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Answers to prayers would probably go along way toward convincing a lot of people, even some answers to requests.
Here you are assuming that every one of God’s answeres is “yes”. God does answer every prayer, but many times that answer is “no”.


*For instance, if I tell you to worship a purple dragon in another dimension that only I have seen, you would be quite skeptical. If I were to demand that you prove it does not exist you would find that absurd and demand that I prove it does exist. *

The analogy doesn’t work. Theoretically, the purple dragon could be proved not to exist by searching every part of the universe and finding it does not exist.

But you could search every part of the universe and never prove that God does not exist for the simple reason that God is by definition the Creator, not the Created.

The skeptic who is steeped in the scientific method assumes that if there is a God, such a being must be visibly floating on a cloud or a petri dish or somewhere else in the world of atoms and molecules. But that is not where God is to be found. God is to be found in the human heart, which may be the last place your average atheist wants to look for him.

Pax te cum.

What Monarchy said is the standard response to that problem: the person making the positive claim has the burden of proof.

In the ordinary course of affairs, such as in a criminal trial, this would be true. But in the extraordinary matter of God, I think it is in the interest of the atheist to be positively certain there is no God. He cannot be certain merely by saying that he doesn’t see God. That was the mistake of the ancient enemies of Democritus who said that atoms could not exist if you can’t see them.

In the future, after sufficient effort, we found atoms everywhere.

How do you know in the future you will not find God after you have made the sufficient effort needed to find Him?
How do you know in the future you will not find God after you have made the sufficient effort needed to find Him?
Interesting topic.

Between humans and God, God is the omniscient, omnibenevolent, omnipotent one. Why doesn’t He make the effort? Why not have everyone ‘sense’ His presence in whatever way is the best for that person? Heck, He can do that, can’t He?
Between humans and God, God is the omniscient, omnibenevolent, omnipotent one. Why doesn’t He make the effort? Why not have everyone ‘sense’ His presence in whatever way is the best for that person? Heck, He can do that, can’t He?
Yes, he could have done that. In fact, angels, who are in the presence of God, also have free will similar to humans. Despite being in the presence of God in heaven, some of them rejected God - thus their fall from heaven. However, we are not angels in the direct presence of God. Even though we are not in his direct presence, I believe that he does make effort to reach to us. Do you know a person that has never, not once contemplated the infinite or the “meaning” of life, or felt that there is something more to life? Being intellingent and aware creatures of God, we long to be with Him even if we do not know Him or believe in Him. To me, that is proof that God exists.

Do you know a person that has never, not once contemplated the infinite or the “meaning” of life, or felt that there is something more to life?

Lots of things can be contemplated. That doesn’t necessarily make them so.

Dominus tecum. 🙂
I think you meant the’fight or flight’ mechanism that exist in animals, but apparently Man seemed able to go beyond that mechanism. The countless saints matyred for the faith should have renounced their faith in the light of certain harm. Yet this mechanism seems to evaporate as they die the most horrible of deaths.
I don’t think I implied that the fear of death could not be overcome. It certainly can be for secular reasons as well as religious ones.
I must also ask why some human beings seemed to choose vocations that inflict unnecessary suffering upon themselves when instinctively such suffering is not wanted. Mother Teresa was a famous example of our decade.
Hmmm… Mother Teresa always seemed like a happy person to me. Perhaps I just don’t know enough about her. Was her cheerful demeanor just a facade?
Finally, if the ‘apathy’ gene does not seem to found in humans, does that not imply that a Creator willed that such gene to be non-existent in the beginning?
Let me get this straight - you’re saying the non-existence of something implies the existence of a creator who didn’t create it?
I have never heard of an ‘apathy’ gene in the years as a biology student in school,
Don’t bother to look it up. I coined it myself and it’s pure speculation in response to a previous post.
perhaps you would care to explain the tremendous faith in random gene formation, than a faith in a maker of genes?
By the principle of occam’s razor I’d rather not resort to bringing supernatural entities into the explanation as long as there’s a possibility of a purely natural explanation for human origins. Besides, if we bring a “maker of genes” into the explanation then we would need to explain the origins of this maker. And I suspect that would be even more difficult than explaining human origins without a supernatural creator.
Chris W:
Interesting question. Yes I do have proof. The problem is the evidence is typically ignored. For example, miracles: There are many that have been well documented, even by secular physicians/doctors, who state the event was so far outside of scientific explanation that they can be explained no other way other than a miracle. How can they be explained?
Care to list a few? Have they been independantly verified by a non-biased source? How do they prove God exists?
Another proof is the life of Jesus. You don’t need to believe in the inspiration of the Bible, or even what it teaches, to acknowlege that it is at the very least an authentic historical document. The Bible describes literally hundreds of prophesies about a coming Messiah. These prophesies were written hundreds of years before Jesus walked the earth. How do you explain the fact that all of the Old Testament prophesies came true in one man, Jesus? These prophesies included miracles, and many of the prophesies depended on the actions of others (His enemies) to come true. How can this be explained?
Please prove that jesus did miracles. The best you have with the bible is hearsay. The writers of the NT could easily craft their ‘messiah’ to fit the prophesies of the OT.
These are but two examples. The point is that evidence does exist for a belief in God, but the evidence is thrown out by the athiests I know. It is simply ignored. They merely to refuse to give an answer.
Bring it on!! I’ll will be happy to answer anything you offer!
Instead, athiests look only to science and ask for proof. But science by definition deals with observable measurable phenomena. And by definition, God is invisible and immeasurable. The existence of God is therefore not a scientific question

