Info on SDA

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A non-practicing Catholic friend of mine is being recruited by a 7th day adventist. I have plenty of info on Mormons and JW’s but not much on this group. The SDA is saying alot of bad things about Catholics. Can anyone help? So I can give her the best possible advice.

thanks in advance
Hi gitsch, there is actually alot on this forum. I will give you some links.

Eat pork, loose salvation. CA Forum Christians CA CA
 	 		 		  			 				 				 				 			 			 			 			 			[Please help me with a Seven Day Adventist!!!  ]( Forum
Seventh Day Adventist’s CA Forum

SDA Baptism CA Forum

The Sabbath

My own Personal web site…

you will also see a member on the this forum, that goes by SDA2RC, he and his wife have justed upgraded to the Catholic Faith from the SDA Church, really nice guy, if you have any questions, I am sure he would be glad to answer them for you.

Good Luck…Joao
If you’d like to make a list of the things your friend is being told, I’m pretty sure there’s people here who’d be able to help you point by point.
If you’d like to make a list of the things your friend is being told, I’m pretty sure there’s people here who’d be able to help you point by point.
Absolutely… lets talk about what doctrines you are up against… My friend Joao gave some great resources… but both he and I, and like Amanda said, many others on here, love to talk about questions and ways to approach things!!

Peace in Christ!!

Absolutely… lets talk about what doctrines you are up against… My friend Joao gave some great resources… but both he and I, and like Amanda said, many others on here, love to talk about questions and ways to approach things!!

Peace in Christ!!

Brandon - You’re back!!! You’ve not told us how confirmation and the blessing of your marriage went. Was it awesome?
Brandon - You’re back!!! You’ve not told us how confirmation and the blessing of your marriage went. Was it awesome?
Yes… it was fabulous!! Our profession of faith, confirmation, and blessing of the marriage was done in front of the entire parish. The priest’s homily was largely our conversion story and experiences that we went through while we have been working with him. Since that time we have been going to mass every chance we get… Saturday night, Sunday night, Wed’s night, Friday nights! We can’t get enough time with our Lord!!

My wife and I were confident knowing that we had so many people praying for us and thinking about us that day!! Thank you everyone!!

Yes… it was fabulous!! Our profession of faith, confirmation, and blessing of the marriage was done in front of the entire parish. The priest’s homily was largely our conversion story and experiences that we went through while we have been working with him. Since that time we have been going to mass every chance we get… Saturday night, Sunday night, Wed’s night, Friday nights! We can’t get enough time with our Lord!!

My wife and I were confident knowing that we had so many people praying for us and thinking about us that day!! Thank you everyone!!

How wonderful!! I am so happy for you that it’s unimaginable. God Bless you!! Keep us posted when you have your child this summer and when you have your three children baptized. You are in our prayers. You are a great asset to these forums!
Hello there, I am a Seventh Day Adventist and I am more than happy to help you if you have any questions regarding our beliefs. Have a good day
Hello there, I am a Seventh Day Adventist and I am more than happy to help you if you have any questions regarding our beliefs. Have a good day
Welcome Rexpi :).

Question for you…

Although I like SDA culture and practices and I find it the closest to me and to Islam in general. BUT the 1863 origin for SDA keeps me back, I personally find it hard to accept a Church which Jesus apostles didn’t start, what do you think?
The SDA is saying alot of bad things about Catholics.
I believe they claim that the Pope is the Antichrist. If true, then clearly they both: 1) don’t know what they are talking about, 2) don’t read the Bible,

1 John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

1 John 4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

2 John 1:7 For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

When is the last time any Pope has denied Jesus is the Christ, or has denied that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, or has denied the Father and the Son? It has never happened. Obviously they can’t possibly know what they’re talking about…these are not difficult verses.
I believe they claim that the Pope is the Antichrist. If true, then clearly they both: 1) don’t know what they are talking about, 2) don’t read the Bible,

1 John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

1 John 4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

2 John 1:7 For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

When is the last time any Pope has denied Jesus is the Christ, or has denied that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, or has denied the Father and the Son? It has never happened. Obviously they can’t possibly know what they’re talking about…these are not difficult verses.
Do you know why SDA’s say these things? You can’t assume that someone doesn’t read the Bible because they say something you disagree with. That is hardly fair.

