Info on SDA

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I have two comments to make on the sabbath.
  1. is from Wikipedia
    The earliest evidence of continuous use of a seven-day week appears with the Jews during the Babylonian Captivity of the 6th century BC.[2]
Between the 1st and 3rd centuries the Roman Empire gradually replaced the eight day Roman nundinal cycle with the seven-day week. By the time of the official introduction of the seven-day week in the Roman calendar by Constantine in AD 321, the nundinal cycle had fallen out of use completely.
Adam and Eve more than likely had no system of telling a week from a month. That would be a development. It is unlikely that they would have been commanded by God to observe a day not yet invented. Nor would God commanded of the entire population something that was not universally practiced. Some nations had an eight day week.
  1. Sabbath starts on a Friday at sundown and ends on Saturday at sundown. It is not a twenty four hour day.
Not at all. Me again by his constant posting of Deu.5:15 is I’m assumning trying to say that God gave the commadments only to the ethnic Jews. Rom.9:6-8defines a Jew not as having anything to do with ethnicity. What it does have to do with is acceptance of the promise of Messiah, Jesus Christ. So God was not giving the ten commandments to ethnic Jews on mount Sinai. He was giving them to CHRISTIANS.
Thank you for clearing up my confusion.🙂
It doesn’t refute his point at all. The law including the ten words were done away with by Jesus cross not telling Christians they were the new Jew.
Israel’s unbelief and its rejection of Jesus as savior astonished and puzzled Christians. It constituted a serious problem for them in view of God’s specific preparation of Israel for the advent of the Messiah. Paul addresses himself here to the essential question of how the divine plan could be frustrated by Israel’s unbelief. At the same time, he discourages both complacency and anxiety on the part of Gentiles. To those who might boast of their superior advantage over Jews, he warns that their enjoyment of the blessings assigned to Israel can be terminated. To those who might anxiously ask, “How can we be sure that Israel’s fate will not be ours?” he replies that only unbelief can deprive one of salvation.
still waiting… anybody tell me. all i want is ONE name of someone teaching SDA theology, during the revolutionary war. i pick this time era, because it is not to far removed from the events that brought this theology to light in the mid 1800s. Peace 🙂
I have been waiting too.
No facts presented only speculative opinion. It is wrong on so many fronts. The Ten words were not given until Moses. There is no evidence of anyone until Moses received the ten words keeping the seventh day.

Where are the words numbered? Catholic’s fourth commandment is honor thy father and mother. You should remember that you are on a Catholic site and speak accordingly.

I don’t know what you are saying here. It doesn’t make sense.

This is the way that the Commandments have always been summarized. That makes two not three.

Again I have no idea what you are trying to say. What law are you speaking about that support the Ten Words?
Why should anyone care that this is a Catholic site? We who are not Catholic will only quote the scriptures as they emanated from the Textus Receptus, the received texts which came down through the Eastern Patriarchate of the Christian Church. That is the one that came through the Apostle, John who oversaw the Asian churches. Those texts were not treated by Origen at Alexandria, Egypt. He wanted to introduce Christianity to Hellenism. That is, Greek philosophy and religion.

I also noticed that someone on this site called someone else a “pervert.”
You mention that this is a Catholic website. That same site sent out in it’s Hot Topics email something called “Info. On SDA.” They are not Catholic either. You somehow don’t expect them, or others who may agree with some of the same teachings about the Sabbath to respond to the many attacks by Catholics against SDA doctrines, and their leaders? So far, no one that I have seen respond to what we consider unfair Catholic attacks has attacked your pope or other leaders.

Name calling is only a sign of frustration at statements made by others.
As far as what did Adam and Eve knew of the Law of God, why and how was it that God accused Cain of a crime we today call murder? How did Abel know about an offering of an animal as a sacrifice?

In the book of Jude, vs. 14 and 15, Jude speaks of “Enoch, the seventh from Adam,” and says that Enoch prophecied about what kind of men would scoff and complain, etc., while making excuses about their own lude behavior and their attacks on the faitfulness of other followers of Jesus. He talks about them as doers of evil.

If God’s Ten Commandments did not exist as given down the line starting with Adam, then how did Enoch know about what amounts to moral behavior as described in God’s Law?
Enoch lived and preached about 1,000 years before the flood. Where did he get his knowledge from?
I have been waiting too.
dont hold your breath my friend. i think we should recieve an answer at about the same time the sunday laws come into effect banning the sabbath by antichrist. in a nut shell. NEVER…😛 peace 🙂

You answer with the same old rhetoric. I feel very sorry for you especially that although you say that you listen to and follow the Word of God, you DO NOT. Your answer and comments to my posts show me ( and I’m sure others ) that you are telling Jesus what to say and what He means when He has said otherwise. Belive it or not, you are doing the work of and for the PRINCE OF LIES. He has dangled the bait before you and you have fallen lock, stock, and barrel for it. Your arrogance and belitteling manner in your comments and responses follow the pattern. May God have mercy on you. I will pray for you that you wake up and realize your error.