Science is the study of the natural world, it cannot say anything about supernatural things.
What we do know is that science cannot disprove God either.
Exactly. You cannot physicaly prove the non-existance of ANYTHING You cannot disprove the exisatnce of Allah, Zeus, Oden, Ra, Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, Unicorns, Leprachauns, etc…

Do you believe in the above as well? They have as much evidence for their existance as God does.
There are evidences supporting the existance of God but that evidence is ignored.
Please list it and I will happily answer.
If therefore atheists draw conclusions based on proof, but can accept only certain kinds of proof (science), then atheists really should call themselves agnostics, because the only acceptable proofs cannot answer the question.
Please list what other type of proof is available.

What Monarchy said is the standard response to that problem: the person making the positive claim has the burden of proof.

In the ordinary course of affairs, such as in a criminal trial, this would be true. But in the extraordinary matter of God, I think it is in the interest of the atheist to be positively certain there is no God. He cannot be certain merely by saying that he doesn’t see God. That was the mistake of the ancient enemies of Democritus who said that atoms could not exist if you can’t see them.
could not exist I am not saying god Could not or does not exist. You cannot physicaly prove the non-existance of something. I am saying that you should prove that he does, as you are making the positive claim.
In the future, after sufficient effort, we found atoms everywhere

See Above

You say whether Hitler was an atheist has not been answered definitively. Why not? If he was not a Christian, what religion was he? Ancient pagan? Which gods did he worship? Zeus? Apollo? Athena? Where’s your proof?
Why does it matter?
You cannot disprove the exisatnce of Allah, Zeus, Oden, Ra, Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, Unicorns, Leprachauns, etc…

Do you believe in the above as well? They have as much evidence for their existance as God does.
Mind if I intrude?

While I have never found a ‘metaphysical’ proof of God’s existence that I find to be personally compelling, there is a bit of a difference between believing in (1) characters from folklore (Santa Claus, Easter Bunny); (2) polytheistic Gods (Zeus, Oden); and (3) a monotheistic God (Allah … actually Catholics consider Allah to be the same God as that of Judaism and Christianity).

Do you see absolutely no difference between any of these 3 categories?
Chris W:
On second thought, I would argue that there is even scientific proof: The Law of Biogenesis, which states that life cannot come from non living, (although widely ignored by evolutionists), still stands officially unchallenged. Current scientific law therefore seems to refute the only alternative to creation (evolution).
That proved that fully formed insects don’t come from rotting meat (living matter fromonce living matter) and doesn’t say anthing about living matter coming from non-living matter.

One thing that bothers me though is that theists always are happy to use science if it helps their case, when it does not they drop it like a ton of bricks.

Case in point:

Theist: Something cannot come from nothing!

**Me:**Who created God, since something can not come from nothing?

TheistGod does not need a creator!
Mind if I intrude?

While I have never found a ‘metaphysical’ proof of God’s existence that I find to be personally compelling, there is a bit of a difference between believing in (1) characters from folklore (Santa Claus, Easter Bunny); (2) polytheistic Gods (Zeus, Oden); and (3) a monotheistic God (Allah … actually Catholics consider Allah to be the same God as that of Judaism and Christianity).
The point was made that you cannot disprove god, and infered that because of that, I should believe in him. I am simply asking why the poster does not believe in them as well, as they can not be disproven either. In other words hold the same standard to all claims.
Do you see absolutely no difference between any of these 3 categories?
In light of the argument used by the poster, No
The point was made that you cannot disprove god, and infered that because of that, I should believe in him. I am simply asking why the poster does not believe in them as well, as they can not be disproven either. In other words hold the same standard to all claims.

In light of the argument used by the poster, No
Heck, I would probably use similar arguments with the poster you were answering as you did. 🙂

In a more general sense, would I be correct in assuming that you see some differences between the categories?
Heck, I would probably use similar arguments with the poster you were answering as you did. 🙂

In a more general sense, would I be correct in assuming that you see some differences between the categories?
I am not sure what you mean. Could you refine you’r question a little more?