Just a suggestion. Do some research about what (real) Adventist really believe and read. Find out why they say these things. Find out what scriptures are being used by them to say that the catholic system is…

Study the spirit of Bible prophecy and not what a fanatic says on a website. You will quickly see that half the things that are said on a random website is not what people of the Adventist faith believe. Notice I said “study.” Study what God’s word says.
Do you know why SDA’s say these things? You can’t assume that someone doesn’t read the Bible because they say something you disagree with. That is hardly fair.

Just a suggestion. Do some research about what (real) Adventist really believe and read. Find out why they say these things. Find out what scriptures are being used by them to say that the catholic system is…

Study the spirit of Bible prophecy and not what a fanatic says on a website. You will quickly see that half the things that are said on a random website is not what people of the Adventist faith believe. Notice I said “study.” Study what God’s word says.
hi meek and humble. i think i have a good idea, why they say these things. and no, my info does not come from the net. i actually have had the opportunity to work with seventh day adventist, over the years, and have actually been to their services. and discussed their beliefs, face to face. what they believe is based off of the visions of e.g. white, and a huge misinterpretation of the prophecy of daniel. their beliefs about the investigative judgement, the scape goat, and the cleansing of the sanctuary, and sabbath, are all based on the visions of e.g. white. interesting info has come up about her in the last few years. i for one have some serious doubts, as to her “prophetic gift.” although, she was an excellent writer. Peace 🙂
hi meek and humble. i think i have a good idea, why they say these things. and no, my info does not come from the net. i actually have had the opportunity to work with seventh day adventist, over the years, and have actually been to their services. and discussed their beliefs, face to face. what they believe is based off of the visions of e.g. white, and a huge misinterpretation of the prophecy of daniel. their beliefs about the investigative judgement, the scape goat, and the cleansing of the sanctuary, and sabbath, are all based on the visions of e.g. white. interesting info has come up about her in the last few years. i for one have some serious doubts, as to her “prophetic gift.” although, she was an excellent writer. Peace 🙂
Hi. sorry but I dont agree in saying that we base our beliefs in Ellen G White visions… Its easy to say that but I can tell for sure its not like that. Even some Adventist believe that way… sad but true. But if you really examine Ellen White you’ll find that everything she says goes according to the Bible, even things like smoking, drinking and other topics. Being a prophet doesnt mean she was perfect, and you know she didnt even call helself a prophet.
Before judging I would say read her books (seriously read them) and go to the Bible to compare if she is telling lies. Our main light comes from the Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy as we call her writting are just a guide, its like having a magnifier lense.
The only thing that reading her books made me do was to draw me nearer to the Bible and to God, not to her.
Have a good one
Hi. sorry but I dont agree in saying that we base our beliefs in Ellen G White visions… Its easy to say that but I can tell for sure its not like that. Even some Adventist believe that way… sad but true. But if you really examine Ellen White you’ll find that everything she says goes according to the Bible, even things like smoking, drinking and other topics. Being a prophet doesnt mean she was perfect, and you know she didnt even call helself a prophet.
Before judging I would say read her books (seriously read them) and go to the Bible to compare if she is telling lies. Our main light comes from the Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy as we call her writting are just a guide, its like having a magnifier lense.
The only thing that reading her books made me do was to draw me nearer to the Bible and to God, not to her.
Have a good one
hello rexpi. you are correct, she never did call herself a prophetess. that is true. but she also never corrected anyone who did. unless im mistaken. but sda teachings on the investigative judgement, the cleansing of the sanctuary, and sabbath keeping are based on her visions. also i have read a good majority of her books. i particulary liked child guidance, and steps to Christ. but look what you just said, OUR MAIN LIGHT COMES FROM THE BIBLE. the Spirit of Prophecy as we call her writings are just a guide. are you not calling her a prophetess here. please clarify. i may be misreading what you meant. Peace 🙂
