You mean the unmoved mover is drawn to itself? But wouldn’t that make it a moved mover?
Not if it is moved within and not without. The principle of its movement is inside… itself.You mean the unmoved mover is drawn to itself? But wouldn’t that make it a moved mover?
No Fred, that is incorrect. Thomas is discussing the attributes of God, as Godhead simply. Follow the link to Book 1 and you will see.Not if it is moved within and not without. The principle of its movement is inside… itself.
As a comment, what St. Thomas is describing is what the Trinity is, especially between the Father and the Son, the knowing and the thought known…the desirable, who is the thought.
May God bless and keep you. May God’s face shine on you. May God be kind to you and give you peace.
Thank you, Hammiesink.Thanks Dr Bonnette.
It is indeed that sentence that I’m finding difficult. I’m still confused about what he means by “first self-mover.” He says that all movable beings are reduced to one self-moving being, as he “argued above.” But he didn’t argue that at all. He argued that all movable beings are reducible to one UNmoving being, in chapter 13. He never mentioned a SELF-moving being until just now, in chapter 44.
Secondly, are you sure that he is arguing from the principle of proportionate causality here? He argues God’s intelligence in that way in part 44.6. I would be surprsied if he offered the same argument twice.
I also have the user on Reddit, whom I believe to be a professional in the field, telling me that the first appetible is intelligent because it is an idea, and ideas can only exist in a mind, per Scholastic realism contra Platonic realism.
So I still feel confused about some things. It don’t understand it in act, yet, as it were.
I agree. I tried working through that argument and could not quite understand it.Frankly, the text of St. Thomas you cite is so difficult that I would prefer a much simpler and more evident argument to God’s intelligence.
But this argument does not quite work either. Certain creatures are blue, so God, as First Cause, must possess blueness.For example, since nothing can give what it does not possess, God, as First Cause, must possess intelligence since certain of His creatures do. Because of the divine simplicity, what God possesses is identified with His very essence. Hence, God is intelligent by His very essence.
Good points, Polytropos. That is what I get for trying to make the argument too succinct. It still works when you unpack the triplex via and recognize the analogical character of intellect as an essential attribute of intellectual creatures in the manner in which you express it.I agree. I tried working through that argument and could not quite understand it.
But this argument does not quite work either. Certain creatures are blue, so God, as First Cause, must possess blueness.
This result isn’t a problem because God only must possess blueness eminently or virtually. But it is a problem for the proposed argument because it means that God might possess intelligence only eminently or virtually.
Instead we can say that God must possess the forms of created substances eminently or virtually, and that is the essence of intelligence (albeit God is, analogically, Intellect Itself). To “be all things” is what our own intellects can do. God possesses all things in a way consonant with divine simplicity.
I want to thank you for your kind and thoughtful response, I’m still trying to digest it. I was aware that the argument began with A’s celestial mechanics and that that has to be bypassed somehow for the argument to have any hope of success. Another major problem is that Thomas did not appeal directly to efficient causality. And I am wondering if your inclusion of it as something understood as a necessary condition, though unstated, of final causality, is valid? For, unless we can say that God is the efficient cause of the " intellect in act, " I don’t see how the argument can work, it would certainly be unconvincing.To Linusthe2nd:
One further clarification:
The first appetible must be intelligent, because “the one desiring it (God) is intelligent in act by being joined to it as an intelligible.” Since in the act of knowing the knower becomes the thing known, rendering the self-moving first mover(s) “intelligent in act” means making them to be one with the object known, that is, God. This is the same reality as rendering God intelligible as an object of desire.
The mode of causality here may seem to be in the order of efficient causality, not finality, when we talk about “rendering,” but we must recall that Aristotle’s argument to a first mover unmoved is in the order of finality. Hence, it is legitimate to say that God, the Ultimate Final Cause, moves the self-moving mover(s) to be “intelligent in act” in the same act in which He renders Himself “intelligible” to them.
Even in the order of finality, the principle that nothing can give that which it does not possess (Nihil dat quod non habet.) applies in this case – since it is a principle of universal being which transcends all the modes of causality, including finality. Hence, in rendering the creature “intelligent in act,” God does so in virtue of His own intelligence – and does so in the order of finality.
Sometimes we have to be careful not to let the terminology overwhelm our understanding of what is actually going on in terms of being. The real problem here is that the form of fire is not actually present in the chemicals in the lighter – only potentially. What we are really talking about is the properties of being manifest when rapid oxidation takes place. I have written an article that touches this problem, but it was published back about 1982 and is not available on the internet. Fundamentally, it entails what becomes a variation on the Prima Via of St. Thomas. We say that the chemical elements are potential to the exothermic properties of their reaction, but that simply means that the properties of fire could exist, but do not yet.Thanks again Dr Bonette. That is extremely helpful.