*Do I detect Pascal’s Wager?

Yes, you do. I have always liked Pascal because he does not presume to be able to prove to any atheist the existence of God. He knew the atheist’s logic better than the atheist. So rather than appeal to the atheist’s brain, which always demands that God be seen in some physical way, or else He doesn’t exist, like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny cannot exist, he dared the atheist to rise to the challenge of protecting his own self interests by believing in God because there is nothing to lose and everything to gain. Sort of a spin on the saying of Jesus: “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?”

By your very setence he said that they could not exist I am not saying god Could not or does not exist. You cannot physicaly prove the non-existance of something. I am saying that you should prove that he does, as you are making the positive claim.

And I am saying the proof cannot be put forward that would convince an atheist. None of the logical arguments for God are compelling arguments. If they were, there would hardly be any atheists in the world. Even the sight of a miracle would not persuade an atheist, because the atheist will always say that there is some natural explanation yet to be found for the miracle.

The bottom line is that you cannot prove anything to an atheist because the atheist does not want to believe. The atheist is running from God. If he is this forum, he is here for one very practical and human reason: he has only stopped here to look back and see if God is still chasing him.

Read Francis Thompson’s poem The Hound of Heaven.

Or consider the following from the poet Coleridge:

Forth from his dark and lonely hiding place,
(Portentous sight!) the owlet Atheism,
Sailing on wings athwart the noon,
Drops his blue-fringed lids, and holds them close,
And hooting at the glorious sun in heaven,
Cries out, “Where is it?”

Samuel Taylor Coleridge, “Fears in Solitude"*

Do I detect Pascal’s Wager?

Yes, you do. I have always liked Pascal because he does not presume to be able to prove to any atheist the existence of God. He knew the atheist’s logic better than the atheist. So rather than appeal to the atheist’s brain, which always demands that God be seen in some physical way, or else He doesn’t exist, like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny cannot exist, he dared the atheist to rise to the challenge of protecting his own self interests by believing in God because there is nothing to lose and everything to gain. Sort of a spin on the saying of Jesus: “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?”

The only problem is which god do I believe in? Allah, Zeus, Cthullu, Ra, etc… Pascal assumed that Christianity was correct. What if the norse were correct? You can’t prove they are not.

Yet an ever ‘loving’ god will punish me will eternal torment for making the wrong decision. I think George Carlin put it best:

*"In the BS Department, a businessman can’t hold a candle to a clergyman. 'Cause I gotta tell you the truth, folks. When it comes to BS, big-time, major league BS, you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims: religion. No contest. No contest. Religion. Religion easily has the greatest BS story ever told.

*Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there’s an invisible manliving in the sky – who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!

But He loves you.

He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He’s all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can’t handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good BS story…"
George Carlin Politically Incorrect, May 29, 1997
I am not sure what you mean. Could you refine you’r question a little more?
OK, Let’s try this one …

Do you think that belief in (1) characters from folklore, (2) polytheism, and (3) monotheism can all be explained in the same way?

You made an interesting observation in your last post on atheists at this board. Why on earth would an atheist lurk and post on a Catholic/Christian board?

It reminded me of something I heard Fr. Benedict Groeschel mention once (paraphrasing) - you have a chance with atheists because they are actively searching. They are looking for meaning. Hardened agnostics are nearly impossible to crack because they have stopped looking.

It is also important to remember, as the Gospel of St. John points out, God is Spirit. Physical proofs breakdown when trying to prove that spirit exists.

I also look to the men and women of deep prayer, humility, and complete selflessness over the ages. They had personal relationships with God. God did not have to be proven to them - they knew Him intimately and worshiped Him and not themselves. We can all learn from their example. Ex-Christians who are now atheists have given up too soon. Pray, pray and then pray some more.

In a similar vain, there was a story in my local paper of a brilliant women who has a masters degree in mathematics and has made millions. She described herself as basically a very logical perosn and an agnostic. She picked up a copy of the autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila and read it on board a long flight. She recounted that she had a personal experience of God on that trip from applying what she had read. Shortly thereafter she bacame a Carmellite nun and now spends her days in contemplative prayer. It is not an easier life, but she has never been happier.

“Our souls are restless until they rest in God.” St. Augustine.

You made an interesting observation in your last post on atheists at this board. Why on earth would an atheist lurk and post on a Catholic/Christian board?
When I was an atheist, I used to post on a Catholic board because the Catholics made me think. Sure, you can argue against the existence of God with atheists and agnostics, but they will just tell you you’re right all the time … the Catholics made me question my assumptions.

It wasn’t those arguments that converted me, but they did open up the possibility in my mind that it might not be irrational to believe in God …
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