It is my understanding that the SDA are every similar to JWs.
I think they deny the Trinity as they do, believe the mark of the beast is Sunday worship, that the Catholic Church is the Harlot prophisied in Revelation, that Ellen G. White is a prophetess and therefore attach extreme weight on her writtings and commentaries, and lastly, in what is in my opinion the strangest of all their doctrines, that Jesus Christ our savior is in fact St. Michael the Archangel in his bodily human form meaning they are both one in the same.
Just as the Catholic Church has been working to purify itself of sexual abuse, I think it high time these other religions do some house cleaning as well, especially in deliberate misrepresentations and bigotry against other Christians in general.
hello rexpi. you are correct, she never did call herself a prophetess. that is true. but she also never corrected anyone who did. unless im mistaken. but sda teachings on the investigative judgement, the cleansing of the sanctuary, and sabbath keeping are based on her visions. also i have read a good majority of her books. i particulary liked child guidance, and steps to Christ. but look what you just said, OUR MAIN LIGHT COMES FROM THE BIBLE. the Spirit of Prophecy as we call her writings are just a guide. are you not calling her a prophetess here. please clarify. i may be misreading what you meant. Peace 🙂
Hi Benedict, let me explain myself better so you dont have any doubt. We do believe she was a prophetess but when asked she said no {Selected Messages} because at that time many where calling themselves prophets but they where a shame for the Glory of God and because what she does includes much more of what the word prophet means.
When I said she wasnt perfect I meant it. She was growing as a prophet or messenger, and did say things that later on she learnt where wrong and then had to fix it up. But because of that we cannot say I wont believe her anymore… Let me put a couple of examples… John the baptist was a prophet, by the way, when asked he said he wasnt a prophet, anyways everyone recognized him as one, he preached Jesus first coming, he presented Jesus as the Lamb of God that takes the sin of the world but even that he did a mistake thinking that Jesus came as a king and when John was put in jale he got really discouraged about Jesus, he even sent 2 of his disciples to ask Jesus if he truly was the messiah. But then he finally understood that Jesus coming meant to be in 2 stages, the first one to die for us and resurrect and the second as King. After that he could die in peace. Another example would be prophet Nathan, he said to David that he would build the temple… that same night God corrected him and so after that Nathanniel had to go back to David and told him that he did a mistake, it wasnt David the one to build the temple but his son Solomon. All prophets along the Bible and we believe Ellen White as well, grew up in their knowledge, they did make mistakes and that didnt make them non prophets.
Prophets were to bring people’s attention towards God and His promises. We believe God used her to help last days generation to go back to God and His soon second coming.

Now when we call her the lesser light its because we dont base our beliefs in her writtings but her writtings brings us back to the Bible, back to Jesus who is the Great Light. Even John the baptist was called a lesser light, being called a torch that guide to Jesus our Savior.

Just to put it really clear… Every single one of our 28 fundamental beliefs, as a Seventh Day Adventist Church is based in the Bible. We can demostrade each one of them with the Bible if you please. So the idea that we base the judgement, the Sabbath and the Sanctuary cleansing on Ellens visions is totally mistaken.

I hope it clarify a bit more the idea you and everyone else have of the SDA church. Its easy misunderstand but like I said before you have to tested by yourself and always with your Bible.

Have a good one:thumbsup:
**Do you know why SDA’s say these things? You can’t assume that someone doesn’t read the Bible because they say something you disagree with. That is hardly fair. **

There can be an array of reasons why they say the things they say or believe. One is primarily IGNORANCE and PREJUDICES spoon fed to them for years. Reading scripture and making horrible interpretations. Reading totally anti-Catholic material like The Great Controversy by one of their co-founders Ellen G. White.

