1920s & 1930s, who didn’t realize the dangers of the ‘National Socialist German Workers Party’ wrote a book called,
Trojan Horse in the City of God: The Catholic Crisis Explained (I have the 1993 printing, approve printing by Alice von Hildebrand, with a forward by John Cardinal O’Connor.
Credible people note that it happened. (cont…)
And since we know that Jesus Christ said that there would be wolves in sheep’s clothing, tares among the wheat, and false prophets; along side something that happened gradually by decade by subterfuge; but left connect the dots proof; and the evidence of recent history bearing out the claims of their objectives happening, (proof is in the pudding); resolving this by naming names indiscriminately will only exacerbate the problem. Raising awareness for souls for a more compassionate assertive teaching to take sin solemnly like Jesus Christ taught is a solution, along side teachings like " QUAS PRIMAS ENCYCLICAL OF POPE PIUS XI ON THE FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING" which directs to diligently assert The Sovereignty of Jesus Christ in every venue of society. The only way we can, is to keep exhorting compassionate assertively to bring about changes in laws and practices for religious freedom, right to moral conscience, and the self evident inalienable rights Given by our Creator to life first; liberty to uphold that right, and pursuit of happiness to uphold those two first rights. Most do not see the danger of the emotionally charged propaganda by the proponents of a secular humanist dictatorship of (or complacency toward) moral relativism culture of death on souls. But passivity in keeping the status quo with the ‘air of acceptability’ in laws & practices that happened in open societies or a worsening certainly does not reflect The Teachings of The Church. Peace.
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so please forgive me for not researching that particular link.
Note how John Paul II directs that ‘real’ socialism in the collapse of Communism in the West was dealt a blow, but he alludes to a type of practical socialism to be wary of.
here is link to Bella Dodd’s testimony. Roman Catholic Heroes: Bella Dodd
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so please forgive me for not researching that particular link.
Maybe you should have researched this link, too. When the narrator in one of the videos posted speaks of Pope Francis, he makes air quotes when he says “Holy Father”.

Sounds like a sedevacantist or schismatic site to me, and it’s hardly surprising then that it abounds in bizarre right-wing conspiracy theories like the Bella Dodd story.
I’ve already asked forgiveness for not researching that link.
I’m not minimizing anything, just not changing the narrative.
Obviously I should have researched the link.
But that doesn’t take away from the credibility of my sources;
such as EWTN aired, “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing,’ Bishop Fulton J. Sheen,
Dietrich & Alice von Hildebrand, and Bella Dodd being credible as Bishop Fulton J. Sheen gave testimony of her testimony right on 'Life is Worth Living,” before the whole world.
Besides the historical truth, that every agenda of the infiltrators has come to pass due to complacency.
Besides the historical truth
What “historic truth”? There isn’t a whiff of a hint of a trace of corroborating evidence whatsoever. It’s a classic conspiracy theory like the government covering up the existence of aliens, or their involvement in the Kennedy assassination or 9/11.

