I’m just about to go to bed but a few quick comments for consideration. Simultaneous does not necessarily entail instantaneous. For example, a potter who molds a vase is the efficient cause of the vase but this event is not instantaneous. It is clear that cause and effect must simultaneously exist for if we eliminate the cause we eliminate the effect. In a per se series, the effect depends on the simultaneous existence of the causal members of the series. In the above example, we need a potter who is a human being with a mind, nerves, muscles, arms and hands to produce the effect. Every change involves time but time is not really the point of a per se series. What is more to the point for Aquinas, I believe, is being and what exists. A dead potter does not mold a vase. Cause and effect must exist simultaneously and in a per se series the effect exists simultaneously with all the causal members of the series whether the intermediate causes be one or several. This does not necessarily entail that the effect was produced instantaneously.Both series are sequential in nature, although in defense of Aquinas, that may be difficult to detect in the case of the mind moving the hand, moving the stick, moving the rock. The mind sends impulses to the muscles, which contract and move the hand. Which in turn moves the stick. This motion then travels down the stick at something less than the speed of light, and is imparted to the rock. The cause and effect aren’t simultaneous. At the time that the rock moves, the existence of the mind is irrelevant. Once in motion the series of sticks and rocks could be infinite, just like the series of dominoes. And just as with the dominoes, once in motion, the existence of the preceding causes become irrelevant.
From the perspective of causation, the process by which the dominoes fall, and the rocks move, is exactly the same. It’s a sequential series, not a simultaneous one.
In the physical world, there are no “per se” series, if “per se” equates to simultaneous causation. A causal series, is by its very nature, sequential.
This isn’t meant to be a refutation of either the First or Second Ways. I’m simply pointing out that differentiating a “per se” series from a “per accidens” series, isn’t as straight forward as it first appears.
If Trent Horn is correct, and the falling dominoes are a “per accidens” series, then all causal series are “per accidens” series.