On the current line of discussion, the principle of proportionate causality, I have a question. Fire could be in the chemical composition of a cigarette lighter, and thus in the cause virtually or preeminently. But it is not in the cause as an abstract. The cigarette lighter does not have the abstract form of fire in it. That is the objection someone raised to me once. How would you answer?
You make excellent points here. I confess that my own work on the Quinque Viae was focused heavily on the Prima Via and Secunda Via.I want to thank you for your kind and thoughtful response, I’m still trying to digest it. I was aware that the argument began with A’s celestial mechanics and that that has to be bypassed somehow for the argument to have any hope of success. Another major problem is that Thomas did not appeal directly to efficient causality. And I am wondering if your inclusion of it as something understood as a necessary condition, though unstated, of final causality, is valid? For, unless we can say that God is the efficient cause of the " intellect in act, " I don’t see how the argument can work, it would certainly be unconvincing.
If the argument is to depend solely on Thomas’ conviction that the intellect desires its ultimate good, whether or not it is aware of it, that is a lot to swallow. And that this entails that what the intellect desires must be an intelligent being needs to be explained more fully.
I wonder if you would consider doing a more in depth treatment of this obscure and criptic argument for your blog? Or perhaps you know of a fellow philosopher who might do this? It occurs to me that this might be a good topic for a PhD thesis or even a book.
Anyway, don’t be a stranger here, we need some professionals to contribute. And I will check out your blog.
H.P.R. is a great magazine. I subscribed for a long time.
This is one of the things I can’t see: " , “All the more, therefore, will the first appetible be intelligent, since the one desiring it is intelligent in act by being joined to it as an intelligible,” which explicitly says “efficient causality at work.” Granted that God is an Intelligible, just how is He joined to the " intellect in act, " the one who desires Him.? And how does this imply efficient causality?You make excellent points here. I confess that my own work on the Quinque Viae was focused heavily on the Prima Via and Secunda Via.
But we should bear in mind that efficient and final causality work together. It would be quite impossible to have beings that existed and operated on final causality alone! Thus, in the Fifth Way, arguing from governance, St. Thomas views God as the efficient cause of order among all inferior things which are ordered to an end by some exterior cause. Hence, Gilson suggests that the intent of the Quinta Via places it in the same category as the other four ways in respect to the principle that it is not possible to proceed to infinity among intermediate causes.
Just as an efficient cause cannot function without finality to orient it toward its end, neither can finality be exercised without efficiency to move it at all. Thus the archer is the efficient cause of the ordering of the arrow to its end, the target.
Indeed, it is this co-action of efficiency and finality that makes most readers of the Prima Via read it in terms of movers which are efficient causes of coming-to-be, whereas Aristotle himself understood that same argument in terms of final causes of coming-to-be.
I concede, therefore, that there is no word in the sentence, “All the more, therefore, will the first appetible be intelligent, since the one desiring it is intelligent in act by being joined to it as an intelligible,” which explicitly says “efficient causality at work.” Still, the existential condition of the self-moving mover is such that it de facto must receive its orientation to an end, its condition as “intelligent in act,” from God who makes it to be and to be oriented toward Him as end. That is why intelligence must pre-exist in God.
I confess that not all Thomists will read this text the way I do, since we apply various Thomistic insights and principles as we understand them in order to interpret St. Thomas’ meaning in his writings. Infallibility belongs to the Holy Father, not Thomists who are trying to understand everything St. Thomas wrote, especially as found in its historical context. Were that not the case, we would not have Thomistic scholars debating various philosophical issues in all our professional journals. That does not mean that we do not concur on the basic principles and major conclusions which mark the eternal truths of the work of the Angelic Doctor. Moreover, recall that there are also the Twenty Four theses which the Church delineates as common to all those who claim to be Thomistic scholars.
Off topic, but it is done by God’s eternal act of creation. Even in an eternal world you cannot escape God’s creative act. See my thread, Eternal Creation Ex Nihilo vs Modern Cosmology, page 3 of this forum.I have some questions here:
- how do we know souls haven’t existed from all eternity? That would undercut a need for an intelligent creator
- how do we know that there isn’t a first impersonal unmoved mover who has all the elements of intelligence, but not unified together into actual intelligence. He could thus give us unified thought without thinking
- Thomas Aquinas says in the Summa Theologica that we can’t know from reason that the world isn’t eternal, and yet in his Contra Summa Gentiles he says that there can’t be infinite intermediate movers. How do we reconcile this.