Classic tin-foil hat, black helicopter claptrap, and nothing more.
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(Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, Dietrich & Alice von Hildebrand, EWTN, & others are not ‘tin hat’ conspiracy theorists, and those informing of the realities of the current condition as a result, Ascension Presents, Renewal Ministries, and others are not ‘tin hat’ purveyors of God’s Grace providing for the immense need for a clear balance of exhorting compassionate assertive charitable clear historically relevant balance Spiritual & Corporal Works of Mercy. You can think that Bishop Sheen conveyed a ‘tin hat’ conspiracy all you want; but the reality of their objectives are here; which, maybe you think are some accident of providence.)
so it’s ‘tin hat’ that teaching compassionate assertively to receive Grace by Christ Jesus with a firm purpose of amendment to strive to avoid sin and near occasion of sin diminishing; happening in a more and more deeply over the decades?
so it’s ‘tin hat’ in relationship to that, that the more who are informed to receive Grace;
would find strength from God, rather than earthly or material desires or distractions temporarily anesthetizing the natural restlessness by drifting from God; with the immense increase in acceptance of grave moral evil? And this relates to poverty, also.
so it’s ‘tin hate’ that secular humanists & many in society who promote acceptance of moral relativism (even legislation & adjudications) to force younger and younger children to listen to playing at heartstrings seductive teaching?
the increase of oppression of religious liberty and right to moral conscience is ‘tin hat?’
the flipping on grave moral matters objectively given as self evident truths by our Creator, Laws of Nature, and Nature’s God by claimed to be Christians is ‘tin hat?’
in addition the changing to reasoned approaches to help the poor & social justice that have been with us; to radical ones; using it for propaganda; and these things being overly focused on in an age of the culture of death; which Bishop Sheen & Mother Teresa both taught are the greatest destroyers of peace in the world is the culture of death are ‘tin hat?’
Quite interesting your argument that these evidences of fulfillment of the objectives of the secular humanist God & morality are human reasoned changeable society constructs and mores society came to pass are ‘tin hat.’
What gave rise to these things and maintains the status quo or God forbid let them get worse? Lack of knowledge and complacency.
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Just because people like Fulton Sheen get taken in by a tin-hat conspiracy theory doesn’t make it any less of a tin-hat conspiracy theory. Being an archbishop does not give anyone any special immunity to claptrap or balderdash.
Your assertion of Bishop Sheen conveying what a repentant former conspirator gave testimony of as ‘balderdash’ in the face of the results right now; doesn’t make your assertion true. EWTN, has aired ‘A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing’ from time to time since the autumn of 2016, which asserts certain things of this happening, also. Dietrich von Hildebrand in A Trojan Horse in the City of God: The Catholic Crisis Explained with the 1993 printing containing a forward by John Cardinal O’Connor asserted there factions who use philosophical errors in pastoral care; especially since Vatican II.
So all of these, walk the walk by the sweat of their brow, Catholics, devout and of good repute, according to your assertion are taken in by merely a ‘tin hat’ conspiracy theory?
Quite interesting that these particular ones, and ones today, teaching asserting objective Biblical morality; and firm purpose to grow in objective virtue; and address the poor; and raising awareness for consciences for social justice know our historical times in relation of proportion to address grave moral & societal concerns and are calling for faith formation & pastoral care to counter these realities. And these were being accused of being old fashioned, stuck in their ways, finger pointing, oppressive and decisive; for offer healing solutions toward awareness of Godly objective morality; so since God is Peace, and God is Love; it would help heal divisions of those of good will. Well, thank God there is increased awareness; a growing compassionate assertion to do these things in a time of teaching complacency despite the truly divisive ones, with full knowledge or lack of knowledge of these things.
Not all relate it to those who purposely, gradually introduced these ideas in educational & other venues of open societies more and more. I suppose you do not see the immense danger to souls, and realities of families of those, some even in the name of Jesus Christ; from colleges & other universities asserting that God & morality are human reasoned changeable societal constructs & mores in such vast numbers.
And I suppose from your assertions it all happened by accident. Quite interesting.
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I suppose from your assertions it all happened by accident.
It did not happen by accident. But unless you give us the names of the Communist or cabal-Jewish spies who have been and who are now in power or authority in the Roman Catholic church, then it is difficult to take your claims seriously.
I don’t assert cabal-Jewish spies, my accidentally using a link for Bella Dodd and other quotes, person at that link did. Please do not change the narrative.
We don’t need to name names.
Only offer effective solutions in our parishes and dioceses like EWTN and other credible witnesses ask us to do.
So whether you believe it was done as credible walk the walk well respected Catholics did or not doesn’t matter in solving the problems. Your realization the realities of the current historical difficult moral relativist day not happen by accident due to complacency is a good thing. So, my offering of credible persons, is all I had to do.
Trying to name names will only foster divisions; give place to the bantering back and forth regarding persons; when only God knows if someone is giving weak pastoral care in asserting Grace filled Gospel teaching to use that Grace to grow in virtue; grow Godly inner peace & strength to avoid sin & near occasion of sin with a firm purpose of amendment out of misguided concern or a willing participant in poor pastoral care or worse.
I’m not going to get into an accusing conveyance like Michael Voris, which doesn’t help the situation, only exacerbates it. Providence by the power of God, will openly weed out true willing persons known to God in this life or the next. And there will be a new spring time for The Church by the power of The Holy Spirit for historically necessary according to dire historical needs of objective morality & justice of families for both Spiritual Works of Mercy and Corporal Works of Mercy. And these will reflect the self evident inalienable truths of our Creator, Nature’s God, and The Laws of Nature.
The enticements of moral relativism so wide spread, anesthetizing by repeated ‘fixes’ in grave moral evil by emotional highs will be diminished by raising awareness. And this in turn will help diminish the power those who purvey a culture of death as part of the solution for social justice. The ‘bread’ and/or ‘circuses’ (distractions) was done by Roman Emperors, also. Very similar.
Our battle is not against flesh and blood by the dark places of power. The gates of hell will not prevail against Jesus Christ who Mystically takes on all unearned suffering by the Power of The Cross of all the helpless & those suffering from an uninformed conscience due to complacency of those who have the duty to creatively assertively compassionately inform consciences; and all of the helpless children, adults, and sick; and poor offered only gradualism ‘material’ based collectivist solutions that never work. Just like the money changers profited by selling shekels & copper coins in days of Suffering Servant Jesus Christ for Roman ‘imaged’ coins at an extremely uneven exchange rate; the elitists today offer material bases solutions for prestige and/or influence and/or power and/or wealth: and these are impartially know to Jesus Christ who said there would be wolves in sheep’s clothing false prophets, ‘tares’ that look like wheat among us. And this has happened in all of salvation history; and we have the certain particulars & clarifications of our historical times.
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I wondered how long it will be before books like Dr. Taylor Marshall’s and really all Catholic books are banned by power freaks such as Amazon. The population ‘fed’ Amazon into power and this is the interest returned…little wonder.

What is it going to take to wake people up to the power these LGBT activist fanatics assert over freedom of speech and inquiry? Where does it stop, their censorship?
Quote from the article.
Only now has someone like Dr. Marshall fought back by laying out in one simple book, the recent history of degeneration in the Church. The recent history loudly shouts of a homosexual cabal that abused, censored and swayed the sheep they were entrusted with. The censorship of Nicolsi’s book overlays neatly like a polished coating on the situation we have in the Church today.
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