By the way, from your previous posts, I know exactly what you will say to this one.

PAX DOMINI :signofcross:

Shalom Aleichem
Not at all. Me again by his constant posting of Deu.5:15 is I’m assumning trying to say that God gave the commadments only to the ethnic Jews. Rom.9:6-8defines a Jew not as having anything to do with ethnicity. What it does have to do with is acceptance of the promise of Messiah, Jesus Christ. So God was not giving the ten commandments to ethnic Jews on mount Sinai. He was giving them to CHRISTIANS.
so how many Christians were present at mount sinai for the giving of the law? im gonna guess its the same amount of SDA who were present for the signing of the declaration of independence.😉 peace 🙂
Why should anyone care that this is a Catholic site? We who are not Catholic will only quote the scriptures as they emanated from the Textus Receptus, the received texts which came down through the Eastern Patriarchate of the Christian Church. That is the one that came through the Apostle, John who oversaw the Asian churches. Those texts were not treated by Origen at Alexandria, Egypt. He wanted to introduce Christianity to Hellenism. That is, Greek philosophy and religion.

I also noticed that someone on this site called someone else a “pervert.”
You mention that this is a Catholic website. That same site sent out in it’s Hot Topics email something called “Info. On SDA.” They are not Catholic either. You somehow don’t expect them, or others who may agree with some of the same teachings about the Sabbath to respond to the many attacks by Catholics against SDA doctrines, and their leaders? So far, no one that I have seen respond to what we consider unfair Catholic attacks has attacked your pope or other leaders.

Name calling is only a sign of frustration at statements made by others.
As far as what did Adam and Eve knew of the Law of God, why and how was it that God accused Cain of a crime we today call murder? How did Abel know about an offering of an animal as a sacrifice?

In the book of Jude, vs. 14 and 15, Jude speaks of “Enoch, the seventh from Adam,” and says that Enoch prophecied about what kind of men would scoff and complain, etc., while making excuses about their own lude behavior and their attacks on the faitfulness of other followers of Jesus. He talks about them as doers of evil.

If God’s Ten Commandments did not exist as given down the line starting with Adam, then how did Enoch know about what amounts to moral behavior as described in God’s Law?
Enoch lived and preached about 1,000 years before the flood. Where did he get his knowledge from?
hello ron. i believe they said the person perverted the text. they didnt call them one. Peace 🙂
ron my friend. i have some other questions for you. you have gotten me interested in studying messianic Judaism more in depth. are you familiar with the website put out by the baruch hashem Messianic Jewish congregation? fascinating. how is it they are more in line with traditional Christianity in their view of the law than you are? also have been looking up other sources. there seems to be more leniency on this issue, than you are espousing here. including holding to the sabbath day. why is this? also they are in agreement with the statements that have been made here, that the law was given to physical israel, to seperate them from the other peoples of the earth. your comments please? im going to do more research. i wish i had a barnes and noble here in iraq so i could get more books on the subject. i really do not like the internet for info. but honestly if i ever get the chance, i will take a day and worship with these people. peace 🙂
Thank you for clearing up my confusion.🙂
It doesn’t refute his point at all. The law including the ten words were done away with by Jesus cross not telling Christians they were the new Jew.
Jer.31:31Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a **new covenant **with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
32Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD:
33But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.

According to Jer. 31 the NEW COVENANT is defined by THE LAW being written on our minds and in our hearts.

9Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He taketh away the first, that he may establish the second.
10By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
11And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins:
12But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;
13From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.
14For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.
15Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us: for after that he had said before,
16This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;

Says that is done by the Holy Spirit made possible by the “offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.”
ROM.3: 20Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
says that the law teaches us what sin is.

So unless sin has been eliminated and Jer.31:31-33 and Heb.10:9-16 is somehow mistaken. The law is very much a part of the NEW COVENANT and the cross writes the law on our minds and in our hearts and has not been “done away with by Jesus cross” as you say.

You answer with the same old rhetoric. I feel very sorry for you especially that although you say that you listen to and follow the Word of God, you DO NOT. Your answer and comments to my posts show me ( and I’m sure others ) that you are telling Jesus what to say and what He means when He has said otherwise. Belive it or not, you are doing the work of and for the PRINCE OF LIES. He has dangled the bait before you and you have fallen lock, stock, and barrel for it. Your arrogance and belitteling manner in your comments and responses follow the pattern. May God have mercy on you. I will pray for you that you wake up and realize your error.