I think it is very fair to say why they say such absurd things about Catholics.

Just a suggestion. Do some research about what (real) Adventist really believe and read. Find out why they say these things. Find out what scriptures are being used by them to say that the catholic system is…

“Real” SDA’s? Explain what a ‘real’ SDA is in your perspective?

**Study the spirit of Bible prophecy and not what a fanatic says on a website. You will quickly see that half the things that are said on a random website is not what people of the Adventist faith believe. Notice I said “study.” Study what God’s word says. **

I suggest your apply the same to SDA about Catholcism and not what some anti-Catholic SDA is feeding their faithful.
Hi Benedict, let me explain myself better so you dont have any doubt. We do believe she was a prophetess but when asked she said no {Selected Messages} because at that time many where calling themselves prophets but they where a shame for the Glory of God and because what she does includes much more of what the word prophet means.
When I said she wasnt perfect I meant it. She was growing as a prophet or messenger, and did say things that later on she learnt where wrong and then had to fix it up. But because of that we cannot say I wont believe her anymore… Let me put a couple of examples… John the baptist was a prophet, by the way, when asked he said he wasnt a prophet, anyways everyone recognized him as one, he preached Jesus first coming, he presented Jesus as the Lamb of God that takes the sin of the world but even that he did a mistake thinking that Jesus came as a king and when John was put in jale he got really discouraged about Jesus, he even sent 2 of his disciples to ask Jesus if he truly was the messiah. But then he finally understood that Jesus coming meant to be in 2 stages, the first one to die for us and resurrect and the second as King. After that he could die in peace. Another example would be prophet Nathan, he said to David that he would build the temple… that same night God corrected him and so after that Nathanniel had to go back to David and told him that he did a mistake, it wasnt David the one to build the temple but his son Solomon. All prophets along the Bible and we believe Ellen White as well, grew up in their knowledge, they did make mistakes and that didnt make them non prophets.
Prophets were to bring people’s attention towards God and His promises. We believe God used her to help last days generation to go back to God and His soon second coming.

Now when we call her the lesser light its because we dont base our beliefs in her writtings but her writtings brings us back to the Bible, back to Jesus who is the Great Light. Even John the baptist was called a lesser light, being called a torch that guide to Jesus our Savior.

Just to put it really clear… Every single one of our 28 fundamental beliefs, as a Seventh Day Adventist Church is based in the Bible. We can demostrade each one of them with the Bible if you please. So the idea that we base the judgement, the Sabbath and the Sanctuary cleansing on Ellens visions is totally mistaken.

I hope it clarify a bit more the idea you and everyone else have of the SDA church. Its easy misunderstand but like I said before you have to tested by yourself and always with your Bible.

Have a good one:thumbsup:
hello my friend. i appreciate your candor. but i somewhat take issue with saying that john the baptist or nathan made mistakes in their prophecies. nathan i will get back to you on. i believe when he first talked to david about this, he was not speaking in the spirit of prophecy. john the baptist however, was really a humble person. i believe he knew exactly who he was. as he stated to the Jewish leaders, i am a voice crying out in the wilderness. make straight the paths of the Lord! john the baptist, was “elija” promised in the 0.T. i have no doubt he knew this, but his humility, kept him from admitting it. if ellen g. white made one error in prophecy, then she is a false prophet. not my rule. that is found in the law, and in the book of jerimiah. i can give you chapter and verse if you like. also other than the false prophet ballam, were there any gentile prophets? that may make an interesting thread in itself. Peace 🙂 p.s. i love seventh day adventist. you folks are some of the more intelligent, thought provoking protestants out there, and ive yet to see one of yours get nasty here. its been awhile since weve had a thread like this. Peace 🙂
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