By the way, from your previous posts, I know exactly what you will say to this one.

PAX DOMINI :signofcross:

Shalom Aleichem
javl my dear friend. its times like these that we need to step back and have a good sense of humor. hows the old commercial go? never let them see you sweat? or was it raise your hand raise your hand if your sure!? lol! dont let em frustrate ya. we really are winning this debate…at least from where i see it 😉 peace 🙂
ron my friend. i have some other questions for you. you have gotten me interested in studying messianic Judaism more in depth. are you familiar with the website put out by the baruch hashem Messianic Jewish congregation? fascinating. how is it they are more in line with traditional Christianity in their view of the law than you are? also have been looking up other sources. there seems to be more leniency on this issue, than you are espousing here. including holding to the sabbath day. why is this? also they are in agreement with the statements that have been made here, that the law was given to physical israel, to seperate them from the other peoples of the earth. your comments please? im going to do more research. i wish i had a barnes and noble here in iraq so i could get more books on the subject. i really do not like the internet for info. but honestly if i ever get the chance, i will take a day and worship with these people. peace 🙂
There are some Messianic Jewish congregations that start by espousing the idea that Jesus nailed more than the animal sacrificial system to the cross. Others, such as myself, espous the idea that, as far as the moral Law is concerned, it is not whether one keeps the “Law of Moses” or not. It is why one keeps it. Does one keep it in order that one can earn salvation? Or, does one keep it because one loves the Law Giver (God the Son) and wants to as closely act as He acted as possible? Does one see the character of Jesus Christ in the Law He gave to Moses? Or, does one see the Law as limiting his or her freedom in some way?

Messianic Jews, because like all of us, are human beings who come to Messianic Judaism with the same variances and attitudes as many Christians who also come to study Messianic Judaism, are thus all over the board in how they view the Law. Jesus defended it in Matthew 23. I want to follow what Jesus described what He wants His followers to do “when theys sit in Moses’ seat in the synagogues and teach.”
There are some Messianic Jewish congregations that start by espousing the idea that Jesus nailed more than the animal sacrificial system to the cross. Others, such as myself, espous the idea that, as far as the moral Law is concerned, it is not whether one keeps the “Law of Moses” or not. It is why one keeps it. Does one keep it in order that one can earn salvation? Or, does one keep it because one loves the Law Giver (God the Son) and wants to as closely act as He acted as possible? Does one see the character of Jesus Christ in the Law He gave to Moses? Or, does one see the Law as limiting his or her freedom in some way?

Messianic Jews, because like all of us, are human beings who come to Messianic Judaism with the same variances and attitudes as many Christians who also come to study Messianic Judaism, are thus all over the board in how they view the Law. Jesus defended it in Matthew 23. I want to follow what Jesus described what He wants His followers to do “when theys sit in Moses’ seat in the synagogues and teach.”
thank you for your kind response. so would you say its similar to “regular” Judaism, where they have the Orthodox, Conservative and Liberal? or is there no consensus as to how far to observe the Law in Messianic Judaism. im finding this fascinating. always knew this movement existed, but im looking forward to my study to learn more. dont get me wrong. i would never wish to convert. but i do love the Jewish people, and this is one more avenue i can approach. Peace 🙂
I also noticed that someone on this site called someone else a “pervert.”
No one called anyone a pervert. Read carefully.
Richard Kastner asked for a scripture that he perverted.

I answered with a quote of the scripture and said this is the scripture you perverted. So NO ONE called anyone a pervert.

Hope that clears it up.

To your other point. Have you never heard of natural law? There are things that we know is wrong just because it is obvious or what is called natural. Hence, most of the commandments can be known without telling us directly. I know to kill is wrong to steal to be respectful, I didn’t need someone telling me that they were commanded by God.

I do hope you believe in the one about bearing false witness which is what you did when you accused someone of calling a person a pervert. I excuse you because I think you do not have a command of the English and the sentence was structured in odd way.
dont hold your breath my friend. i think we should recieve an answer at about the same time the sunday laws come into effect banning the sabbath by antichrist. in a nut shell. NEVER…😛 peace 🙂
I responded to you in posts #916 and #918.
I responded to you in posts #916 and #918.
yes but these are teachings of sabbatarians. not Seventh Day Adventist. which one of these propogates the scapegoat doctrine, or the cleansing of the sanctuary doctrine as taught in SDA? i am looking for one person that taught unique SDA doctrine prior to the 19th century. there have been sabbatarian off shoots granted. but no one has ever taught SDA doctrines before the 1800s. also one author of the SDA Churches take on daniel and revelation. pre 1800? Peace 🙂
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